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Old 07-11-2019, 12:09 PM
HunterDave HunterDave is offline
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The RCMP got a firearms incident complaint and after speaking with the complainant they arrested two individuals in a field that were shooting. After having the complainant identify the individuals, that IMO is where it should have ended. Why did they feel the requirement to do an assault on the landowner's home/family?

What did the complainant tell the Police for them to feel that a high risk take down of the occupants of the house was required?

To me it all depends on what the complainant told the RCMP. If she said that there were two guys shooting and she identified them after they were arrested then IMO there should have been no requirement to do an assault on the home/family. If she assumed that it was the landowner and specifically stated that it was him involved, that's a different story and IMO the RCMP just followed Standard Operating Procedures to apprehend him.

But I'm just an armchair quarterback.......
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Old 07-11-2019, 12:38 PM
ctd ctd is offline
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Originally Posted by Kurt505 View Post
Police get call from neighbor that they are being shot at- supposedly
As for becoming a cop, just because they have a badge, doesn’t mean they should be a cop. As proven in the other video on the news of the cop who couldn’t control his emotions, not all cops deserve to be. So telling people they should be cops if they don’t agree with this type of law enforcement probably would only lead to more bad cops, something we don’t need. I know a few people, probably myself included who probably shouldn’t be a cop even though it’s just a few months training to become one.
Police get call from neighbor that they are being shot at- supposedly
Cops put up the wall of silence. Fact. (Its called an investigation go figure they remain silent during this time. As will this guys Lawyer).

I agree that if he hung up then answered the follow up call it could be considered shady, and a high risk takedown could be in order..... however, a quick assessment after he is in cuffs and the whole situation could have been figured out and settled in a manner that was professional.
(What part after the cuffs was not handled professionally, very curious).

Gets call from the Police, panics hangs up phone- supposedly
(That is fact even supported by the man who hung the phone up.

No one hurt but some feelings- false, from the sounds of it he may have suffered a shoulder injury.
(Says he was fine after the fact, 3 days later hurt. Interesting).

The reason I say so many of you should go take up the badge is because your outstanding citizens who are of good judgement, fair character, honest show integrity and unbiased.
You can set the example for the other Officers to either be better or leave the job.
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Old 07-11-2019, 01:02 PM
Kurt505 Kurt505 is offline
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Originally Posted by ctd View Post
Police get call from neighbor that they are being shot at- supposedly
Cops put up the wall of silence. Fact. (Its called an investigation go figure they remain silent during this time. As will this guys Lawyer).

I agree that if he hung up then answered the follow up call it could be considered shady, and a high risk takedown could be in order..... however, a quick assessment after he is in cuffs and the whole situation could have been figured out and settled in a manner that was professional.
(What part after the cuffs was not handled professionally, very curious).

Gets call from the Police, panics hangs up phone- supposedly
(That is fact even supported by the man who hung the phone up.

No one hurt but some feelings- false, from the sounds of it he may have suffered a shoulder injury.
(Says he was fine after the fact, 3 days later hurt. Interesting).

The reason I say so many of you should go take up the badge is because your outstanding citizens who are of good judgement, fair character, honest show integrity and unbiased.
You can set the example for the other Officers to either be better or leave the job.
Did you receive the call from the compaintant or were you just one of the attending officers?

Cops put up the wall of silence, may or may not be solely for investigative measures, they did lie on their official statement claiming there were no injuries, if you beleive he got scared and hung up then you have to beleive ALL of his statements, not just the parts that fit your take of the situation.... like the part where he states he can’t lift his arm above his shoulder in the video he posted the same night it happened. (Not 3 days later)

What part of kicking the guys fence down rather than opening the gate professional? If the cop called him a retard (caught on tape), kicked down his fence (I assume has been documented as well), what makes you think all of a sudden hesgoing to start acting in a professional manner? Very curious to hear.

Not getting the job as a cop is testament to knowing it’s not for me.
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Old 07-11-2019, 01:44 PM
ctd ctd is offline
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Originally Posted by Kurt505 View Post
Did you receive the call from the compaintant or were you just one of the attending officers?

