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Old 04-10-2010, 06:22 PM
JustinC JustinC is offline
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No, I don't think so. Like I said in an earlier post, IMO, crossbows are waaaaaaay overrated and I don't understand the fear of them.QUOTED BY ARTIST

There was an artical that was in this one or the other that states they are equal in ability(proven) out to 60 yards.So how is that over rated.They even said that kill ratios were the same.Xbows are way easier than a compound bow.If you want I will take you up on your xbow challage. You will loose real bad.
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Old 04-10-2010, 06:33 PM
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Ya, that would be some challenge alright. Talk about bringing a knife to a gunfight. Id say yea to the challenge as well, as long as it involved some of your money against mine Artist. Try not to think small here either. Really, all I would need is a xbow and a lack of pride and we could be off to the races. Im capable of both. How much money ya wanna lose?

It's just Alberta boys... Take what you can while you can,, if ya cant beat em join em.

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Old 04-10-2010, 06:54 PM
JustinC JustinC is offline
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Originally Posted by packhuntr View Post
Ya, that would be some challenge alright. Talk about bringing a knife to a gunfight. Id say yea to the challenge as well, as long as it involved some of your money against mine Artist. Try not to think small here either. Really, all I would need is a xbow and a lack of pride and we could be off to the races. Im capable of both. How much money ya wanna lose?
Ya pack That is it I bet he would be broke in one day.
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Old 04-11-2010, 12:36 AM
ishootbambi ishootbambi is offline
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im not sure who to put my money on. justin has proven he can kill big bucks. artist i know nothing about ..and pack is willing to kill any buck. i think the rules better get laid out before bets are made.
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Old 04-11-2010, 07:01 AM
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Boy, do you have me pegged Bambi. Id shoot anything if I wasnt a marginal piece of chit. Its tough out there when your a hack. Id hang some photos on here for you, but theyve already been up. If you are able to stop talking for abit, they are on here to find... Note, no blue jeans, and the truck doesnt need to be moved so we can get field photos.

Someday I hope to get a big animal like you. Can we shoot crossbows together, id like to learn a thing or two about big animals ishootbambi.

It's just Alberta boys... Take what you can while you can,, if ya cant beat em join em.

Keep a strain on er
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Old 04-11-2010, 07:22 AM
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Originally Posted by packhuntr View Post
Boy, do you have me pegged Bambi. Id shoot anything if I wasnt a marginal piece of chit. Its tough out there when your a hack. Id hang some photos on here for you, but theyve already been up. If you are able to stop talking for abit, they are on here to find... Note, no blue jeans, and the truck doesnt need to be moved so we can get field photos.
Someday I hope to get a big animal like you. Can we shoot crossbows together, id like to learn a thing or two about big animals ishootbambi.


K back to national...see you all tonite
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Old 04-11-2010, 11:42 AM
ishootbambi ishootbambi is offline
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Originally Posted by packhuntr View Post
Boy, do you have me pegged Bambi. Id shoot anything if I wasnt a marginal piece of chit. Its tough out there when your a hack. Id hang some photos on here for you, but theyve already been up. If you are able to stop talking for abit, they are on here to find... Note, no blue jeans, and the truck doesnt need to be moved so we can get field photos.

Someday I hope to get a big animal like you. Can we shoot crossbows together, id like to learn a thing or two about big animals ishootbambi.
relax and read what i wrote. i didnt say you havent killed anything big, i said you are willing to kill any deer you get a chance at. thats what you told me. same as i told you that i dont fill every tag i have as i hold out till the end for a trophy. i also told you many times, I HAVE NO INTEREST IN HUNTING WITH A CROSSBOW myself. im sure you'll need to hear it a few dozen more times before you grasp it. and really....personal insults again in a civil discussion? grow up dude. you can yip all you like about the jeans....i recall the response the last time you did. wear what ya like....im sticking with the jeans and my lucky shirt when im rifle hunting, and save the camo for archery when i need to get close. try not to twist an ankle jumping to conclusions there sport.
now, about the bet...are we looking to kill any deer, or are we setting a minimum score or what. artist, justin and pack in a showdown for archery supremacy. i think justin will insist on limiting to bigger more mature trophies...am i right?
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Old 04-11-2010, 12:58 PM
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So, when did this mystery converstion take place bambi? I recall a pm afew days ago about your life story and how you are a trophy hunter, desperately wanting to know the in-field motives on my end,,, but I do not recall responding. How and when could I have told you that, QUOTE, " I am willing to kill any deer I get a chance at". End quote. Better re-check the old memory bank on any beliefs you may have about who I am or am not. As far as the now dubbed "archery supremacy shoot out",,, its pretty funny isnt it!

