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Old 04-09-2013, 11:56 PM
Hawkhills Hawkhills is offline
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my father passed in Dec of 1999.He died on the farm.I have experienced his presence on multiple times.The summer of 2000 my family was at the farm.I was busy ,wife and kids come over and ask where is dickie dee,we hear the music.(grampa liked icecream as much as gran kids)Only one problem we are 45 miles north of nearest town.No big deal.Pack up the crew go for icecream at snack shack.like to think it was the old boy reminding me to take the time to enjoy life.
On another occasion ,arrived and started to unload groceries from truck.Put tin of tim hortons coffee in cupboard.Went out for another load ,come back inside ,can of coffee is now sitting in center of kitchen.Picked up tin sat at table and said hello.Not a doubt in my mind.Dad had said hello.
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Old 04-10-2013, 12:18 AM
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We were running summer camps for disadvantaged kids in BC an had hired a couple of young ladies to work the camps. During one of the breaks between the camps the two young ladies would have been alone in the wilderness due to the male employees having business to deal with on the weekend, so I decided to spend the day and evening with them to make sure they were not bothered.

I arrived early and we had some corn flakes for breakfast, then later in the day we made up some spaghetti. It was a pretty quiet day and as evening came on to night time I could clearly hear a person whistling out on the main road. Strange as it was because I hadn't heard any vehicles, I just assumed someone was walking?? Still it unnerved me for some reason so I decided to stay in camp much later than I had originally planned, it was now full dark, with a clear star lite night. We had a campfire going in a metal firepit that was under a shelter roof and I was having a beer and we were talking about how the camps were going and what was working, and what wasn't doing so well.

It was nearing midnight, and the moon was out and shining quite brightly, there was no wind, we were sitting around the fire when suddenly there was a huge flash of light that appeared to come from behind me and near my truck. Much like the flash of a bulb from a camera. My first thought was that someone had just snapped a picture and I ran the 20 feet or so to my truck and started searching for the source of the light. I could find nothing and with the moon shining I could see quite well in the well thinned bush around the camp..what ever had caused the flash was a mystery and now I really couldn't leave the girls alone because this was just too strange. And I had already connected the flash with the whistling I had heard earlier that evening.

I had a small cooler with a couple of beer and some sandwich meats and I locked them inside my truck canopy and the only other things in the box were a spare tire and a shovel. We sat around for maybe another hour and talked about what had happened and things seemed pretty quiet. Since it was getting late I told the girls to head for their tent and I would sleep in the cab of my truck and keep a watch over camp while they slept, I assumed I would have a good chance of seeing any prowlers doing this.

Hours later when the sun was coming up, the girls were rousing and I told them I felt they were safe now as the others would be out in a couple of hours and I was going to head home for some sleep. After driving about 45 minutes to get home I went to the back of my truck and unlocked the canopy to get the cooler out.....when I opened the door I could see a box of corn flakes and a box of spaghetti sitting in the box beside my cooler and the hair on my neck went straight up...I never put it there, and it wasn't there when I locked my truck [remember what we ate the day before] it freaked me out and I had this horrible premonition of doom...and got in my truck and sped all the way back out to camp.

When I got back to camp everything was quiet...except for the rapid beating of my heart...it scared the heck out of me as I thought the girls were in extreme danger. I couldn't explain the flash, possibly some sort of ball lightning, but the corn flakes and spaghetti in my locked truck...that wasn't of this world I am sure.
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Old 04-10-2013, 12:29 AM
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About deja vu: I have this happen quite often, sometimes I can even quote what is going to be said, or predict what is going to happen...as an example my wife put a show on the television and I told her it was a re run and that we had already seen it....she said it wasn't because the show had never been on before as it was new [an not too nicely either ;-)] So I says Ok, and then told her what was going to happen in the opening, and then what was going to happen after the first set of advertisements...with full descriptions and quotes of the actors lines.....[I told you so]....she wasn't too happy with me but the entire show was clear in my memory???

Stuff like this happens quite a bit....out of interest with all the deja vu experience people. Do you have native in your blood lines? Just curious because deja vu and dreams connecting to family members are very very common in aboriginal groups??? Almost everyone that has ever related an experience like that to me had some aboriginal ancestry.
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Old 04-10-2013, 12:42 AM
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This is gonna sound tame compared to most of the stories here but I seem to have cat ghosts in my house.
We have three cats (I know, too many) but they are always staring at the basement door.
If I leave it open they will sit down there for hours.

