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Old 01-13-2014, 12:24 AM
Big Daddy Badger Big Daddy Badger is offline
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Originally Posted by bcwrencher View Post
Well, thanks for the backhanded diss. You don't know me, don't make assumptions on my character or work ethic based on me NEEDING to make more money because I have a family. Noone in their right mind, with monetary obligations is going to take way less money, and be owned by the military, have no say over their life unless A. they really, really want it and are prepared to make huge sacrifices (like bankruptcy), to have it. or B. They had no other options (my situation).

I could just as easily say right now that all the people in the military are losers who couldn't get a real job and needed THE GOVERNMENT to run their lives/pay them. If the military really wanted the best people, they would pay for them accordingly. Look at the NFL vs the CFL. Same thing, supply and demand. ****ed off now? Good.

Don't be such a cry baby.
Your over-reaction to a neutral but honest comment is further proof that you would not have fared well.
So to is your inability to follow even the simplest of directions.

That said...it wasn't a slam it was an educated and experience based observation that the military is not for everyone and that you are likely one of those people who would not have fared well.

I made an estimate based upon what you stated in your text...motivates you.
Your reasons for wanting to join, your reasons for not joining and your opinion of what the military should be doing.
Fact is if you are looking for big bucks and a warm bed every night the military is not the place for you.
Fact is if you joined with too much debt... the military might not have taken you.
Fact is service is largely a one way street that requires sacrifice and dedication to a purpose before all else including pay and you quite clearly stated that you find that objectionable.
You almost chose the military as your only choice and we want people who choose the military despite their other opportunities.

As for the poor attempt at an insult.
Try again.
My skin is obviously thicker than yours cupcake but then I did have what it takes and I did achieve within the military while you never even got out of the starter blocks.
You couldn't manage yourself before you got in or commit to something greater than a buck.
I'm not bitter about my choices... but obviously you struggle with yours.

By the way...he military does get the best that this country has to offer.
We are looking for people who do not put a price on their dedication or loyalty or their ethics.
We want soldiers not *****s and mercenaries.
Money...doesn't buy character or heart and you my friend are proof of that....so is the little twerp with the guitar.

I'm not angry or bitter and my feelings are not hurt.
I sir am a man... you might want to consider what that means before sounding off like a scalded whelp at any imagined slight.
I had a good career, I have a pension, a veterans benefit, a drug plan a dental plan that I earned.
I have a marriage that has survived for 30 years despite my absences and the hardship and many would envy that record or a woman that loyal.
I have excellent job prospects.
In fact... on this side of the fence and based upon my experience and education I should just about edge you out money wise if I choose money over lifestyle.
People come to me and offer jobs.
I will have a flag that was flown on Parliament Hill to grace my coffin and my children will have my medals to cherish when I pass.
I know what my potential is and who I am because it was tested under the worst possible conditions and I'm comfortable with that.
I have character formed through hardship and do not measure myself or other men by something as cheap as money.
I know who I am and what I'm capable of and what my limits are.

I stepped up and accept my decission while you balked and now use money as an excuse for that.

I'm a man my friend and you...are...well... just pathetic.
I feel sorry for anyone so shallow and lacking in character or the confidence needed to accept an honest appraisal without tearing up like a child.
Maybe your employer should look to the military instead of the unemployment lines if they want to get THEIR moneys worth....since that seems to be all that matters to you.
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Old 01-13-2014, 12:35 AM
Big Daddy Badger Big Daddy Badger is offline
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Originally Posted by HunterDave View Post
I did a little research into the issue of the cost of rent for a pmq in cold lake and there is definitely an issue going on there. The CF Ombudsman has investigated and has stated as much. Keep in mind that a Soldier's pay does not increase dependent on where he is posted except for a Post Living Differential Allowance (PDL) that helps to offset the cost of living in higher living cost areas. From the Ombudsman's report:

"Military housing rents in Cold Lake are roughly double that of comparable Air Force bases in Greenwood, Nova Scotia and Bagotville, Quebec."


