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Old 03-19-2020, 10:49 AM
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Got a recent message from a buddy. He said nothing is stopping us from going fishing this year. Social distancing shouldn't be a problem out on the water.

He's offered to drive for the season as he has modified his truck in order to keep us safe.

He sent me this pic and told me guess which one's gonna be me.

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Old 03-19-2020, 10:51 AM
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Originally Posted by EZM View Post
As most of you guys know, I spend 30-40% of my time in the US, with som eof my businesses locations in the LA, San Fran, Seattle Areas …… so this last trip, guess what, got a cold …..

........... and into quarantine I go.

Came back Friday night, my wife had set me up in the Master, so I have a couch, bathroom, TV, and everything anyone would need …..

My wife called Health link and they wanted me to go get the test. I got a one hour time slot for a location that is confidential - I guess they don't want people swarming it - but was surprised to see about 100 or more people there all awaiting the test.

Generally they took precautions like sanitizing on the way in, masking us, ensuring no one was too close to each other as we waited to get swabbed, but still pretty annoying to think we could not have done a drive through thing to eliminate the cross contamination possibility - but whatever.

The swab up the nose is no treat - I'm pretty sure she swabbed my brain.

My symptoms were mild running nose, sneezing, a bit of cold and slightly sore throat. Have a little tickle cough now but coming out of it. No fever, nothing serious at all - I'd rank this as "mild" so I'm pretty certain it's just a cold.

Nevertheless, I'm in isolation (and quarantine as the door to the bedroom only opens when my guards (lol) bring me food or supplies) …..

Should have official results in a day or two.

I am, however, not terribly concerned for myself, as I'm not quite 50, have no health issues and would classify what I'm going through as quite mild.

Haven't worn a shirt with buttons or real pants in days …….. this has some benefits ….

Toughest part is isolation.
Thanks for the good information. Friend of mine just did the same thing you did. It was 4 days for a result but negative. Bad cold.
The secret of getting ahead is getting started.Mark Twain
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Old 03-19-2020, 10:53 AM
Zip Zip is offline
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who will stop the rain..Creedence Clearwater revival.. and every song the wrote and sang.. love this band.. still!
"Never be ashamed of scars it just simply means that you were stronger than what tried to hurt you"

"Good judgement comes from experience, and experience...well,That comes from poor Judgement"
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Old 03-19-2020, 10:56 AM
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Well across the border I figure things are about the same as up north. Was in town yesterday’s trying to get my truck from the shop after some warranty work as well as pick up a rifle I ordered 10 days ago. With everything closing I figured I should get it ASAP in case this escalated again. The stores didn’t seem much quieter than normal. Walmart shelves were empty for most food related items. Every time I turned a corner I had to laugh at how panic has set in and people are buying things they normally wouldn’t.(pretty sad really) what I found most ironic is that everywhere was pretty much out of hand sanitizer bleach disinfectants and toilet paper, but everywhere had plenty of hand soap dish soap and body soap.... At the store where I got my rifle they said they sold 60 guns on Sunday and were out of all 223/556 and 9mm. Multiple people were in there asking about self defense firearms and a couple hunting. The wait for the ATF form was over 4 hours but since I have a concealed permit I fill the form out and get to take my purchase immediately. (Definitely one of the biggest benefits of having a ccw. Go through the check early so you can walk out quicker)

With all the bars restaurants theaters gyms schools and whatever else is closed I’m wondering what’s going to happen in 2 weeks when those initial bans are lifted. I still have to go to work but not many are out recreating so I end up aiding the local PD and Sheriffs mainly. Wife is on Furlough from the federal government so she gets to stay at home. While I do think this COVID19 is dangerous and something to be taken seriously, I won’t let it run my life and make me panic. Other than that we have plenty of the necessities and are out of town so that makes life easier. Our town is also in the off season with Yellowstone being closed for the changeover from winter to summer travel which has even fewer people around. I do wonder what this summer will be like with the number of Asian tourists we historically get and travel bans this could be a very slow year for business in town but a great year to see the park without the extra tourist traffic.
I feel I was denied, critical, need to know Information!

Last edited by fordtruckin; 03-19-2020 at 11:03 AM.
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Old 03-19-2020, 11:14 AM
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Keep the kids occupied in the morning helping to make a themed breakfast.
The Hungarians like to eat Tejbegriz pronounce loosely like -Tay-ba-grease
They use semolina -Griz- Grease

But we just use 3 min -Cream of wheat.

4 cups milk brought to a simmer with
1/2 tsp salt
When close to a slow boil slowly incorporate in 3/4 cup Cream of wheat and cook-stirring gently with a whisk for 3 minutes or until thickened and gently bubbling on the surface. Will still be quite pourable if you work quickly.