Cops put up the wall of silence, may or may not be solely for investigative measures, they did lie on their official statement claiming there were no injuries, if you beleive he got scared and hung up then you have to beleive ALL of his statements, not just the parts that fit your take of the situation.... like the part where he states he can’t lift his arm above his shoulder in the video he posted the same night it happened. (Not 3 days later)

What part of kicking the guys fence down rather than opening the gate professional? If the cop called him a retard (caught on tape), kicked down his fence (I assume has been documented as well), what makes you think all of a sudden hesgoing to start acting in a professional manner? Very curious to hear.

Not getting the job as a cop is testament to knowing it’s not for me.

The guy himself stated he was not injured other then maybe not being able to sleep due to the incident. Guess comming from him during his interview is not credible.
The rest of what you said well ok.... what was actually said and done.
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Old 07-11-2019, 01:55 PM
JB_AOL JB_AOL is offline
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Originally Posted by Joe Black View Post
just for the record, your "i'm done here" quote was followed by eight more comments from yourself, explaining that any negative views on what the cops did is invalid,
Yeah, and I got suckered back in.. big deal..

NO.. People's negative views on how the cops proceeded is because of their lack of knowledge on how LEO's are required to operate (protocol).
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Old 07-11-2019, 02:10 PM
JB_AOL JB_AOL is offline
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Originally Posted by Kurt505 View Post
What are you talking about???

You brought a whole bunch of assumption into this thread, and you’re not even aware of the fact he has already posted the video of when it was going down. The media has copies of his videos.

Here’s your first post

Sure.. And guess what, so did you.. You're assuming his story was true.. It's called a discussion.

Haha.. Did you watch the videos? He's yelling at the cops, calling them names. Those cops showed alot of restraint. I can only imagine how irate he was as the standoff happened.

I’ll take you up on that $20. We’ll see if the piano teaching farmer is as hardened of criminal as you claim.
Hardened criminal? Go ahead put more words in my mouth..
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Old 07-11-2019, 02:15 PM
fishnguy fishnguy is offline
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Is there a link to where I could watch the video of the apprehension or whatever happened?
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Old 07-11-2019, 02:18 PM
JB_AOL JB_AOL is offline
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Originally Posted by fishnguy View Post
Is there a link to where I could watch the video of the apprehension or whatever happened?
facebook only. It's quite enlightening regarding the situation.
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Old 07-11-2019, 02:40 PM
Kurt505 Kurt505 is offline
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Originally Posted by JB_AOL View Post
Yeah, and I got suckered back in.. big deal..

NO.. People's negative views on how the cops proceeded is because of their lack of knowledge on how LEO's are required to operate (protocol).
Is it protocol to kick down a fence father than open the gate?

Is it protocol to call suspects retard?

Obviously you are privy to leo’s Protocol so let’s hear it.

Forgive for not having that knowledge.
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Old 07-11-2019, 02:53 PM
JB_AOL JB_AOL is offline
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Originally Posted by Kurt505 View Post
Is it protocol to kick down a fence father than open the gate?

Is it protocol to call suspects retard?
Go watch the video.. although, I'm not expecting you to understand..

Obviously you are privy to leo’s Protocol so let’s hear it.

Forgive for not having that knowledge.
Sigh.. move along..
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Old 07-11-2019, 03:14 PM
Kurt505 Kurt505 is offline
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Originally Posted by JB_AOL View Post
Go watch the video.. although, I'm not expecting you to understand..

Sigh.. move along..
Nice, so you admit you’re just flapping, pretending to be in the know? Kind of what I figured.

I never assumed anything, everything I said was from the video and news. You’re the one assuming he was a criminal, you want to put $20 on it, and you even go as far as accusing his brother as being a criminal too!

I watched the video, but unfortunately it wasn’t through biased eyes such as yours, I wasn’t seeing him or his brother as criminals like you did, that’s why I can’t understand the video like you.