So, without mentioning the higher cost of food, clothing, etc, the same pmq that costs $600 at one base will cost you $1200 in Cold Lake. The PLD for Cold Lake is currently a little over $300 so getting posted there as opposed to a lower cost of living location will cost you an extra $300/month for rent right off the bat. Factour in all of the other extra costs (ie travel to/fm Edmonton for medical) and I can certainly understand why people wouldn't want to get posted there. I certainly wouldn't want to get posted there as a young Soldier with a young family and take the financial hit.

Having said that, it is still my opinion that a minimum of $56K/year salary is plenty of money to live comfortably in that area. I can think of no reason other than to be making a political statement for him to go out begging. For that action I think that he should and will be dealt with very harshly.....and rightly so IMO.

Problem is that the PLD is based upon all expences not just housing.
As well...its all one limited fund.
So... a limited fund gets shared by all... it is not an allowance that grows relative to the need here or there.
Cold Lake gets more...someone else gets less...thats the way it works.

I still hold that the root problem here is that (clears his throat) man.
And that is worth repeating ...man...not men...we are talking about one individual on a base that has hundreds that are paid the same or less than himself.

They seem to be doing Ok...and lets face it...in this day and age if the junior personnel in Cold Lake were getting the shaft... they would have the support of their Commanders in doing somethng about it.

When things were hard and guys were doing the same thing in Calgary... nobody faulted them and we are a much nicer and more understanding military now...than then.
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Old 01-13-2014, 12:38 AM
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Old 01-13-2014, 01:43 AM
HunterDave HunterDave is offline
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Originally Posted by Big Daddy Badger View Post
I still hold that the root problem here is that (clears his throat) man.
And that is worth repeating ...man...not men...we are talking about one individual on a base that has hundreds that are paid the same or less than himself.
I agree. Information about this individual is starting to emerge on the internet in a couple of Military forums (residents and neighbours). It's hard to distinguish for sure what is rumor and what isn't so I won't mention any of it. I sure hope for this fella's sake that he's not exposed as a poser but that's the feeling that I'm getting. Anyway, I wonder if his morning is going to be eventful.....lol.

I wonder if he knows how to change his Facebook privacy settings. It's been upated for editing but the privacy settings haven't changed.
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Old 01-13-2014, 03:41 AM
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Originally Posted by HunterDave View Post
"Tremblay has been instructed by his commanders not to speak to media anymore.

There hasn't been a penalty handed down yet, but sources said he will likely be charged, although it is not yet known what charge he could face."

And rightly so! I agree 100% with charging him for discrediting the CAF! I believe that the charge would be, "Service Unbecoming of a Service Member" under section 129 of the Queen's Regulations and Orders (QR&O's). Ironically the charge handed down is a monetary one but may be an administrative one such as Counselling & Probation (C&P).....or a combination of both.

This guy kinda reminds me of that RCMP fella last month that wanted to make a statement by smoking pot in his uniform. It didn't work out too well for him either. Both of these guys shot themselves in the foot and it looks good on them. No sympathy here.....If you do the crime then you'd better be able to do the time!
Should this Cpl not be afforded the same Constitutional rights as any other Canadian? Including the right to express his opinions as long as the manner in which he does this does not violate the law?

Fundamental Freedoms
2. Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms:

(b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication;

If anyone is guilty of an offense I would think the Base Commander might be by instructing (or ordering?) this young lad not to speak to the Media, or if threatening this Cpl with consequenses if he does chose to speak to the media?

What offence other than misuse of military equipment (a helmet) to collect change did this young lad do? How is he discrediting the Military? Should he not be allowed to express his opinion? Or should he be mentally programmed by the CF to believe he does not have rights?