Quickly divide between 4 large 10" shallow dinner plates and allow to spread.
Dust heavily with Nestle's Quik powder. Can also substitute Cinnamon sugar if you like.

Now the fun part designed to slow it all down and have fun.

Give each kid a plate with a small spoon and starting from the outside work slowly in concentric circles loading the spoon. When loaded slurp it off and keep going until you reach the centre.

Some small reward or prize for reaching the centre last.

Last time I made it with our grandson he ate 3 plates and was at the table for 45 minutes.
Adults love it too.

Slow it down while you have time on your hands.
Use water if milk is not available

Edit-Omega out-Here we go down the rabbit hole again
You're only as good as your last haircut

Last edited by omega50; 03-19-2020 at 11:23 AM.
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Old 03-19-2020, 11:24 AM
Bigwoodsman Bigwoodsman is online now
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Not much has changed in my world. Being in trucking industry, we are an essential service, and have been hauling medical supplies and necessities of life through out the province. My phone rings daily with AHS on the line trying to get the logistics figured out. My significant other works in a LTC facility taking care of the elderly and dying (Hospice). Her work never slows down.

I wash my hands regularly, happened to find a bottle of Hand Sanitizer and have it in my office and use it a few times a day. I've created our COVID 19 workplace policy and update it if necessary. So far no one has exhibited any symptoms of COVID.

Taking it day by day and count each COVID free day as a blessing.

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Old 03-19-2020, 11:35 AM
JD848 JD848 is offline
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I just realized this that I haven't had a telemarketer call or from some idiot saying there from the revenue Canada or a free cruse . I guess the free cruise one isn't going to fly to well so they have stopped .

Maybe just me, but my house phone is dead silent.

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Old 03-19-2020, 11:38 AM
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Originally Posted by Zip View Post
We were just talking about the doors with our friends a few days ago.. awesome band.. love it!
I was going to suggest another Doors' song, but I figured with the "no doom" rule, I would get in trouble

In the immortal words of Jean Paul Sartre, 'Au revoir, gopher'.

Originally Posted by sjemac View Post
It has been scientifically proven that a 308 round will not leave your property -- they essentially fall dead at the fence line. But a 38 round, when fired from a handgun, will of its own accord leave your property and destroy any small schools nearby.
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Old 03-19-2020, 11:39 AM
bobtodrick bobtodrick is offline
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Originally Posted by fordtruckin View Post
Well across the border I figure things are about the same as up north. Was in town yesterday’s trying to get my truck from the shop after some warranty work as well as pick up a rifle I ordered 10 days ago. With everything closing I figured I should get it ASAP in case this escalated again. The stores didn’t seem much quieter than normal. Walmart shelves were empty for most food related items. Every time I turned a corner I had to laugh at how panic has set in and people are buying things they normally wouldn’t.(pretty sad really) what I found most ironic is that everywhere was pretty much out of hand sanitizer bleach disinfectants and toilet paper, but everywhere had plenty of hand soap dish soap and body soap.... At the store where I got my rifle they said they sold 60 guns on Sunday and were out of all 223/556 and 9mm. Multiple people were in there asking about self defense firearms and a couple hunting. The wait for the ATF form was over 4 hours but since I have a concealed permit I fill the form out and get to take my purchase immediately. (Definitely one of the biggest benefits of having a ccw. Go through the check early so you can walk out quicker)
Glad I'm an odd duck
Went to my favorite gunshop to get some ammo for an upcoming range day.
They told me there was run on some calibers...I'm a huge .222REM fan...they said they had as much as they ever had and I was the first they sold in couple weeks.
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Old 03-19-2020, 11:41 AM
bobtodrick bobtodrick is offline
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I deal with Edmonton Police Service...home B&E's are down because they know everyone is at home now.
That's a plus.
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Old 03-19-2020, 11:47 AM
SteyrSSG SteyrSSG is offline
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Default Isolated

As I had posted in the last thread, I returned from CONEXPO (Las Vegas) last Friday morning. I have been hunkered down with "niner domestic" (my lovely wife) ever since. I am very fortunate that both of us have the ability to work from home (although neither of us have ever had to really before) so at least I can keep working until the end of this week. I am sure my guys and I will have to be laid off by then as no income is being generated within our company. Neither of us have any symptoms as of yet but we figured we should follow the AHS recommendations.
It was interesting we were discussing the effects of the isolation and shortages ongoing the other evening. I told my wife that sitting here on a couch, watching TV with running water, heat and electricity is like being on a wonderful "stay-cation". We take an awful lot for granted in a first world country, I much prefer this isolation to living in a country with limited water, electricity, staring at my buddies day in and day out and waiting for a weekly supply drop off. I realize this is not the best environment for many of us but I do think we can certainly get though this.
Ok, its time to bundle up and sit on the deck for some sunshine.
There is a verse in our National Anthem, "We stand on guard for thee." Some of us here have and some still do... Have you?
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Old 03-19-2020, 11:49 AM
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Originally Posted by MK2750 View Post
This is not a true threat, the guy is no doubt paranoid enough already.