Oh course he was yelling in the video!!! His house was surrounded by a bunch of guys pointing guns at him FOR NO REASON, of course his adrenaline was pumping full throttle. The difference should have been the cops were trained to control their emotions, that SHOULD have been the difference, but it wasn’t. The cops botched this right from the beginning. They had no idea who they were looking for, they were just arresting anyone they could round up. They called him politically unaccepted names, destroyed his property, neglected to take proper care of his children, arrested the wrong people, and I’m sure the list goes on.
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Old 07-11-2019, 03:41 PM
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My .02 cents worth:

The OP should file a freedom of information request to find out what exactly the neighbour told the police. If it was a frivilous complaint, aimed at revenge due to an earlier incident, then the OP should be seeking legal advice and taking the caller to court.

Mr Conservation
"One does not hunt in order to kill; on the contrary, one kills in order to have hunted" Jose Ortega y Gasset - Meditations on Hunting
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Old 07-11-2019, 04:00 PM
fishnguy fishnguy is offline
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Thanks. Used my wife’s Facebook to watch it.

So is the video the one with the cat? I thought there was more.

Not sure about this whole story. In the first video (rather it is the second one, the one linked in the first post of this thread), the guy says he was bathing his kids when he got a call from the cops. In the the cat video, him lying on the ground, he says that he was unloading the groceries with his wife and then was going to give a bath to the kids and take one himself. Also, he said he asked the wife to record when he went outside, where is that recording? Or is this the one? Doesn’t look like he is being recorded by someone, but himself (speculation).

I don’t hear the cops being rough, swearing and calling him names. Yes, one cop said “Don’t be a retard”. I agree, completely inappropriate. This guy called him a ***** though just a moment later. Pointing the gun at dogs? Well, have you seen the dog? Obviously, anyone in place of those officers would point their gun at it too.

He himself in the video said that he was told by the cops on the phone that someone said he was pointing a firearm at them. What were the cops were supposed to do? Hear him say “No, I didn’t and I don’t have a gun”, respond with “Oh, ok, cool. Sorry to bother you” and leave the scene? He seemed to be pretty uneasy , swearing himself (can’t blame him for being uneasy), trying to do something with the phone, etc. Where were the cops supposed to point their rifles? At the threats, which were him and the dog(s) in that situation (I don’t know where the wife was and what she was doing; I definitely didn’t hear any weeping or freaking out as he described her condition at some point in the video).

Hanging up the first time was also a dumb idea.

Also, one of the guys shooting gophers, appeared to say that cops didn’t even know they were there and weren’t ready for them. Maybe I understood it wrong. I took it from this article: https://globalnews.ca/news/5481958/s...WldzOIfoJVL-gY
Cunningham said police were unorganized during the “nerve-racking” situation.

“They didn’t have a clue what they were doing. They didn’t even know we were there. They were so surprised, they weren’t ready to deal with us,” he said.

“I thought I was going to walk up to that officer and explain myself and everyone was going to go home and say, ‘Whew, that was crazy.’ I didn’t expect to go to jail.”
The cops didn’t know the gopher shooters were there, so they were definitely coming for the homeowner and/or whoever was inside the house. Then the dude hangs up on the cops when they ask him to come out with his hands up.

Anyway, doesn’t look to me like cops were in the wrong, aside from the retard part and I don’t know what happened with the fence there (the guy should be compensated if what he said actually happened).

Why was the brother inside for half an hour giving the kids a bath while being ordered to come out with his hands up? That sounds pretty ridiculous too.

The gopher shooter says he saw cops (probably with their rifles and pistols out) and thought he was going to go to them and explain everything, with his .22 in hands (speculation) and then laugh about it. Maybe one day he will grow up and laugh about how silly he was, if this is how the events, in fact, played out.

Like I said, strange story. We will see what happened with it. Overall, not enough facts are provided, except those by the statements from the cops. In the article I posted above, a cop talks more about the whole situation. The key player is the neighbour and what she said to the cops and if she really saw the gopher shooters were shooting in her main direction.

So far, the more light she’d on this, reveals to me that the cops did what they were supposed to do in the circumstances. Yes, retard part and broken fence is not one of those things they were supposed to do.