Even if he was making $200 K a year and felt it was not enough, why should he not be able to express it. He is not forcing people to give him money, and he is not breaking any law in receiveing monies unless there is a by-law in that city the prevents him from doing so. Afterall, it does appear that he is providing music for payment.

Last edited by 30Cal; 01-13-2014 at 04:10 AM.
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Old 01-13-2014, 08:19 AM
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Originally Posted by HunterDave View Post
Pretty much. I had 3 when I was a Private but back then charges were much more common and Orders Parade was almost a weekly occurrence. It was also called a 119. Hands in the pockets - 119, Fight in the mess - 119, spit on the sidewalk - 119......lol! And you can't redress a charge or the punishment of one. In all my years I don't recall anyone of ever being found not guilty of the charge either.
those charges where fines to fund sdn bbq s lol I know there would alot of fines when a BBq was coming up

LIFE IS TOUGH.....TOUGHER IF YOU'RE STUPID.-------------------“Women have the right to work wherever they want, as long as they have the dinner ready when you get home”
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Old 01-13-2014, 08:22 AM
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Originally Posted by 30Cal View Post
Should this Cpl not be afforded the same Constitutional rights as any other Canadian? Including the right to express his opinions as long as the manner in which he does this does not violate the la
Fundamental Freedoms
2. Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms:

(b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication;

If anyone is guilty of an offense I would think the Base Commander might be by instructing (or ordering?) this young lad not to speak to the Media, or if threatening this Cpl with consequenses if he does chose to speak to the media?

What offence other than misuse of military equipment (a helmet) to collect change did this young lad do? How is he discrediting the Military? Should he not be allowed to express his opinion? Or should he be mentally programmed by the CF to believe he does not have rights?

Even if he was making $200 K a year and felt it was not enough, why should he not be able to express it. He is not forcing people to give him money, and he is not breaking any law in receiveing monies unless there is a by-law in that city the prevents him from doing so. Afterall, it does appear that he is providing music for payment.

Canada maintains a separate system of military justice from that of its civilian justice system. The centrepiece of this system is the Code of Service Discipline, which is Part III of the National Defence Act.
The military justice system is designed to promote the operational effectiveness of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) by contributing to the maintenance of discipline, efficiency and morale, and to contribute to respect for the law and the maintenance of a just, peaceful and safe society.
Military personnel are often required to risk injury or death in the daily performance of their duties both inside and outside of Canada. Therefore, the military justice system puts a premium on the necessity for discipline and for cohesion of military units.
The operational reality of the military has specific implications that hold military members to a higher standard than what would be expected of a civilian.
The need for a separate justice system to enforce disciplinary standards in the military has a history dating back to the earliest organized military forces. The Supreme Court of Canada has recognized the continuing need for a separate and parallel system of justice to meet the unique requirements of the CAF.
The military justice system must be fair, just and operate transparently. The CAF is dedicated to ensuring that persons subject to the Code of Service Discipline are afforded their right to a fair trial as guaranteed by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
Two-tiered structure
The military justice system employs a two-tiered tribunal structure: summary trials and courts martial. Both tribunals can be held wherever the CAF is deployed.
Summary trials are designed to deal with relatively minor service offences that are important for the maintenance of military discipline and efficiency at the unit level. These trials allow a military commander to effectively and swiftly administer discipline enabling a member to return to duty as soon as possible.
Courts martial are formal military courts presided over by independent military judges. These tribunals are similar in nature to civilian criminal courts, and are designed to deal with offences that are more serious in nature.

LIFE IS TOUGH.....TOUGHER IF YOU'RE STUPID.-------------------“Women have the right to work wherever they want, as long as they have the dinner ready when you get home”
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Old 01-13-2014, 09:28 AM
HunterDave HunterDave is offline
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Originally Posted by 30Cal View Post
Should this Cpl not be afforded the same Constitutional rights as any other Canadian? Including the right to express his opinions as long as the manner in which he does this does not violate the law?
30Cal, the short answer is no, Soldiers do not have the right to publicly express their opinions about the Military or the Government (Their employers). They gave up that right when they joined the Military. They have to present themselves as politically neutral and unbiased whether on duty or off. Anything contrary to that IS unlawful iaw Military law and this fella clearly broke the law and is subject to disciplinary action. His Commanding Officer not only has the right to charge him, he has an obligation to do so. Otherwise he himself could be charged with Negligence of Duty.