Many mornings I am woken up by cats walking on the bed or around it. (It isnt them)

I have been downstairs where all the kitties are and then go upstairs and see a cat shadow or something that looks like a cat moving in my peripheral vision.
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Old 04-10-2013, 03:43 AM
Mranderson22 Mranderson22 is offline
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Maybe not as crazy as some of these experiences on here but a few years ago my cousin passed away very suddenly at a young age (24). We got together as a family the next day to be with each other through the tough time. There were about 8 of us in the living room talking about him and what had happened and the memories when out of nowhere a jar of jam fell from a closed cupboard in the kitchen (which openly connects to the living room). Everyone just stopped talking and stared at the jam sitting on the counter because every single person in the house was in that living room at the time.. To this day I have no logical explanation of how it happened but its nice to think it may have been a little sign from him.
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Old 04-10-2013, 06:01 AM
wildcat111 wildcat111 is offline
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Originally Posted by brslk View Post
This is gonna sound tame compared to most of the stories here but I seem to have cat ghosts in my house.
We have three cats (I know, too many) but they are always staring at the basement door.
If I leave it open they will sit down there for hours.

Many mornings I am woken up by cats walking on the bed or around it. (It isnt them)

I have been downstairs where all the kitties are and then go upstairs and see a cat shadow or something that looks like a cat moving in my peripheral vision.
this is funny, i also have had a visit from a ghost cat, sometimes at night you can feel it walking on the bed, this has scared my mom and youngest brother so bad that when they come out for a visit they stay in a motel.
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Old 04-10-2013, 10:17 AM
tommyguitar tommyguitar is offline
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Once I was sitting on a log across a trail having some lunch with some friends. We were making mountain bike trails, up on the side of a mountain. I looked up the trail and maybe 50 feet away was a pure white old man. White gown, beard, looked like Gandalf. He had a white dog along and they did not make a noise as they seemingly floated towards us. We ran like hell! I wish we would have stayed. I do not know what that guy was, till this day. I think it might have been the ghost of an old timer living up there.
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Old 04-10-2013, 01:23 PM
albertadave albertadave is offline
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Originally Posted by CanuckShooter View Post
Stuff like this happens quite a bit....out of interest with all the deja vu experience people. Do you have native in your blood lines? Just curious because deja vu and dreams connecting to family members are very very common in aboriginal groups??? Almost everyone that has ever related an experience like that to me had some aboriginal ancestry.
None that I'm aware of.
Never say "Whoa" in a mud hole.
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Old 04-10-2013, 02:54 PM
First Time caller First Time caller is offline
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I don't recall exactly how old I was when it happened, I'd guess around 16 years old. It was summer time and I was asleep in my bed, home alone, my parents were off camping for the weekend and my sister was staying at her boyfriend's place. Shortly after 4:00 am or so, I became aware of a pressure being applied to my head and upper body, like someone was pushing down hard on your head with a big pillow. It was a very negative experience, I recall plain as day waking up in a struggle, being very afraid, and hardly being able to move under the pressure. I opened my eyes to see a swarm of black dots (like a small cloud of a couple hundred house flies within about a one foot radius) all around and above my head. It wasn't too dark in my room at that moment, it was clear as day to see and it seemed like time stood still. Then in one amazing leap I bounded out of bed and flicked on the light. Of course nothing was there, and I felt a great sense of relief, and then whole episode was over.

I never had any other experiences in that house previous or after that day. Looking back my regret is that I didn't look at it a little longer before jumping up to turn on the lights. When the topic of ghost stories come up I've often told of my experience, others have said i was just dreaming. I can say with 100% confidence it was not a dream, it was real.

Last edited by First Time caller; 04-10-2013 at 02:58 PM. Reason: spelling mistakes
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Old 04-10-2013, 03:44 PM
Fisherpeak Fisherpeak is offline
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Sleep paraylisis.Common and terrifying.
Another aspect of it is the feeling of floating up off the bed.I had it once,I woke up(or thought I did) at 2 in the morning and I lifted up into the air above my bed until I nearly touched the ceiling.I was scared I might not stop,squeezed my eyes shut and after a minute I was O.K.I have read about it since,it`s like sleepwalking or dreaming semi awake.Of course I didn`t levitate but you sure couldn`t tell me that at the time.Absolutly seemed real to me.Apparently that is common in sleep paraylisis too.