Edit. This one just took a plunge to the bottom, and I was part of it. Sorry fellas.

It's just Alberta boys... Take what you can while you can,, if ya cant beat em join em.

Keep a strain on er
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Old 04-11-2010, 01:29 PM
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Default ...bet's off...

I don't know anyone on this forum personally, but wow; this thread has really brought to light the immaturity and the inability to carry on an intelligent and civil conversation without going for each other's throats. Sorry fellas, the bet's off. I'd rather hunt with grownups.

Have a great season just the same!
No hard feelings!
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Old 04-11-2010, 02:41 PM
JustinC JustinC is offline
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"archery supremacy shoot out",,,

I never said that I just wanted to prove that they are easier.Yes I hold out for big ones.
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Old 04-11-2010, 04:18 PM
JustinC JustinC is offline
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Artist why is the bet off. You keep your money. I would rather win that bet just cause over taking your money. I think you do not understand what the differences are that even let you get a shot off.Also no shooting anything under 180".
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Old 04-11-2010, 06:09 PM
ishootbambi ishootbambi is offline
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in respect for what pm stands for, i wont copy and paste what yours said. and i will ask you again to keep the comments on the adult level. if you cant do that we'll be done talking.
when i said you are willing to kill any buck, i was referring to your response in the thread "where does your trophy score start". you gave a list of what you thought for rifle, followed by what you thought for archery. your statement was "P&Y minimums pretty well represent my views" or something like that. i aint got the gumption to search it, but im sure someone will. thats why i mentioned that a bet like artist brought up needs to be clarified. you take it as a personal slag and off you went. like i said...relax. if you are willing to kill a 146 mule buck and justin is gonna hold off for a 180...well that doesnt seem like a fair race. that simple man. sorry that you got offended as that was not my intent.
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Old 04-11-2010, 07:43 PM
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You wont copy and paste what mine said hey.... Bambi, I did not respond to you in pm, have never spoken to you in pm, and thats that. So you understand, Im not someone else. Are you confusing me with someone else? If not, well then you would be what people refer to as a liar. As far as what you continue on with, sure, P&Y minimums in my opinion give a fair representation of a trophy class archery harvested animal. Yourself and anyone else you want to consider staunch "trophy hunters" can bauk at those #s all you like, but I dont see your name filling any pages in the P&Y book. Why is that Bambi?? You say you are a bow hunter.... Sure, go on now about how you are content with passing game, eating tags, enjoying the experience, yada yada, your no different in that regard than 90% of the guys on this site. And please stop running on about this competition. It was funny, least I thought, and now its not.

It's just Alberta boys... Take what you can while you can,, if ya cant beat em join em.

Keep a strain on er
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Old 04-11-2010, 09:12 PM
ishootbambi ishootbambi is offline
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the competition is dead, artist retracted his offer. no sweat. you feel P&Y minimums are good trophies with archery...i dont. for me, antler size doesnt change because of the weapon. its just my opinion of course, but a 146 mule does not impress me. i dont care if you killed it by jumping on its back and stabbing it, the antlers wont impress me. a 181 gross 176 net mule however is a good trophy in my opinion. its legend does not grow because i shot it with a bow, nor would it be less of a trophy in my eyes if i had shot it with a rifle. thats part of the reason you wont see my name in the P&Y record book in great numbers. im not stacking up a pile of average animals. in my opinion, P&Y minimums are too low on most species. the 125 for whitetail just doesnt make any sense to me. of course im spoiled growing up in alberta, where 125 is just a little guy and truly big bucks are in good supply. i guess my attitude may be different if i lived in the deep southern US states. the bigger reason you wont find my name in the P&Y records is that i have never entered a trophy into any record book. i have animals that make P&Y, longhunter, the alberta provincial record book and B&C. you've seen most of them. geez i guess id make sci and buckmasters too now that i think of it. the fact is, i have no need to see my name in those books. no sleight to those that have their names listed, i just dont. my friends think im crazy for not entering them, but i dont care. im not alone feeling that way, but to each their own. i do share pics with other hunters because most guys like to see big animals. i know i sure do. its why i submitted material to and appeared in magazines. i love seeing and hearing about other guys success, especially when big trophy animals are involved. and when i look at other guys pics i dont try to demean their success because i dont approve of their clothing. next thing you'll be telling me is pictures in the dark must be from animals i shot from the truck at night.