Even with all of the social media these days Soldiers can even be held accountable for what they post on the internet and they must be aware of what they are posting that the general public can read. They have the right to an opinion, just not the right to voice their opinion publicly.

As explained by recce, the Military has their own set of rules called the Code of Service Conduct to follow in addition to the Criminal Code of Canada. The Code of Service Conduct includes many regulations (laws) that are not covered in the Criminal Code of Canada. Being late for work may not be a crime on civie street but in the Military it is and you can be charged for it. The same goes for such small things as chewing gun in public, walking around with a cigarette hanging out of your mouth, having your hands in your pockets......basically anything that would portray the CAF in a negative light.

What this fella did is on a much higher level than what I just mentioned. It may not seem like much to a civie but believe me, for a Military member do do it is huge. I would not want to be him this morning as I imagine that he is being put through the wringer right now.

Basically, everyone serving in the Military is held to a much higher standard than civies, and rightly so IMO.
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Old 01-13-2014, 10:24 AM
JRsMav JRsMav is offline
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Originally Posted by ali#1 View Post
Most farmers I know spend 6 months a year in Arizona in there second house.

Sorry for the derail.
I would love to know how many farmers you actually know. 6 months of the year doesn't even make the slightest bit of sense. Do these farmers not bother combining or seeding?
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Old 01-13-2014, 10:26 AM
ali#1 ali#1 is offline
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Originally Posted by JRsMav View Post
I would love to know how many farmers you actually know. 6 months of the year doesn't even make the slightest bit of sense. Do these farmers not bother combining or seeding?
Well maybe it's 5 months. Admittedly I do t know a lot of farmers the ones I know are inlaws, uncles aunts and cousins of my wife.
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Old 01-13-2014, 11:04 AM
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Originally Posted by Big Daddy Badger View Post

Fact is if you are looking for big bucks and a warm bed every night the military is not the place for you.
Fact is if you joined with too much debt... the military might not have taken you.
Fact is service is largely a one way street that requires sacrifice and dedication to a purpose before all else including pay and you quite clearly stated that you find that objectionable.
You almost chose the military as your only choice and we want people who choose the military despite their other opportunities.

As for the poor attempt at an insult.
Try again.
My skin is obviously thicker than yours cupcake but then I did have what it takes and I did achieve within the military while you never even got out of the starter blocks.
You couldn't manage yourself before you got in or commit to something greater than a buck.
I'm not bitter about my choices... but obviously you struggle with yours.

By the way...he military does get the best that this country has to offer.
We are looking for people who do not put a price on their dedication or loyalty or their ethics.
We want soldiers not *****s and mercenaries.
Money...doesn't buy character or heart and you my friend are proof of that....so is the little twerp with the guitar.

I'm not angry or bitter and my feelings are not hurt.
I sir am a man... you might want to consider what that means before sounding off like a scalded whelp at any imagined slight.
I had a good career, I have a pension, a veterans benefit, a drug plan a dental plan that I earned.
I have a marriage that has survived for 30 years despite my absences and the hardship and many would envy that record or a woman that loyal.
I have excellent job prospects.
In fact... on this side of the fence and based upon my experience and education I should just about edge you out money wise if I choose money over lifestyle.
People come to me and offer jobs.
I will have a flag that was flown on Parliament Hill to grace my coffin and my children will have my medals to cherish when I pass.
I know what my potential is and who I am because it was tested under the worst possible conditions and I'm comfortable with that.
I have character formed through hardship and do not measure myself or other men by something as cheap as money.
I know who I am and what I'm capable of and what my limits are.