Last edited by Fisherpeak; 04-10-2013 at 03:51 PM.
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Old 04-10-2013, 03:57 PM
First Time caller First Time caller is offline
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Originally Posted by Fisherpeak View Post
Sleep paraylisis.Common and terrifying.
Another aspect of it is the feeling of floating up off the bed.I had it once,I woke up(or thought I did) at 2 in the morning and I lifted up into the air above my bed until I nearly touched the ceiling.I was scared I might not stop,squeezed my eyes shut and after a minute I was O.K.I have read about it since,it`s like sleepwalking or dreaming semi awake.Of course I didn`t levitate but you sure couldn`t tell me that at the time.Absolutly seemed real to me.Apparently that is common in sleep paraylisis too.

I googled sleep paralysis from Wikipedia.

Hmmmm... very interesting I had no idea, but fits. Of course I'm still talk about when a spirited tried to kill me.
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Old 04-10-2013, 08:00 PM
stuckincity stuckincity is offline
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Sorry, the stories are just too interesting to let it disappear. Any more?

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Old 04-10-2013, 08:38 PM
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Not as interesting as some of the others but....

1) Two friends and I rented the upper floor of a house when I was in my early twenties in Vancouver and in the time we lived there. Each one of us had felt/heard something in the house that caused us to go to the kitchen grab a knife and check each room. Each time there was only one person in the house.

2) Living in Vancouver and at the time was dating a girl in Saskatchewan. I was head over heels for her and was suppose to be flying out there in a few days for my birthday. I arrived home and as I opened my front door, the phone rang and knowing it was her I ran for the phone(we talked daily so it wasn't to figure out). The weird thing was that as soon as that phone rang, I had a horrible feeling in my gut and sure enough as soon as I answered that phone I knew from the tone in her voice - she broke up with me.
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Old 04-10-2013, 09:38 PM
mxer117 mxer117 is offline
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Some really interesting / frightening / intriguing stories here.

There is ABSOLUTLY a sprirt world, "other" things out there. No doubt in my mind. And we can't even begin to understand what dreams do.

A cool dream story. When I was about 6, our black lab, Nero, went missing. We lived on a farm way out in the country, and our dog would often take off, but always came back. We had Nero since before I was born, and he was about 14 years old, had arthritis pretty bad, was deaf, but we loved him so much. My mom told me and my brother that he had probably went off to die somewhere. We were heart broken. We searched around the farm in all his "places" but no Nero.
Three days later, my brother, aged 8, woke up and said, "I know where Nero is." He had a dream where his dog was.
It was a little bit of a walk to a small island of bush in our field, but my brother took us to the exact spot where Nero was lying, curled up in a nest of grass, having peacfully gone to doggy heaven.

I can remeber feeling happy that we got to see him and say goodbye.
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Old 04-10-2013, 11:31 PM
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One time there were four of us standing in a group in the living room of a basement suite. We were just talking, there was no music or tv on as we were just getting prepared to head out for the evening. All of a sudden there was a note...like someone strumming a guitar string....that just came from the air between us, just one single note. We stopped talking immediately and began looking at each other...you could tell we were all wondering what the h was going on. And then it did it again, just one single note.....

We could see each others hands, there were no heat vents around...no explanations.....a very clear sound from out of nowhere.
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Old 04-10-2013, 11:43 PM
Big Daddy Badger Big Daddy Badger is offline
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Originally Posted by CanuckShooter View Post
About deja vu: I have this happen quite often, sometimes I can even quote what is going to be said, or predict what is going to happen...as an example my wife put a show on the television and I told her it was a re run and that we had already seen it....she said it wasn't because the show had never been on before as it was new [an not too nicely either ;-)] So I says Ok, and then told her what was going to happen in the opening, and then what was going to happen after the first set of advertisements...with full descriptions and quotes of the actors lines.....[I told you so]....she wasn't too happy with me but the entire show was clear in my memory???

Stuff like this happens quite a bit....out of interest with all the deja vu experience people. Do you have native in your blood lines? Just curious because deja vu and dreams connecting to family members are very very common in aboriginal groups??? Almost everyone that has ever related an experience like that to me had some aboriginal ancestry.
I do.
Souix but thats a ways back.