anyway, it seems as though my point about doubling vertical archery hunters has brought the whole xbow issue to a halt for now and the real issue is clear now. to be honest, i was getting bored with the debate for a while anyhow. ill check the other thread first, but im out on this one. cya in the next thread.
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Old 04-11-2010, 09:40 PM
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Originally Posted by ishootbambi View Post
the competition is dead, artist retracted his offer. no sweat. you feel P&Y minimums are good trophies with archery...i dont. for me, antler size doesnt change because of the weapon. its just my opinion of course, but a 146 mule does not impress me. i dont care if you killed it by jumping on its back and stabbing it, the antlers wont impress me. a 181 gross 176 net mule however is a good trophy in my opinion. its legend does not grow because i shot it with a bow, nor would it be less of a trophy in my eyes if i had shot it with a rifle. thats part of the reason you wont see my name in the P&Y record book in great numbers. im not stacking up a pile of average animals. in my opinion, P&Y minimums are too low on most species. the 125 for whitetail just doesnt make any sense to me. of course im spoiled growing up in alberta, where 125 is just a little guy and truly big bucks are in good supply. i guess my attitude may be different if i lived in the deep southern US states. the bigger reason you wont find my name in the P&Y records is that i have never entered a trophy into any record book. i have animals that make P&Y, longhunter, the alberta provincial record book and B&C. you've seen most of them. geez i guess id make sci and buckmasters too now that i think of it. the fact is, i have no need to see my name in those books. no sleight to those that have their names listed, i just dont. my friends think im crazy for not entering them, but i dont care. im not alone feeling that way, but to each their own. i do share pics with other hunters because most guys like to see big animals. i know i sure do. its why i submitted material to and appeared in magazines. i love seeing and hearing about other guys success, especially when big trophy animals are involved. and when i look at other guys pics i dont try to demean their success because i dont approve of their clothing. next thing you'll be telling me is pictures in the dark must be from animals i shot from the truck at night.

anyway, it seems as though my point about doubling vertical archery hunters has brought the whole xbow issue to a halt for now and the real issue is clear now. to be honest, i was getting bored with the debate for a while anyhow. ill check the other thread first, but im out on this one. cya in the next thread.
It's too bad, most guys think those record books are first for the animal and the guy second, and most magazines are all about the guy first and the animal second.
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Old 04-11-2010, 09:59 PM
JustinC JustinC is offline
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Originally Posted by pottymouth View Post
It's too bad, most guys think those record books are first for the animal and the guy second, and most magazines are all about the guy first and the animal second.
I agree. A trophy is in the eye of the beholder. What is for one is not to another.Bambi I would not put anything in the book unless it is #1 waste of money IMO...
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Old 04-12-2010, 09:48 AM
BowhuntAB BowhuntAB is offline
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Originally Posted by packhuntr View Post
Boy, do you have me pegged Bambi. Id shoot anything if I wasnt a marginal piece of chit. Its tough out there when your a hack. Id hang some photos on here for you, but theyve already been up. If you are able to stop talking for abit, they are on here to find... Note, no blue jeans, and the truck doesnt need to be moved so we can get field photos.

Someday I hope to get a big animal like you. Can we shoot crossbows together, id like to learn a thing or two about big animals ishootbambi.
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Old 04-13-2010, 11:29 AM
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Default Other Option?

Maybe instead of allowing xbows in archery season outright the government try implementing a xbow season, or promoting xbows in the primitive weapon season? I am not talking about the creation of a new multi week season that would effect both bowhunters and primative weapon hunters, but maybe the loss of one week in the archery season (were archers can still hunt as per usual) and the delay or loss of one week in the primative weapons season, creating a 2 week opportunity for xbow hunters leading up to the primative weapon season. In this 2 week period the government could gauge the possible success or failure of xbows in future hunting. I had always thought that the provisions for xbows has always been sufficient in AB, I know that I am not alone in this. But with the advancement of technology I suppose we must adapt to it as well. A little give and take, bowhunters wouldn't be effected overly and neither would primative weapon hunters.

This may prove to be the best solution to entice new hunters without alienating any hunters. If the government were to poll bowhunters as to whether xbows should be allowed into archery season, it would in all honesty be defeated, if they polled all hunters there may be a different outcome.