I stepped up and accept my decission while you balked and now use money as an excuse for that.

I'm a man my friend and you...are...well... just pathetic.
I feel sorry for anyone so shallow and lacking in character or the confidence needed to accept an honest appraisal without tearing up like a child.
Maybe your employer should look to the military instead of the unemployment lines if they want to get THEIR moneys worth....since that seems to be all that matters to you.
Extremely well thought out and written. Thank you for your service, Sir.
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Old 01-13-2014, 12:00 PM
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Originally Posted by 30Cal View Post
Should this Cpl not be afforded the same Constitutional rights as any other Canadian? Including the right to express his opinions as long as the manner in which he does this does not violate the law?

Fundamental Freedoms
2. Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms:

(b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication;

If anyone is guilty of an offense I would think the Base Commander might be by instructing (or ordering?) this young lad not to speak to the Media, or if threatening this Cpl with consequenses if he does chose to speak to the media?

What offence other than misuse of military equipment (a helmet) to collect change did this young lad do? How is he discrediting the Military? Should he not be allowed to express his opinion? Or should he be mentally programmed by the CF to believe he does not have rights?

Even if he was making $200 K a year and felt it was not enough, why should he not be able to express it. He is not forcing people to give him money, and he is not breaking any law in receiveing monies unless there is a by-law in that city the prevents him from doing so. Afterall, it does appear that he is providing music for payment.

Ahhhh.... no. Soldiers don't get to protest. They don't, for example, get to protest their deployment to war zones. Can you imagine if soldiers were allowed to march and protest the country's involvement in Afghanistan? "Hell no, we won't go!" An army can't function like that.
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Old 01-13-2014, 12:33 PM
nekred nekred is offline
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I was completely disgusted by this story.

I was appalled at the soldier for not dealing with it within the system.

Where is he from, is he just disgruntled about being away from home.

If you were in a firefight and you needed this guy to have your back... How would you feel about that?

I say an dishonourable discharge is in order.

That all being said during the "Bang Bang" cutbacks of the 90's under the Libs many chose to find employment on civvy street.

There is also the other side of the coin. For a military to be effective they have to supplied, commanded and maintained. We need to support them not just through basic needs but let them know we respect their service.

I remember a guy in our unit with a major gambling problem, he would gamble every cent away and then bum money from the rest of us. Eventually we all quit lending him money that he refused to pay back and he had to deal with it.

How long would I be employed if i sat on the side of the street busking with a sign that I have to do this because ______ doesn't pay me enough...
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Old 01-13-2014, 02:57 PM
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bcwrencher bcwrencher is offline
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Originally Posted by Big Daddy Badger View Post
Don't be such a cry baby.
Your over-reaction to a neutral but honest comment is further proof that you would not have fared well.
So to is your inability to follow even the simplest of directions.

That said...it wasn't a slam it was an educated and experience based observation that the military is not for everyone and that you are likely one of those people who would not have fared well.

I made an estimate based upon what you stated in your text...motivates you.
Your reasons for wanting to join, your reasons for not joining and your opinion of what the military should be doing.
Fact is if you are looking for big bucks and a warm bed every night the military is not the place for you.
Fact is if you joined with too much debt... the military might not have taken you.
Fact is service is largely a one way street that requires sacrifice and dedication to a purpose before all else including pay and you quite clearly stated that you find that objectionable.
You almost chose the military as your only choice and we want people who choose the military despite their other opportunities.

As for the poor attempt at an insult.
Try again.
My skin is obviously thicker than yours cupcake but then I did have what it takes and I did achieve within the military while you never even got out of the starter blocks.
You couldn't manage yourself before you got in or commit to something greater than a buck.
I'm not bitter about my choices... but obviously you struggle with yours.