Wanna buy some of Custers hair?

Last edited by Big Daddy Badger; 04-10-2013 at 11:49 PM.
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Old 04-11-2013, 12:18 AM
ganderblaster ganderblaster is offline
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A few months before my best friend passed away this July he started to get all moody and nostalgic which was very unusual for him talking about the good times we had shared together and then he sent me this link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U94vJ...e_gdata_player.
As a man thinketh in his heart so he is
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Old 04-11-2013, 08:39 AM
Kyle Kyle is offline
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I was guiding at a fishing lodge in the NWT during the summer of 2008. We were pretty far off the grid it was a few hundred kms to nearest town. The camp I was guiding at had a small outpost camp on another lake that was about 30 mins by float plane away. We had guests who would be dropped off and spent 5 days at this camp by themselves(self guided).

This particular morning it was my turn to clean up the outpost camp before new guests arrived. The other guides had mentioned it is usually fairly clean so bring a fishing rod to do some fishing after work is done. The pilot flew me in, picked up guests and dropped me off. He was going to be back with new guests in about 4 hours.

The cabin itself was small and old. There was a screened in area that had a doorknob and then a second door with doorknob to main cabin(no animals could get in) When I walked in the cabin was already cleaned by guests and they had even done the dishes which were sitting in the drying rack. After seeing this I took the boat out to do some fishing.

I went a short drive to the nearest point and hammered on the lake trout for a couple hours. All the while I was within eye sight of the cabin. After a few hours I heard the float plane coming back so I went back to the dock. I figured I would put the dishes away before the guests went in the cabin. When I walked in the cabin all the dishes were scattered across the floor. The drying rack they were on previously was on the counter about 4 feet off the ground and all the dishes were glass. All the hair on my body stood straight up and I never went back in that damn place again.
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Old 04-11-2013, 09:16 AM
Fisherpeak Fisherpeak is offline
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I have a photo I`d like to post if I email it to somebody here.Got to wait for the wife to show me how this afternoon.I took the photo one night when we were out doing a night ride on the rhino`s.We parked and walked a few hundred yards to a big dead tree washed up on the beach and I took some pics of my Father in law.The pics show what I can only descripe as a swirly fog all around behind him,It wasn`t smoke,no campfires or cigs burning.I took pics of the family too,same thing but we didn`t see this until we got home.It was pitch black out there and dead calm and quite peacefull.There used to be an old logging camp there from the 1900`s,maybe some old ghost stopped by for a beer?Another of the same night shows Orbs,different colours balls floating around us.I`v heard that can be from the flash and tiny dust particles in the air.But that fog thing is just pure weird.
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Old 04-11-2013, 10:02 AM
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Fisherpeak reminds me of an erie photo. My friends first attempt at being parents ended in a miscarage, flash forward 3 kids later. We all camp together every year, while out camping, another friend takes a photo of their 3 kids, its at night and around the fire. Digital camera so he is checking the pics. In behind the 3 kids is an image of an older girl who looks bang on to the 3 siblings, uncanny resemblance to the oldest girl. I was around the fire when the photo was taken and there was 10 adults around the fire, no one seen it. He put the pic on his lap top and we all were just blown away.
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Old 04-11-2013, 10:18 AM
u_cant_rope_the_wind u_cant_rope_the_wind is offline
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Default Have you experienced or seen things that you could not explain?

Have you experienced or seen things that you could not explain?

yes . I grew up had four sisters
nuff said ????
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Old 04-11-2013, 11:27 AM
bruceba bruceba is offline
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Back many years ago when I was in my early teens we lived in a house in SW Calgary that had more than its share of odd occurrences. One of the earlier episodes was my mother screaming in the middle of the night. Learn years later that she had heard somebody walk into her room cross towards the bed and then there was an impression on the edge of the bed when whatever it was sat down. My older brother and I slept in the basement. Many nights as kids we would play a game with the dryer door in the laundry room. It would pop open when you walked by, we would shut it and as we turned to walk away it would pop open again. This would go on forever until you said enough I’ve got to go to bed and it wouldn’t pop open any more. Hearing footsteps across the floors upstairs when nobody was home was the norm. Always seeing movement out of the corner of your eye and looking to see nothing there. My father called a psychic and that person validated herself on the phone by telling my father a few things she would not have known. She told him there were 3 presences in the house and not to worry they wouldn’t harm anyone. Too many daily happenings to list but one night while I was downstairs alone and everybody else was upstairs I had an experience in which I never went into the basement again. Has anybody seen inanimate objects levitate and move?
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Old 04-11-2013, 11:37 AM
dollfin dollfin is offline
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Please keep the stories rolling this is awesome! I am sharing with my co-workers some of these stories here at work, its so exciting...