Also, I am not a cop, don’t have any cop friends/relatives/etc. I have been harassed by the cops myself, never by the RCMP yet (knock on wood).
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Old 07-11-2019, 04:22 PM
Oldan Grumpi Oldan Grumpi is offline
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Originally Posted by Mr Conservation View Post
My .02 cents worth:

The OP should file a freedom of information request to find out what exactly the neighbour told the police. If it was a frivilous complaint, aimed at revenge due to an earlier incident, then the OP should be seeking legal advice and taking the caller to court.

Mr Conservation
I tried that once when DND stole my very expensive tender documents and used our data for their own purposes. I was told I’d have to fork over $25K up front for them to ‘do the research’ with no guarantee of information. FOIA isn’t applicable when a govt. agency is the subject apparently. Our lawyer said we’d just get a “no information found” response for our $25K.
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Old 07-11-2019, 04:30 PM
Oldan Grumpi Oldan Grumpi is offline
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By the way, “swatting” is becoming a common criminal act in the U.S. Somebody on social media aggravates you, so you do a 911 call and report a shooter at the guys address and ‘get even’. One guy (some gamer clown) recently got 20 years for doing it repeatedly.
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Old 07-11-2019, 04:38 PM
glen moa glen moa is offline
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I wonder if they will let him use the phone in jail.
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Old 07-11-2019, 04:39 PM
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Originally Posted by Oldan Grumpi View Post
I do not like the direction the RCMP have taken in the past three decades. I have no doubt they are using excuses such as the Mayerthorpe incident to create their policies, and are now creating an “Us against them” atmosphere with the public they are meant to serve.

The fundamental problem is really bad command decisions. You might have noticed the long promised report on Mayerthorpe has never been released. The NCOIC who gave the disastrous command that night has long since retired, taken his pension and faded away into the civilian population....his culpability has been buried in a file somewhere never to see the light of day. “Maintiens le Droit” has been shamefully buried behind a Blue Wall. To the best of my knowledge the officer who gave the order to ‘kick in doors’ in High River has never been identified or made to face the public.

The abysmal training in Depot and the goon squad attitude being instilled there has finally reached the 30 year veterans now in Ottawa HQ. The police force that was once the pride of the nation and the envy of other police forces has degenerated into something shameful. It’s doubtful if there are enough ‘cool heads’ left in the force to bring it back to respectability.
Ever note all the crap they are carrying these days ? They look like beer keg on legs and can barely walk.
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Old 07-11-2019, 04:57 PM
fishnguy fishnguy is offline
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Originally Posted by Kurt505 View Post
Oh course he was yelling in the video!!! His house was surrounded by a bunch of guys pointing guns at him FOR NO REASON, of course his adrenaline was pumping full throttle. The difference should have been the cops were trained to control their emotions, that SHOULD have been the difference, but it wasn’t. The cops botched this right from the beginning. They had no idea who they were looking for, they were just arresting anyone they could round up. They called him politically unaccepted names, destroyed his property, neglected to take proper care of his children, arrested the wrong people, and I’m sure the list goes on.
But it seems there was a reason. The neighbour called and said she saw “guys with guns” firing at her from the neighbours property (whatever way she put it) and more info she provided later when the cops arrived to the scene. (No one knows if what she said is true or not or even what she said exactly happened.) This appears to be a fact, according to all parties. This is the reason. Whether they really were shooting her way, we don’t know. In my post above, I mentioned that it appears the cops were coming for the house and whoever was in it and did not know about the gopher shooters at all, according to one of the shooters. The rcmp acted on the assumption that whatever the neighbour said was true and the rest unfolded from there.

I don’t know about emotions. In the video the guy posted, he is the only one swearing. The cops yelled to spread and whatever, but that’s what they do and were trained to do. I have never heard cops saying “nicely” “Would you be kind enough to lie down on the ground and put your hands behind you head. Please, don’t forget to spread your legs because that’s just as important. Thanks, I greatly appreciate your cooperation, you are doing great!” Also, when he made the retard remark, the cop seemed to be pretty chill. Again, the remark was inappropriate and he should get a talking to or something.

The kids part, I don’t know. It’s just what he says and I don’t know if it is true. Doesn’t make sense to me, but we will see what will be revealed later, if anything.