By the way...he military does get the best that this country has to offer.
We are looking for people who do not put a price on their dedication or loyalty or their ethics.
We want soldiers not *****s and mercenaries.
Money...doesn't buy character or heart and you my friend are proof of that....so is the little twerp with the guitar.

I'm not angry or bitter and my feelings are not hurt.
I sir am a man... you might want to consider what that means before sounding off like a scalded whelp at any imagined slight.
I had a good career, I have a pension, a veterans benefit, a drug plan a dental plan that I earned.
I have a marriage that has survived for 30 years despite my absences and the hardship and many would envy that record or a woman that loyal.
I have excellent job prospects.
In fact... on this side of the fence and based upon my experience and education I should just about edge you out money wise if I choose money over lifestyle.
People come to me and offer jobs.
I will have a flag that was flown on Parliament Hill to grace my coffin and my children will have my medals to cherish when I pass.
I know what my potential is and who I am because it was tested under the worst possible conditions and I'm comfortable with that.
I have character formed through hardship and do not measure myself or other men by something as cheap as money.
I know who I am and what I'm capable of and what my limits are.

I stepped up and accept my decission while you balked and now use money as an excuse for that.

I'm a man my friend and you...are...well... just pathetic.
I feel sorry for anyone so shallow and lacking in character or the confidence needed to accept an honest appraisal without tearing up like a child.
Maybe your employer should look to the military instead of the unemployment lines if they want to get THEIR moneys worth....since that seems to be all that matters to you.
Well, that was a mouthful. You sure are proud of yourself, that's great. I couldn't afford to feed a wife and 2 kids and continue to have what I had already worked my whole life to achieve (a house) and be in the military.

That makes me spineless, no heart, or character. I could never cut it in the military, I'm just a pathetic child, who uses money as an excuse for my lack of fortitude and patriotism. Thank you for your honest appraisal, general. I will wipe my tears and try to carry on with my pathetic excuse for a life, for what it's worth.

I only reacted with my little dig, because you judged my character based on a 3 sentence explanation of my situation at the time. No need to get all high and mighty with me with your macho military manliness, I'm plenty impressed already. I shouldn't be allowed to bandy crooked words or even breathe the same air as a military legend, god in human flesh, such as yourself. So I will just sit right down and not look you in the eye because I am not worthy, sir.

Feel better now?

Seems like you are the one getting worked up there, cupcake.
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Old 01-13-2014, 03:07 PM
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Well a little extra training will wipe the fight out of you two, form up and we will start with an easy jog, full fighting order of course!
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Old 01-13-2014, 04:31 PM
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sometimes we have to suck it and soldier on

LIFE IS TOUGH.....TOUGHER IF YOU'RE STUPID.-------------------“Women have the right to work wherever they want, as long as they have the dinner ready when you get home”
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Old 01-13-2014, 04:48 PM
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Originally Posted by recce43 View Post
sometimes we have to suck it and soldier on
recce43 you forgot the "UP"...
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Old 01-13-2014, 05:44 PM
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Originally Posted by recce43 View Post
the pmq suck no insultion hard to heat very old drafts everwhere thecost about a third more to heat then a average house same size corp is getting around 56000 before tax and other deductions..
Sounds like my house in Sherwood Forest.

I wonder if his wife can work?
Are they allowed to sublet a room in the basement, or rent a parking spot?
Just wondering.
For sure there is much more going on in this story.
Grab a shovel and go clear sidewalks for ppl.

Sounds like the type of guy who would be downtown protesting the 1%.