Some virus suspend in air clinging to moisture under ideal circumstances. You can witness this moisture on a very cold day. There is very little chance one of these particles would even make it to the return air grill in her room. If it did by some miracle there is absolutely no chance this moisture would make it down the lined joist, climb up into the crossover, navigate the main, sneak past the filter, survive the screaming hot trip past the heat exchanger, travel 10 to 30 feet of more ducting, slither past the take off, survive the run, get past the boot and heat grill and then go flying around the house. All with out touching any surface where it would get hung up.

It is more likely his house be attacked by wolves and he contracts rabies.

If he catches it from his wife it will be from direct contact from her or something she touched or coughed on and it sounds like he is taking every precaution necessary.

Her symptoms sound like the same nasty cold that everyone I know had this winter, including the sore throat, cough and head aches.

I hope all turns out well for you sns2
Well thanks for setting the record strait, will wipe down everything now.
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Old 03-19-2020, 11:52 AM
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wife's working from home...I don't work.....going fishing again....ohhh the hardships I face

I did run over my deadstick yesterday moving the truck to block the wind....

dumbazz was what she called me

Be careful when you follow the masses, sometimes the "M" is silent...
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Old 03-19-2020, 11:54 AM
tbiddy tbiddy is offline
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Originally Posted by JD848 View Post
I just realized this that I haven't had a telemarketer call or from some idiot saying there from the revenue Canada or a free cruse . I guess the free cruise one isn't going to fly to well so they have stopped .

Maybe just me, but my house phone is dead silent.

It’s the opposite for me. 5-6 calls a day from Belize starting at 5am. Hearing lots of people are getting the same thing. Belize and Ethiopia are the two big ones.
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Old 03-19-2020, 11:58 AM
Fitscottn Fitscottn is offline
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Not sure about anyone else, but been doing a lot of reading on how to make things like sourdough starter, pickles and pasta..

Already dabble in woodworking, reloading, leather so I think there are some skills that add benefit.

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Old 03-19-2020, 12:04 PM
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Originally Posted by bobtodrick View Post
I deal with Edmonton Police Service...home B&E's are down because they know everyone is at home now.
That's a plus.
I had thought of this very thing. Then I wondered if they'd start to do it anyways as their desperation increases. I have a call shortly at a friends house who's a detective, I'm curious to hear how things are on the police's end of things. Them I'm really concerned about in terms of whether they have to subdue people who may be infected. Does it means they'll just get more liberal with deploying the taser for those who are combative? Once this hits the homeless shelters its gonna be real bad. The eco-warriors who only take transit and look down on private vehicles are going to be re-thinking their perspectives immediately.
"The trouble with people idiot-proofing things, is the resulting evolution of the idiot." Me
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Old 03-19-2020, 12:07 PM
IronNoggin IronNoggin is offline
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I was already on Shut Down due to the massive blood clot in the main vein draining the left hemisphere of my brain.
Yesterday got the notice: Isolate - You Are At High Risk.
Told to expect to be off work for a "minimum of four to six months".
Double Damn.

A few supplies on Friday to top us up (including a shipment of ammo thanks).

Meeting with the Bank in early April to discuss mortgage deferral.

Hunkering down...

On other fronts, it appears the first real time Clinical Trial for Covid 19 Prevention is underway.

Stay Safe Folks...


Last edited by sns2; 03-19-2020 at 12:18 PM.
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Old 03-19-2020, 12:08 PM
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Default New frame of mind needed...stop...listen...react accordingly

Simple things are for now not simple. If wife wants to go for a walk...no problem. Just stay 2 m back should someone stop to chat.

If a friend wants to walk...well...need to be 2 meters apart and may be hard to remember. Walking is prohibited now in SAN Fran due to the virus containment requirements.

Kids were going over to a friends...nope...cancelled.

Today a buddy wanted to go ice fishing. Sundance is shut so driving elsewhere is the option. Nope...can’t go in the same vehicle.

I feel this needs to work and watering down the effort won’t help this at all. It is a responsibility and neighbourly behaviour to adhere to the social distancing rules. I will be part of the solution and not the problem.
It is not the most intellectual of the species that survives; it is not the strongest that survives; but the species that survives is the one that is able best to adapt and adjust to the changing environment in which it finds itself. Charles Darwin
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Old 03-19-2020, 12:13 PM
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If in self isolation......enjoy the silence....Depeche Mode
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Old 03-19-2020, 12:17 PM
muirsy muirsy is offline
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Thanks to everyone sharing stories so far, they've been good reads & I wish nothing but the best to anyone on true lockdown feeling unwell.