If all the rifle hunters who were not perviously bowhunters bought xbows to hunt the archery season, then ammendments would need to be made to tags and draws. Its not a question of individual success rates, it becomes quantity of hunters and a possible harvest rate. Even with a lower success rate, the increase in hunters alone would increase the harvest of game, which would affect archery tags/draws as well as tags/draws in the rifle season. I think the draw to hunting the archery season besides the time of year is the tag/draw scheme. You can hunt the archery season mostly with general tags and very few draws, that would have to be changed. Even if the success rate was like 1 out of 5 attempts (eg.) with increased numbers of hunters the harvest would be larger. The government knows this, and will capitalize on this with draws or increased cost.

For all the hunters who resent the fact that you can't hunt the archery season with xbows ... ... I am going to enjoy it while I can, because if xbows are allowed into archery season it will be a vastly different season than bowhunters have known.
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Old 04-13-2010, 12:25 PM
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From SRD presentation, these are the proposed changes on the table.

Consultation on Wildlife regulation Issues for 2011

2. Standardize start dates for Archery Hunting to Sept. 1 in WMU’s with rotating start date.
- affect seasons that start first Wednesday after labour day.
6. Muzzleloader seasons (pre-rifle season) over a broad geographic area.
-the season would run during the last two weeks of archery season, just before the rifle season started.
-muzzleloader hunters would need to hold a valid rifle season permit for the species and zone.
-would apply for moose, deer and elk.
Looks like general tag holders in open season WMU's and LEH WMU Rifle tag holders can participate in Muzzleloader hunt. Hunt would run concurrent with last two weeks of archery season.

7. Inclusion of crossbows in the archery only seasons.
-crossbows would be considered archery equipment.
-Compound and Crossbow harvest success is similar.
-this would likely not increase success but would likely lead to increased participation in archery only seasons, leading to increased harvest levels during these seasons.
-the anticipated increased harvest during archery only seasons would likely result in moose and mule deer archery only seasons being put on draw.
SRD is ready to put ALL moose and mule deer on LEH with the proposed inclusion of crossbows to archery season.

Make all the suggestions you want. It won't mean a thing if you don't contact Minister of Environment, SRD, HFTF, AFGA, ACA, ABA..... with your opinion to these proposals.
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Old 08-22-2010, 04:41 PM
marsms marsms is offline
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Well, for you boys that think crossbows take the sport out of things, or maybe make it too easy...thanks a bunch, eh?

I find using a crossbow challenging. Why? Because a while back, I had a bit of an accident. I'm now left with very little use of my right arm. I can lift a little over 5 pounds with it... sadly short of the 60 pounds minimum I'd like to see. I applied for handicapped status, but was denied on grounds that I'm not a quadriplegic, hemiplegic, paraplegic, or amputee. I also don't suffer from complete paralysis in my right arm, so I couldn't get a liscense on those grounds.

Naturally I've applied to the Handicapped Hunter Review Committee, but this archery season, I'm S.O.L.
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Old 12-08-2010, 05:34 PM
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So a crossbow isn't a bow and it isn't a gun.....but legally you have to hunt with it in rifle season in Alberta.
I can't see how the "real" bow hunters find that to be fair to anyone wanting to use an x bow.
Bow hunters get what 2 months to hunt before rifle season?
Why not cut that by a few weeks and let xbows or primitive weapons at it for a few weeks before rifle season?
Is that too much to ask?
And no I don't own a x bow or muzzleloader but wouldn't mind some day......
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Old 12-09-2010, 05:00 PM
elkchaser elkchaser is offline
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There is no way a xbow is closer to a rifle !! I cant belive all the hostility towards them I hear on these forms . I shoot a compound & think that any of the advantages are so minimum. My wife & son both are unable to pull 40 lbs safley , then try to hold it for any amount of time & make a efficient kill shot ??. If it means more time in the field with my famialy I am all for them (incuding cleankills). My father has an excaluber uses it every year still hasnt tagged anything in 3 years with it . just my 2 cents !

Last edited by elkchaser; 12-09-2010 at 05:17 PM.
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Old 12-09-2010, 06:26 PM
338Bluff 338Bluff is offline
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In the simplist terms here it is. Crossbows equal no more General Moose or Mule Deer season for Archery. Period..... end of story. Most of the grief is from lost opportunity. If you want to bring em in have at er'. I really don't care anymore. Guys can chase whitetails with them and put in for their 'archery mule deer and moose tags'. Want to be a two season hunter. Great!

Government of AB will gain more draw and license revenue....actually scratch that. Their 3rd party license partner will make more bucks. Regular Bowhunters lose opportunity..Rifle hunters will have a longer wait for a number of draws cause the pool just got a lot shallower. Crossbow hunters....well you will likely get to hunt whitetails. Elk season will now be a complete gong show from August 25th instead of just September 15th.