It all really depends on what the good old neighbour said to the cops when she talked to them.

Also, the guy said that his brother was charged with drinking and driving, which seem to never happen either and why would it?
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Old 07-11-2019, 05:09 PM
Kurt505 Kurt505 is offline
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Originally Posted by fishnguy View Post
But it seems there was a reason. The neighbour called and said she saw “guys with guns” firing at her from the neighbours property (whatever way she put it) and more info she provided later when the cops arrived to the scene. (No one knows if what she said is true or not or even what she said exactly happened.) This appears to be a fact, according to all parties. This is the reason. Whether they really were shooting her way, we don’t know. In my post above, I mentioned that it appears the cops were coming for the house and whoever was in it and did not know about the gopher shooters at all, according to one of the shooters. The rcmp acted on the assumption that whatever the neighbour said was true and the rest unfolded from there.

I don’t know about emotions. In the video the guy posted, he is the only one swearing. The cops yelled to spread and whatever, but that’s what they do and were trained to do. I have never heard cops saying “nicely” “Would you be kind enough to lie down on the ground and put your hands behind you head. Please, don’t forget to spread your legs because that’s just as important. Thanks, I greatly appreciate your cooperation, you are doing great!” Also, when he made the retard remark, the cop seemed to be pretty chill. Again, the remark was inappropriate and he should get a talking to or something.

The kids part, I don’t know. It’s just what he says and I don’t know if it is true. Doesn’t make sense to me, but we will see what will be revealed later, if anything.

It all really depends on what the good old neighbour said to the cops when she talked to them.

Also, the guy said that his brother was charged with drinking and driving, which seem to never happen either and why would it?

I know the cops were there because of the gun call from the neighbor but he didn’t know the neighbor called the cops on him, so to him they were arresting him for no reason.

I’m of the opinion that the cops blew this way out of proportion, unless the woman said “bullets were flying past my head and now he barricaded himself inside his house”, it was an over reaction.
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Old 07-11-2019, 05:23 PM
trophybook trophybook is offline
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Originally Posted by Mr Conservation View Post
My .02 cents worth:

The OP should file a freedom of information request to find out what exactly the neighbour told the police. If it was a frivilous complaint, aimed at revenge due to an earlier incident, then the OP should be seeking legal advice and taking the caller to court.

Mr Conservation
If the guy lawyers up he can request the 911 call to be included in the disclosure package
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Old 07-11-2019, 05:40 PM
Oldan Grumpi Oldan Grumpi is offline
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There’s already been enough noise made about this that at least the media will be following it. We’ll no doubt be reading all about it in weeks to come when the various charges come to trial, unless they’re quietly dropped with a non-disclosure caveat attached. That scenario wouldn’t surprise me.
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Old 07-11-2019, 06:34 PM
roper1 roper1 is offline
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Originally Posted by JB_AOL View Post
I was told per/capita, chestermere has one of the highest RCMP officers/resident ratio, but that was about 8 years ago. And at the time nobody wanted to work there due to the crimes that were happening. Specifically gang/drug related. I don't know what it's like now.
Are you saying there isn't a cop wanting to work those districts? Appears that way. Easy to see why Joe Q Public can see the level of police work deteriorating. No cops want to be deployed there, the ones there know this & whine. How good for morale is that???

Is there really no keeners left in that organization that say 'Hey there's a big congregation of the bad guys there, post me, I want to go get them'
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Last edited by roper1; 07-11-2019 at 06:46 PM.
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Old 07-11-2019, 09:03 PM
SnipeHunter SnipeHunter is offline
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Originally Posted by JB_AOL View Post
LEO's have to treat every situation as a worst case scenario.
Ugh- no they don't. This is a free society.
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Old 07-12-2019, 12:53 AM
ctd ctd is offline
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Its funny one night I was walking home early in the morning. I heard some noise in the bushes then heard stop or the dog will attack, I stumbled I then heard stop or I will shoot put your hands up. I complied with sorry I am slowly moving my hands up.
The Officer identified himself, told me to lift my shirt and turn around slowly. I complied. He had his gun pointed at me and his dog leash in the other one. Once he realized I was not armed he asked the usual where was I going, where did I come from, what was my name and do I have ID. I complied politely with his orders. Turns out there was a sexual assault a few blocks over and I fit the height description of the suspect.