Nothing very exciting for us. We're both at home unable to service clients face to face, so just doing what we can remotely.

With all the extra time we now have (no kids), we were considering fostering a dog again. AARCS is pretty flooded with them so we're thinking why the hell not....we can't use lack of time as an excuse now, plus it'll get us out of the house more and into some fresh air.

As soon as it warms up a bit more I also want to get out and set up my new tree saddle, and shoot a few arrows from it haha.

People Are Strange - The Doors
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Old 03-19-2020, 12:19 PM
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People Are People - Depeche Mode
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Old 03-19-2020, 12:23 PM
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Gettin' down on the Mountain, Corb Lund!
Anytime I figure I've got this long range thing figured out, I just strap into the sling and irons and remind myself that I don't!
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Old 03-19-2020, 12:25 PM
javlin101 javlin101 is offline
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Well I am in day 5 of my cold (I think). Scratchy throat that's about it. However I have been using a Neti Pot 3 - 4 times a day and it keeps the sinuses clear. No cough, temp or aches &pains.

I swear by the Neti Pot though which helps if you start using it as soon as you feel a cold coming on.

I seen a post on Face Book that showed a sign from Costco stating they will not accept returns on

Sani Wipes
Few other things cannot remember now.
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Old 03-19-2020, 12:30 PM
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The rodeo song ---Garry Lee and Showdown

Picked up a prescription no sign of a pandemic in Lloyd grocery stores parking lots full lots of traffic everywhere.
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Old 03-19-2020, 12:35 PM
dukla dukla is offline
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Both my wife and I are in Emergency Services in the city. No doomsday talk, but very heightened awareness at work and home. The general public, from my first hand perspective, are scared. And they are right to be. So much of our resources are put towards trying to reassure as well as convey a practical approach to this pandemic. Co workers are continually exposed and over stressed and over utilized. The rest of my sanity is left for trying to keep level headed myself lol.
Good luck everyone.
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Old 03-19-2020, 12:35 PM
josey josey is offline
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Originally Posted by JD848 View Post
I just realized this that I haven't had a telemarketer call or from some idiot saying there from the revenue Canada or a free cruse . I guess the free cruise one isn't going to fly to well so they have stopped .

Maybe just me, but my house phone is dead silent.

Really? The amount of spam calls and even text messages the last two weeks is insane. I have never gotten many but now it's ridiculous!
There are so many people out there who will tell you that you can't. What you have got to do is turn around and say "watch me". - unknown

"If life is tough, it's time to get stronger!" - Joel Runyon (reminder to myself)
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Old 03-19-2020, 12:36 PM
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Default A few

We can work it out Beatles

Put a little love in your heart Jackie Deshannon

I can help Billy Swan
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Old 03-19-2020, 12:36 PM
josey josey is offline
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Originally Posted by Fitscottn View Post
Not sure about anyone else, but been doing a lot of reading on how to make things like sourdough starter, pickles and pasta..

Already dabble in woodworking, reloading, leather so I think there are some skills that add benefit.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
If you need help with sourdough or pasta let me know. I have done that for almost two years now.
There are so many people out there who will tell you that you can't. What you have got to do is turn around and say "watch me". - unknown

"If life is tough, it's time to get stronger!" - Joel Runyon (reminder to myself)
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Old 03-19-2020, 12:41 PM
SteyrSSG SteyrSSG is offline
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Default Home Delivery

On a little bit of a different note. If you are in isolation/quarantine/lock-down and you do not have immediate family to drop off supplies. Perhaps try spud.ca These guys may be able to assist you. I know they are only located in the larger cities and the delivery timelines are starting to get pushed, however it might work for some of you.
There is a verse in our National Anthem, "We stand on guard for thee." Some of us here have and some still do... Have you?
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Old 03-19-2020, 12:42 PM
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Originally Posted by javlin101 View Post
Well I am in day 5 of my cold (I think). Scratchy throat that's about it. However I have been using a Neti Pot 3 - 4 times a day and it keeps the sinuses clear. No cough, temp or aches &pains.

I swear by the Neti Pot though which helps if you start using it as soon as you feel a cold coming on.

I seen a post on Face Book that showed a sign from Costco stating they will not accept returns on

Sani Wipes
Few other things cannot remember now.
I was speaking with a nurse on the phone regarding an unrelated issue. She made mention that the scratchy throat and acute bronchitis (chest cold) has been going around like crazy since last fall and this of course is overwhelming the phone lines etc. as the symptoms mimic the Covid-19.
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