For a very long time I have experienced some dreams where the events happen the next day or soon after like warnings etc. I have had ESP perminisions way too many to write about..and a few Ouija board experiences too.

Both my Mom and Dad share similar experiences too so I guess it runs in the family, our somewhat abilities, so I thought I would share one of my biggest events.

I never told anyone ever what I had seen before and always dismissed that was I was seeing was just my imagination or my hair in my face, or when your eyes are tired and you see blurs etc. sooo

A few years ago, one evening at our house, my brothers ex fiance was over doing my nails (lol). I was facing the window to our yard and she was facing the front area of our main floor. We have an open concept main floor. She is working on my nails looks up and blurts out, hello "Mr. Spirit" and stated how she just saw a male spirit walk from left to right in the front hall way near our den and front door. Well I freaked out, jumped up and started to cry. What she described to me about his description was really what I had been seeing all along. This spirit only showed himself once in a while to only me and now he showed himself to her I couldn't believe it.

After two nights of not sleeping I found a well known clairivoyant here in Calgary. I was only allowed to ask one question as it was a large audience she was speaking too. She confirmed that this male spirit is part of my soul family who is protecting me. She described to me exactly what my brothers ex and I saw right down to his height, what he was wearing including his heritage. (dark complexion) She said he was either European or Asian looking, well my Dad's side is all 100% Russian. I asked her if there was a way of having him not show himself, cuz it was freaking me out and she said, that if I asked him to stay in my presence but never show himself again, that yes, it would listen and do what I asked. Being a wuss I did that, and I have never seen him again. The clairivoyant said that we all have soul families looking after us, another way to look at it is we all have guardian angels.
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Old 04-11-2013, 11:38 AM
happy honker happy honker is offline
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Two things that come to mind...

Years ago I was working out of town, about 1000 miles away from where I grew up. I had a weird dream that night that my brother, my father, and I were playing catch with a football in the yard at home.

Two weird things about this, the grass in the yard was about 2 feet tall, which never would happen, mom and dad always kept the lawn really nice. Second weird thing was that I'd never seen my dad throw a football before....a baseball, an ashtray, a hammer, a crescent wrench, maybe, but never a football. My brother threw me the ball, it went over my head and I jogged over to pick it up.
There in the tall grass, was our dog, dead, and split open at the stomach with weird looking stuff other than guts protruding from her stomach.

I woke up and felt the urge to give the folks a call. Mom answered and after the usual small talk, she said, "well, I've got something to tell you...the other day we took the dog in to the vet, and it turns out she had a really bad tumour in her stomach, and yesterday we had to put her down".

I hadn't called home in quite a while, as is usually the case when I'm working on a big job, and had no indication the dog was sick.

That was about 20 years ago, and a pretty odd experience for sure.

The second thing that comes to mind was just last October, and maybe the most unexplained, disturbing experience of all.
I was rifle hunting whitetails when a really nice buck came out near my blind at about 150 yds, and stood broadside....I had all the time in the world, a well sighted rifle, and had been shooting a fair bit.
I set the cross hairs on the vitals, pulled the trigger, he turned and looked at me, and ran off back into the poplars from where he came.
The darndest thing....must have been a forcefield or some form of divine intervention on that bucks side that day.
Some things just can't be explained.
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Old 04-11-2013, 12:41 PM
nekred nekred is offline
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I don't really get into the heeby jeeby stuff,.....BUT i have seen some very odd things over the years.

I have an ability to feel/see presences and there is a feeling assoiated with every place i have been. it freaks my wife out because when i go look at a house or something to buy I will just say NO!... This is not a good place.

In one house we had I felt a very malicious presence in the basement and could not get past it. i could see the outline but only in surfaces that reflected it not directly and the waves comeing from it were PURE EVIL. When i sold that house I as so glad.