Next Driving down the highway, Police Officer pulls me over. Come over the loud speaker to open my door from the outside, get out slowly with my hands in the air, lift my shirt, slowly turn around. Guess what I complied, no complaining or swearing at the Officer. Turns out he pulled over the wrong truck, he apologized. Oh ya he had his gun pointed at me during this time. When asked why he said his closet back up was 45mins away and traffic stops were getting dangerous an he was to close to retirement to get injured on the job. I shook his hand and went on my way.

Pulled over one night in my car, yup Police had guns out. car fit a description (dark Honda Accord) of a group of people committing B&Es. (mine was Brown). After they approached my car and seeing me alone and in Uniform they apologized. Said have a good night and explained why they pulled me over the way they did.

Driving on the highway, pulled over for speeding 115 in a 110 zone. Officer asks for Reg and Insurance. I reached into the glove box, had the documents in a zip lock bag. She pulls her gun and starts freaking out at me. Saying get out of the truck. I politely said I would but she was blocking my door. She backed away still telling me to get out. I reach for the door handle and she says stop. walks up and asks what in the baggy. I said reg and insurance. She then calms down and eludes to me being a drug dealer. She needs to search my truck. I said sure but I ant no drug dealer. I didnt freak out I complied with her instructions. She realize she messed up a bit. Only searched my glove box looking for joints. I was laughing at this point.

My point in all of these is that If I had of responded similar to what this guy in the original post did I more then likely would of been shot, biting or both. all over misunderstandings. I did not sue, I did not complain. I told them all I hope they have a better day.
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Old 07-12-2019, 01:21 AM
New Hunter Okotoks New Hunter Okotoks is offline
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Originally Posted by ctd View Post
Its funny one night I was walking home early in the morning. I heard some noise in the bushes then heard stop or the dog will attack, I stumbled I then heard stop or I will shoot put your hands up. I complied with sorry I am slowly moving my hands up.
The Officer identified himself, told me to lift my shirt and turn around slowly. I complied. He had his gun pointed at me and his dog leash in the other one. Once he realized I was not armed he asked the usual where was I going, where did I come from, what was my name and do I have ID. I complied politely with his orders. Turns out there was a sexual assault a few blocks over and I fit the height description of the suspect.

Next Driving down the highway, Police Officer pulls me over. Come over the loud speaker to open my door from the outside, get out slowly with my hands in the air, lift my shirt, slowly turn around. Guess what I complied, no complaining or swearing at the Officer. Turns out he pulled over the wrong truck, he apologized. Oh ya he had his gun pointed at me during this time. When asked why he said his closet back up was 45mins away and traffic stops were getting dangerous an he was to close to retirement to get injured on the job. I shook his hand and went on my way.

Pulled over one night in my car, yup Police had guns out. car fit a description (dark Honda Accord) of a group of people committing B&Es. (mine was Brown). After they approached my car and seeing me alone and in Uniform they apologized. Said have a good night and explained why they pulled me over the way they did.

Driving on the highway, pulled over for speeding 115 in a 110 zone. Officer asks for Reg and Insurance. I reached into the glove box, had the documents in a zip lock bag. She pulls her gun and starts freaking out at me. Saying get out of the truck. I politely said I would but she was blocking my door. She backed away still telling me to get out. I reach for the door handle and she says stop. walks up and asks what in the baggy. I said reg and insurance. She then calms down and eludes to me being a drug dealer. She needs to search my truck. I said sure but I ant no drug dealer. I didnt freak out I complied with her instructions. She realize she messed up a bit. Only searched my glove box looking for joints. I was laughing at this point.