Wow what a great opportunity. Having said that bring er on. I'm the first to admit we need to be inclusive instead of exclusive. I just think some of you guys aren't being realistic about what you are really going to gain.
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Old 12-09-2010, 07:49 PM
338Bluff 338Bluff is offline
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Come to think of it I hope this does happen....as long as it is the same as it is in some states. You pull an archery tag and you can only hunt in archery season. Rifle tag? Sorry gotta wait for November 1st. Fairest way I can thing of doing it. The die hard bowhunters will likely be able to pull their tags without infringing on anyone else's season. The 'wanna be's' are going to have to make a hard decision. I wonder how many avid crossbowmen are willing to chase their moose without the option of filling the tag with der' thutty thutty or too-saventee!
Antelope will become a once in 10 year thing, but I guess you can't have everything.

The stupidest thing would be to have everyone applying into the same draw. Ie. archers, crossbow (sorry guys you are not archers) and rifleman. Double the number of people after the same tag. Great idea. Not

Use the relative success rates for each weapon to determine tags #'s. Spread out the pressure. Don't overload the system to the point you need to wait 10 years for everything. ETC

I could live with it. Wouldn't necessarily like it.

Rant quota filled. See you in 2011
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Old 12-10-2010, 05:59 PM
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I'm pro crossbow hunting during archery but I feel it should be limited to certain zones or tighter use, although I don't have a crossbow. I'd like to get one someday but I still have to get blood on my new Mathews, my Check-Mate recurve and my selfbow.
I wear jeans & a lumber jacket too...................
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Old 12-10-2010, 08:08 PM
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ohhh my turn!

If you do a kinestetic comparison of the two weapons you will find it is much easier to hunt with a cross-bow than with a bow. I would more than triple my success ratio if I was able to use a cross-bow during my spot and stalk of animals during the season. The fact that I would not have to draw back when the animal is 30 yards or closer would have assured me animals on those stalks where I was busted when the deer spotted me on my draw. Lesson learned and I get to try it again later that day on an even bigger deer. What am I getting at here, the bow kill takes more effort, patience, skill, and finesse. There is no disputing that fact and it is for that reason I bowhunt. It allows me a chance to truly hone my hunting skill and truly enjoy the time outside.
In a nutshell then, grouping crossbow with archery is brain-dead idea as the two hunting styles are not comparable based on the moments leading up to the shot. Crossbow is point and shoot like a camera or gun with a shorter range. The bow requires a range of movement before the shot which allows the animal a window to spot you, even in the stand and greatly reducing your chances of success.

For those that are handicapped this and handicapped that, sure there is no issue shooting a crossbow to hunt but that is a different argument that does not belong on this thread as it just muddies the water.

By the way get this crossbow thread out of the archery section, it does not belong.
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Old 12-10-2010, 08:19 PM
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Originally Posted by madatter View Post
So a crossbow isn't a bow and it isn't a gun.....but legally you have to hunt with it in rifle season in Alberta.
I can't see how the "real" bow hunters find that to be fair to anyone wanting to use an x bow.
Bow hunters get what 2 months to hunt before rifle season?
Why not cut that by a few weeks and let xbows or primitive weapons at it for a few weeks before rifle season?
Is that too much to ask?
And no I don't own a x bow or muzzleloader but wouldn't mind some day......
I would agree to these terms.
Respecting the land, water, fish, and wildlife is what makes true hunters and fishermen.

Road hunting is not hunting.
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Old 12-10-2010, 09:17 PM
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Originally Posted by madatter View Post
So a crossbow isn't a bow and it isn't a gun.....but legally you have to hunt with it in rifle season in Alberta.
I can't see how the "real" bow hunters find that to be fair to anyone wanting to use an x bow.
Bow hunters get what 2 months to hunt before rifle season?
Why not cut that by a few weeks and let xbows or primitive weapons at it for a few weeks before rifle season?
Is that too much to ask?
And no I don't own a x bow or muzzleloader but wouldn't mind some day......
Here is where you have it wrong.
Bow hunters get what 2 months to hunt before rifle season?
Hunters get to hunt with a bow, a rifle, a shotgun, a primitive weapon, a crossbow. Hunters can hunt with any one of these tools.......some offer additional seasons. It's not about bowhunters its about hunters who pick up a bow. If your just trying to screw with the bow season because you can't be bothered to pick up a bow then you're just trying to get something without putting anything in. Sort'a like wealth redistribution. I like that analogy lol. Do you think I can get a better house by complaining? I don't think it's fair that anybody has a nicer house than mine.........
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