I was in a hotel/motel in Rocky and woke up with a presence that had sadness. again i could not see it but could feel it and only when i was in the bed.... Found out later a lady was murdered in that room.

There are good presences too. in our current place I have always felt good vibes. In my shop I will feel a prsence like a buddy. he just is there and it is like he appreciates the fact there is a young family in the house. In the house I often feel the same presence but is one of protection, kind of like the friendly grandpa who would protect the kids with everything they have. In our house it was built by a master caropenter and has some really unique features and you can feel the care and attention to detail it was built with. Beside the shop is a message to the fellow that built it from his grandkids about how they will miss him and has their handprints. The presence is always very strong there. he passed away with ALS about two years before we bought the place. Kind of like our little protector. What is funny is when one of the kids gets hurt and cries i can feel the presence change to worry/protection.

There are so many unexplained things. one house I was looking at and had my son in my arms went into the basement to take a look and felt/saw a very malicious presence. my son immediately started crying and said..Get me out of here Dad that is a very BAD MAN. He can see/feel it too!. We don't talk about it much.

My dad has a very special gift/curse. he is batting 1000 on this. When a family member is expecting he will sometimes have a special dream. he does not always have this dream with every one but when he has "the Dream": as he calls it he can tell you if he dreamt it was born a boy or a girl. A couple went for an ultrasound and found they were having a girl and he had the Dream that they were having a boy. Everyone argued with him until they had a boy!

Sometimes he will even tell you what the hair colour will be. Every one of his grandkids (9 of them) he was right on the gender and hair colour. ha shas probably done this over 100 times and 20 times on hair colour. he is never wrong. sometimes he will say that he does not know the hair colour because he did not see it, or did not have "the dream". When he has this dream he knows it right away and recognises it when it is significant. there is more to the dream than he admits. he has phoned me in a panic a few times to make sure I was ok. he phoned me after I was wounded because he said he was concerned. he also phoned me after two of my aircraft crashes before he could possibly know about it just to see if I was OK.

One day we were working and he suddenly sat down hard and could not catch his breath then he got better. Shortly after that we found out a relative had died (suicide) right at that time.

When I was young we rented a farm with a house, my Dad and I hated that house. not that the presences were evil but more confused and mischievious. So many strange things happend at that place and many people agreed it was spooky. Found out later that some people lived in the house that were later deported. there were 4 people who came over from germany and they had expensive cars etc. and they were involved in the local drug scene among other things. there was a car accident and one young lady died and then a second one died in the kitchen... apparently shot himself in stomach while cleaning a shotgun. the others were deported back. we found the cars all cut up with torches and many other weird things. Found out later the other two were incarcerated for being members of a terrorist organisation. The owners were also deported and so we bought the farm. The owners would always be looking for something anddigging around. we never found anything. One day while working on our garden i found some bones and found out that it was an old burial ground. i found many projrctile points, and other stone tools including a fleshing tool. and a hand axe. Some archeologists came in and found all sorts of ancient artifacts and some are in the museum in Drumheller. These were older than 5000 years and in fact lots of documentation from the area. It was a very spooky place and full of things that go bump in the night.
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Old 04-11-2013, 07:26 PM
TDM22 TDM22 is offline
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Ok-I have to tell. I think all but the first three are connected. First was really weird. I was 17 at the time-got a ride home from work from my dad. It must have been early spring or something because it was dark at 7 or 8pm but no snow. I'm looking out at the stars and notice a bright large star. Think it's the Space Shuttle or something and don't think of it. My dad stops for smokes and I point it out-but it hasn't moved, so we take a ride out of the city a few clicks, can't tell what it is. We go back to pick up my mom, and my uncle and aunt gave her a ride home so we all decide to go out for a better look. Grab a couple bino's and a rifle scope. After 45 minutes out there we had figured some stuff out-it was changing colours-kinda like a parachute flare or campfire does, but whites, blues, reds, and greens. It looked flickering but if you watched through the bino's you could see it changing colours. It's also falling-just enough for us to notice it. and it's not moving left/right/forward/back. We though possibly something from CFB Suffield/Batus(We are in Medicine Hat) but it was too far west. A few days later I heard one of the big schools in Calgary was looking for people who saw(They estimated it was just west of CFB Suffield) it-5 others had seen it in cowtown. Never did find out what it was or could be.