My point in all of these is that If I had of responded similar to what this guy in the original post did I more then likely would of been shot, biting or both. all over misunderstandings. I did not sue, I did not complain. I told them all I hope they have a better day.
How would you feel if the Cop would have handcuffed you, left you face down in the dirt for an hour, mocked you, falsely arrested you, brought you to jail, then released you hours later at 1:00 am in the rain and refused to drive you home? Would you still be okay with it? Because what happened to the guy in the video is different from what happened to you. In all your cases, you were not handcuffed nor were you brought to jail. At least in your case you matched the description of a wanted criminal, in this guy's case he was guilty of just being at the scene; as was his wife, children, and brother. You were also dealing one on one with individual Officers, not 8-12 amped up Cops all pointing rifles at you and your family. Had it been one Officer who showed up for the call, perhaps it would have been handled differently and without escalation. Police are supposed to be highly trained to deal with extremely volatile situations, surely they could deal with some shirtless guy who just wanted to record what was going on when they have 8-12 Cops on the scene armed and ready.

I also don't see why that female Cop would have felt that it was okay to search your vehicle. Yes drug dealers use baggies, but so do millions of other people for many, many different purposes. I can maybe understand it if you had white powder in the baggie, but not paperwork. Also, I don't know that I would feel so comfortable having a loaded weapon pointed at me just because someone didn't have backup on hand and they are close to retirement.

If someone pointed their gun at me, I don't think that I would be telling them that I hoped they had a better day. But that's just me.
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Old 07-12-2019, 02:54 AM
32-40win 32-40win is offline
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Whole thing boils down to the phone call, that will shed a whole bunch of light on the situation. Maybe one day we'll know the whole story. Not entirely sure we've heard the whole of the one side, either.
You should also be a member;
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Old 07-12-2019, 03:11 AM
ctd ctd is offline
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Originally Posted by New Hunter Okotoks View Post
How would you feel if the Cop would have handcuffed you, left you face down in the dirt for an hour, mocked you, falsely arrested you, brought you to jail, then released you hours later at 1:00 am in the rain and refused to drive you home? Would you still be okay with it? Because what happened to the guy in the video is different from what happened to you. In all your cases, you were not handcuffed nor were you brought to jail. At least in your case you matched the description of a wanted criminal, in this guy's case he was guilty of just being at the scene; as was his wife, children, and brother. You were also dealing one on one with individual Officers, not 8-12 amped up Cops all pointing rifles at you and your family. Had it been one Officer who showed up for the call, perhaps it would have been handled differently and without escalation. Police are supposed to be highly trained to deal with extremely volatile situations, surely they could deal with some shirtless guy who just wanted to record what was going on when they have 8-12 Cops on the scene armed and ready.

I also don't see why that female Cop would have felt that it was okay to search your vehicle. Yes drug dealers use baggies, but so do millions of other people for many, many different purposes. I can maybe understand it if you had white powder in the baggie, but not paperwork. Also, I don't know that I would feel so comfortable having a loaded weapon pointed at me just because someone didn't have backup on hand and they are close to retirement.

If someone pointed their gun at me, I don't think that I would be telling them that I hoped they had a better day. But that's just me.
First off, the Police had a shots fired call in this guys situation. Their response was in response to that. Then the guy hung the phone up on them. hmmm

In my first situation I almost got mauled by the police dog along with one step away from being shot. All for matching the height of the person. Not even the same clothes. I understood where he was coming from. It was dark and they were looking for douche bag. (I actually thought I was being mugged thank me lucky charms I didnt run)
I have never been easy with a person pointing a firearm at me. Especially a Police Officer (I know their their level of training and not very impressed).
But when one does this I comply with their directions. Why because I have done nothing wrong. Being resistive to a armed person usually does not end well. Add the stress of a shots fired call an this is the response.

As for the Officer pulling his gun on me because he was alone and close to retirement. He had been attacked 6 or so months earlier during a traffic stop and was almost killed during a simple not so simple traffic stop. So I think he is justified in his actions. As many on here state better to be Judged by 12 then carried by 6.

As for being handcuffed, nope I was not cuffed. ( almost shot and or eaten by the dog) but Nor did I try to run away, film, hang up my phone, roll up my window, yell swear or be biligerant in any way shape of form to the Officers.

being left face down in the dirt may have something to do with the Police having to deal with all the occupants of the house, searching the house along with securing the perimeter. That should only take mere minutes for a expert correct.
being at the station until 1am and not being given a ride home is unfortunate and his Lawyer can go after them for that.