He's making way more than I am. And he's crying?
I'd like to meet him and tell him to grow up. Face to face.
We must reject the idea that every time a law's broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore the precept that each individual is accountable for his actions.
Ronald Reagan

Either get busy living, or get busy dying!
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Old 01-13-2014, 06:12 PM
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Originally Posted by 58thecat View Post
recce43 you forgot the "UP"...
lol up

LIFE IS TOUGH.....TOUGHER IF YOU'RE STUPID.-------------------“Women have the right to work wherever they want, as long as they have the dinner ready when you get home”
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Old 01-13-2014, 06:19 PM
HunterDave HunterDave is offline
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The fella is getting torn apart on the Military forums. I'm starting to feel sorry for him.....No I'm not. I do wonder how his day went though.
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Old 01-13-2014, 06:47 PM
rwm1273 rwm1273 is offline
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I suspect he will be posted shortly.
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Old 01-13-2014, 07:11 PM
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Had to go read the entire article.

I see he is from Quebec, maybe he is just looking for equalization payments, like the rest of the Province.


COLD LAKE -- Rising housing costs at CFB Cold Lake prompted one soldier to busk for change on a town sidewalk, where dozens of supporters dropped cash into his upturned combat helmet.

Cpl. Darenn Tremblay, 25, with his guitar in hand, set up a cardboard sign outside a local store Thursday night reading: "I am in the Canadian Forces posted to Cold Lake with a family. Any spare change will help."

The young soldier -- from Jonquière, Quebec, and posted in CFB Cold Lake for the past two-and-a-half years -- said he is just trying to make ends meet while sending a message to protest the recent increase on Residential Housing Units (RHU) in the booming oil town that is also home to the military.

"I do that because we don't have any money to pay our rent basically," said Tremblay, who is married.

Part of the problem is the high cost of living in Cold Lake, driven by the area's booming oil and gas industry.

Members of the military in Cold Lake receive a $319-per-month Post Living Differential (PLD) -- an allowance designed to stabilize cost of living for military members with respect to the region they are in. But in Cold Lake, it's lower for members than other military communities, like Edmonton where soldiers receive a $684 PLD per month.

The PLD rates in Cold Lake haven't been readjusted to reflect the current economy in over three years.

Housing costs are up while "our salary stays down and like everybody, we got lots of debts," said Tremblay.

Tremblay and other members living on CFB Cold Lake recently received a letter from the federal government that stated: "Please note that should your shelter charge be reduced to less than the fair market value calculated for your unit, the difference between what you are being charged and the market value is considered a taxable benefit as per the Income Tax Act. This information will therefore be reflected in your T4 slips."

Department of National Defence communications officer, Kathy Roberge, said each year the Canadian Forces Housing Agency (CFHA) administers the shelter charge adjustment process in accordance with governmental and departmental policies and regulations. Roberge acknowledged more is needed for Cold Lake families and said several measures are in place to limit shelter charge adjustments.

"For the second consecutive year, rent increases for CAF families with the lowest income (Privates incentive 1 and 2 and Officer Cadets) will be limited to the national average increase of 2.25 per cent," Roberge said.

There was a 10 per cent reduction applied to the shelter charges in Cold Lake in 2010, authorized by the Minister of National Defence, Peter MacKay, and will continue to be applied during fiscal year 2014/2015.

"However, in spite of the 10% reduction, shelter charges for DND housing in Cold Lake will increase by approximately 6% over the 2013/2014 rates, not including last year's 10% reduction, due to the rapidly growing local economy and high housing demand," Roberge said. The annual shelter charge adjustment for 2014/15 will go into effect April 1.

Tremblay is also trying to keep up with rising bills -- including large heating bills for aging military housing -- by taking on second jobs.

"We keep paying heat bills like crazy," Tremblay said. "Basically we just keep paying more and more forever.

"This is killing me right now. I can barely pay for my food so that's where I am right now."

In 2013, the Ombudsman for the Department of National Defence, Pierre Daigle, reported that between 10 per cent to 35 per cent of CFB Cold Lake workers take other jobs to supplement their income.

Daigle also stressed that CFB Cold Lake has a "high" military release rate -- 8.33 per cent in 2012, and on track to be 12 per cent to 13 per cent in 2013 -- and some Canadian Forces members opted to retire in order to avoid Cold Lake postings.