Second I was in Elkwater at the rodeo grounds. We had to sleep in some teepees set up(Just to make sure no-one else stole them or something) for some history event. We where having a good time-went for a walk played some cards. Sun started going down I got a bit nervous. Went down more I more nervous-No birds or turkey or any sounds at all. I thought it was due to the coming thunderstorm. We had one guy walk up(He was working the next day and wanted to say hi) and he was nervous as well, but not like me. By the time it was dark (930-11PM) I was crying and shaking-almost screaming. Thought it had to do with the thunderstorm-it was so bad the lightning was literally constant-you could read a book.

Same place-two years after. We where staying at a camp maybe 1/4 mile down the road. The cabins where 50-100 feet apart with the main building 200-300 feet away. Well I woke up SCREAMING. Except I didn't wake up. My only bunkmate said something that I was screaming in the night-people in the other cabin and main building had heard me, but didn't know was-Well He said something and someone asked me why I was screaming. I slept through the night, but he said he had to shake me awake and check for broken bones or blood cuz he thougt a cougar somehow got me. HE asked me what was wrong and I guess I looked right up at him-eyes open-and said everything was fine. I found out by an elder(Native) that aside from being rodeo grounds and a gathering spot that there where 2 digs, a pig farm before Canada was Canada and a temporary home for the indians. And he said something bad happened there but wouldn't tell me what. I always get "that feeling" when I go to Elkwater but never like this.
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Old 04-11-2013, 08:16 PM
TDM22 TDM22 is offline
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These next ones I think are related.

I have always had these "feelings" ghosts, spirits or whatever. Usually-like my above story-when most others don't. Usually friendly nice. But as long as I remember I have been terrified of the dark. But only indoors. If I woke up at night I would force my eyes shut until I fell back asleep. There was also the feeling of a woman with me-Only when I was in bed and scared(I was 13)

I moved in with my then girlfriend. She had kids and I was terrified to look into their rooms at night, I could sense something. I also saw what you could call orbs. It wasn't until 2 months after I moved in that she told me that there where ghosts or something that where in the kids's rooms. One would cook. One, she said, had picked up her son. She said they were friendly but I didn't think so. But until we had a roommate move in I wouldn't leave the bedroom at night, or couch in the day. Even after the roommate I had a flashlight with me at all times at night. At this house the woman started coming at other times, this time when I was stressed, or scared about these spirits or whatever. I also saw she had a dress every time.

So we moved out but I got the same feelings in the new place. But only one bedroom and looking out the kitchen windows. I ignored it for the most part. The woman was there a lot now-she brought comfort. I was skeptical about spirits and thought maybe it was my mind that caused all of this. Until I heard a story. My GF had a ouija board in her early teens. She was messing around with it and got scared and threw it out. Now her mom knew about all this. a few days later I guess she found the board in the basement and put it in her daughters room. My GF took it to a friends and threw it out. While she was at school the board appeared back at the house along with a mirror that broke. So my GF got in trouble for it. She burned it this time with her mom watching. Then either of them would go to the basement and see a burned area on the floor the size of the board. I was told this by both her and her mother.

We decided to buy a house and where looking at a close to 100 year old house. I don't know about the history but it was in a newer part of the city so I assume it was a farmhouse or someone who wanted to be away from the city at the time. I loved it-it looked old and was in good repair. An unbelieveable price and great yard. Then we went in. I felt sick. We started upstairs and it was OK. Went back to the mainfloor and I noticed the old iron vents from the coal furnace. I got more sick. We went to the basement and that sealed it. I didn't want to even go down but my GF and the realtor made me. It was the original dirt and brick, but all cemented over. No carpet, no drywall. One cement room with a gas fireplace that creeped me out. One main room that reminded me of a dungeon. A place where bad things happened. Something had been covered and cemented over. There was a armoire type thing. The only thing that had been left in the house. Even the realtor wouldn't touch it. Then there was one other room down there. It was the only room with a door-that locked only from the outside. Bare cement, no windows. Low ceiling. There was a raised cement lip-3 inches. We lifted the plywood cover and there was ashes-I got the feeling that they where human but how do you tell? It had dirt-that obviously had been dug and hidden something. I just said no ****ing way I am living here and left the other 2 down there, and booked it to the car. That set my mind that there was a supernatural force. I was so scared of that house I cried a couple hours until I fell asleep that night.