I am willing to bet had his intial response not been to hang up the phone, had he of brought everyone in the house to greet the Police things may have been different. But they were not, things escalated from a high priority shots fired call to a un-coopertive suspect.
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Old 07-12-2019, 06:02 AM
New Hunter Okotoks New Hunter Okotoks is offline
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Originally Posted by ctd View Post
As for the Officer pulling his gun on me because he was alone and close to retirement. He had been attacked 6 or so months earlier during a traffic stop and was almost killed during a simple not so simple traffic stop. So I think he is justified in his actions. As many on here state better to be Judged by 12 then carried by 6.

To me, if the Police Officer is that nervous about every traffic stop- to the point that he points his pistol at people whenever he is alone, then he is not fit for duty. What if someone accidentally scratches their stomach or answers their phone? "Better to be judged by 12 than carried by six" would dictate that he takes no chances and shoots the person; regardless of if they are armed or not.

It would seem that his priority was to make his retirement, not to perform his job properly. If that mindset is okay for him, then would you be okay if every routine encounter by Police across Canada is carried out in the same manner he does it? Would you be so understanding if homeowners answered their doors by pointing firearms at people because they had a previous home invasion? If anything, he is more of a liability because he is the one choosing to escalate situations to that level. If he feels that every single person on the road is out to get him and he needs to hold everyone at gunpoint until they prove themselves, then he is more of a liability to the public than any sort of benefit he provides.

There are inherent risks with every job and it seems as though modern day policing has turned into reducing risks at all costs and following protocols that were developed based on absolute worse case scenarios. There are a lot of people who use firearms in this country and I am not comfortable knowing that Police handle every case of "man with a gun" as an active shooter. I understand that if the RCMP received a call of "a person being shot at" then they do have to treat it as an active shooter. However, it would seem to me that it should have been fairly obvious that there was no active shooter situation once they arrived. If they really believed that was the case, then why did they handle it themselves and not wait for a trained SWAT unit from Calgary to deal with it?

I am going by what the person claimed in his video and I would not be the least bit surprised if he is telling the absolute truth. The RCMP are not giving anything to counter his claims, so at this point, I am taking him at his word. I am not going to suggest that he is: "a criminal", "known to police", "a liar", "fishing for gofund me cash" or anything else to disrespect him. Someone else posted in this thread that the police have to treat everything as a worse case scenario. Well if that's the case, then I guess we had all better get ready for a Police State where everyone is considered a well armed terrorist by Police Officers and treated as such. If Police Officers consider every Citizen to be an armed criminal, then why shouldn't Citizens consider every Police Officer to be just like the ones who kill people at airports, steal firearms from an entire community while playing: "who can kick in the front door the best", who soccer kick people in the head when they are fully compliant and on their hands and knees on the ground, who curb stomp people, etc, etc. There has to be some level of trust between the Police and the Citizens until it is broken. Everyone seems to take the side that the number one priority for Law Enforcement is:"To make it home safely at the end of the shift."... and if they screw up, that's what the union and the lawyers are for. What about making sure that innocent citizens make it out of Police encounters safely??

Btw, ctd. I hope that this does not come across as disrespect in any way as that is not my intent at all. I am just having a debate regarding a situation that has several different opinions.
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Old 07-12-2019, 06:54 AM
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What I find quite odd, is that he has a few pics of dead animals on his FB profile, yet he hasn’t fired a gun in forever?
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Old 07-12-2019, 07:06 AM
elkhunter11 elkhunter11 is online now
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Originally Posted by DiabeticKripple View Post
What I find quite odd, is that he has a few pics of dead animals on his FB profile, yet he hasn’t fired a gun in forever?
I see four pictures of what appears to be the same elk, it's quite possible that the picture is several years old, and for all we know, it may be the only game animal that he has ever killed. With four pictures of the same elk, that is actually quite likely. My father had pictures of him with deer in the house before he passed, and he hadn't owned a firearm, or fired one in 15 years or so.
Only accurate guns are interesting.
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