Tremblay said he was able to manage his finances well before arriving in Cold Lake a couple years ago.

"I had money in my account, now it keeps going down and down and I can't do anything about it," said Tremblay, who witnesses said was later ushered off the sidewalk by military personnel. He has since been told by his commanders not to speak with reporters.

"I was planning on having a child, but I don't want to raise a child in a kind of place like Cold Lake and I could not even pay for feeding them."
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Old 01-13-2014, 07:27 PM
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Maybe he should have looked into the recruiting promises more.

Maybe he has champagne taste on a beer budget.

I have heard that you are in the Military for the experience, not for the pay. He needs both, and while I do not frown on that, I think he made the bed, either sleep in it or change careers.
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Old 01-13-2014, 07:43 PM
HunterDave HunterDave is offline
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Originally Posted by Ken07AOVette View Post
Cpl. Darenn Tremblay, 25, with his guitar in hand, set up a cardboard sign outside a local store Thursday night reading: "I am in the Canadian Forces posted to Cold Lake with a family. Any spare change will help."

"I was planning on having a child, but I don't want to raise a child in a kind of place like Cold Lake and I could not even pay for feeding them."
So, he's got no kids! It's just a little misleading to say that you have a family when it's just him and his young wife. I wonder if she works? Can you say POSER?
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Old 01-13-2014, 07:56 PM
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Originally Posted by HunterDave View Post
So, he's got no kids! It's just a little misleading to say that you have a family when it's just him and his young wife. I wonder if she works? Can you say POSER?
No kidding!

*cough* Quebecer *cough*

j/k, I have no ill will towards our eastern leeches.
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Old 01-13-2014, 08:10 PM
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There are millions and millions of people in this country raising and supporting families on less money, without any benefit or pension plans.
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Old 01-13-2014, 08:14 PM
HunterDave HunterDave is offline
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Originally Posted by Ken07AOVette View Post
No kidding!

*cough* Quebecer *cough*

j/k, I have no ill will towards our eastern leeches.
To tell you the truth being from QC is probably a huge part of his discontent except in the sense that he's ticked off because that's where he wants to be posted and there aren't enough QC postings to accommodate all of the francophones in the Military. I've seen it hundreds of times during my time in. Especially from someone from Jonquière, Quebec where 81% of the population only speaks french and the rest speak both french and english. 98% use only french at work and 99% only use french at home. From the day that he was born he probably heard english speaking people referred to as scum, etc and now he's forced to live somewhere surrounded by them.

Language facts on Jonquière: http://www.city-data.com/canada/Jonqui-re-City.html

Not only am I a Soldier (retired) but I'm also an English Quebecer so I know about both these issues.
You're darned right, that is exactly what played a HUGE role in this.
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Old 01-13-2014, 08:18 PM
HunterDave HunterDave is offline
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Originally Posted by Bushrat View Post
There are millions and millions of people in this country raising and supporting families on less money, without any benefit or pension plans.
The average salary in Cold Lake in 2012 was $28/hour or $58K/year based on a 40 hour week so, yeah, not only across Canada but right in Cold Lake as well!

I'd post a link to the facts but this was something that I researched 2 nights ago. I'm pretty sure that it was right on the facts page for the City of Cold Lake though.
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Old 01-13-2014, 08:20 PM
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Originally Posted by HunterDave View Post

Not only am I a Soldier (retired) but I'm also an English Quebecer so I know about both these issues.
You're darned right, that is exactly what played a HUGE role in this.
AND, Thank You for your Service, Sir!

Merci pour votre service, monsieur!
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Old 01-13-2014, 08:24 PM
HunterDave HunterDave is offline
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Originally Posted by Ken07AOVette View Post
AND, Thank You for your Service, Sir!

Merci pour votre service, monsieur!
Thank you! Now watch for my new thread wrt this issue!
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