6 months later-we never did buy a house. I bought my GF a ouija board and as a present. Kinda-hey remember these? It sat unopened until one night. We had a friend staying with us, and she was still on speaking terms with her EX. Well me, her and our friend where feeling bad-not sick, but bad. She had something happen when she was in the shower so we pulled hero out and put her on the couch. I called her EX-figured it had to have happened before-he came over. He said it was something wit the spirits. She was breathing, no reason existed to take her to the hospital. So we took turns sitting with her in the night. She slept-passed out drunk, type sleep. I was in bed and I got a call from her EX. she woke up and asked for the board. I grabbed it and grabbed our friend. I saw my woman that night as clear as I can see the others. I checked the house and parts of it where unusually cold. I sat out of the board and watched. There where answers and things on the board that the only 2 of the three would know about. She started doing the board herself and friend, I watched and her ex wrote down stuff. It was stuff that only her ex-not touching the board-would know. We were scared. or rather they were. Like I said my ghost woman was there. I was asking her questions in my mind and she answered them when I was not touching the board, but the other three where. They had no idea what was happening. I don't know what happened then but the house got cold-the people in the basement suite had said the woke up and turned the heater on. They only mentioned it the next day because it was summer. Hot out even at night. All of my bad feeling went away. The candles went out. The lights went out. The other three where scared spitless. I went to bed with the ghost woman of mine. I woke up in the morning and they were asleep on the couch. Knife, big stick and some other weapon laying in the floor.

Whatever happened that night, I never had that feeling of bad spirits in that house-or my parents house-like I had before. I can count on one hand the number of time it happened in the last 5 years(it used to happen nightly)

And I only saw the ghost woman a couple times. Our relationship went bad I saw the ghost 3 or 4 times to comfort me. I had some issues and had to move out and I saw the ghost woman for the first week or so after that. She moved to a different house and I stayed over one night to watch the dog while she was out of town. We had a fight on the phone and the ghost woman showed up then. Then we broke up-she brought it on. And the ghost woman was there as well. I only saw that ghost woman those 2 times after I moved out. Like she was saying I know it's going bad but it will get better.

No more bad feelings now, no orbs, or fear of the darkness. Just the occasional feeling that someone is there early morning at work before anyone else shows up. I know it sounds weird, especially from some newb, but it all happened. It might be my imagination, maybe stopping as I'm getting older, because my mind is maturing. Maybe it was mostly from stress. But I think it was supernatural.
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Old 04-11-2013, 09:32 PM
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My dad was a tough as nails individual but for the most part he was the calmest level headed person I knew. He died when I was 18.
Jump ahead in time 22 years and my life is in the sh..ter!! I lost everthing i had! I was living in a holiday trailer at a buddys place and thinking of doing bad thing to myself or others and was close to acomplishing it!!
One night i had a dream..i was in a house looking out the kitchen window at the yard when my oldman walked into view. He was so close all i could see was his head and shoulders, he stopped and looked right at me and smiled.
I remember thinking how and why are you here dad, your dead!!
We didnt talk or anything, he just smiled and walked away.
When i woke up i felt a peace inside me that i had not felt in awhile and i just knew that things were going to get better! And they did.
Know when I'm having a tuff go of things all I do is think of that dream and it settles me down!

Thanks dad...love ya
every path leads to the grave
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Old 04-11-2013, 10:47 PM
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This ones not about me its about my girlfriend.
She can she peoples auras. At first I didnt believe her because I'm the kind of person that believes what i can see with my own eyes and what my brain tells me is logical. But she can definatly see things I can not. She will be staring at my aura and without telling her I will try and increase my energy or change my mood and she can see the changes every time. This is all without me letting on that I'm trying to do this. Kinda freaks me out!
She also can feel pain. If I bump my elbow at work and its hurting me at home she can feel this with her hands just by touching my elbow.
I used to just think she was kind of a little nuts but I've tested her abilitlies enough now to know that shes not just messing with me.
I dont understand it but its there.
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Old 04-12-2013, 09:31 AM
Titan 08 Titan 08 is offline
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My sister and her husband visited the area where Custer's Last Stand was. She swears that they took a chip in their windshield and it formed a small crack. After leaving the area the crack was apparently gone. She is normally a very grounded person and not prone to BS. She is however a Liberal, so that could explain the hallucination.
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