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Old 11-08-2020, 02:30 PM
Kurt505 Kurt505 is offline
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Originally Posted by Sundancefisher View Post
Otherwise you must hate all Canadians since we are all to the political left of the democrats.
What planet are you on?
Old 11-08-2020, 02:32 PM
elkhunter11 elkhunter11 is offline
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Originally Posted by daveyn View Post
Or just maybe, like every other election in American history the American people accept the results and are moving on, unlike the sitting President.
Antifa , BLM and the other groups that start the riots are not paid by Trump, so they aren't rioting over him losing.
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Old 11-08-2020, 02:34 PM
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Originally Posted by daveyn View Post
I didn't see any stories related to anybody rioting related to election results, especially prior to the election. You posted a huge black and white statement that seemed to congratulate the disappointed republican voters for not rioting in regards to election results as if that was exceptionally good behavior when actually its pretty normal behavior.
I would say again, people have accepted the results and moved on and the sitting POTUS should also.
You hit the hammer on the nail.

There is absolutely nothing anyone sees as worthy to protest over. It’s like the Americans have gone nuts with a 4 year Super Bowl game with shady plays and poor refereeing..and then..in the final play...a miracle touchdown with no penalties on the field and fans go home..some happy...some sad...knowing another game starts Jan 20

No riots needed
It is not the most intellectual of the species that survives; it is not the strongest that survives; but the species that survives is the one that is able best to adapt and adjust to the changing environment in which it finds itself. Charles Darwin
Old 11-08-2020, 02:54 PM
daveyn daveyn is offline
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Originally Posted by Kurt505 View Post
It wasn’t a congratulations, it shows how civilized people handle a situation.



You have no problem telling trump to move on yet can’t even acknowledge it’s been 4 years and the democrats still hadn’t moved on.
One post is related to preparing for a riot and the 2nd post talks about a riot but does not identify the parties involved as either democrats or republicans and makes reference to a peaceful BLM event and an armed group that appeared to cause the bulk of the trouble and had no discernable agenda. Not sure how to connect that to a democrat vs republican theme.
I've not been asked to acknowledge anything and if your reference is to the fact the Democrats behaved badly over the last 4 years you may be correct, but that has nothing to do with Donald Trump not accepting the results of the election, which is kind of the topic here.
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Old 11-08-2020, 03:04 PM
YYC338 YYC338 is offline
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Originally Posted by KegRiver View Post
Did you miss the part where he wanted to close the border to stop the virus from entering the US but the democrats accused him of being racist for wanting to do so?
So you're telling me he didn't close the border because the demo's got their knickers in a knot? Is that what really happened? Did the demo's do anything legislatively that stopped him from closing the border? Do tell

He brags about closing the border to China, but then 40,000 people returned to the US after the closure. That appeared to be enough seed infection to kick things off nicely. Then he was slow in shutting down Europe after it was obvious the virus had spread there. That's one of the reasons NYC had such a problem to start with. They receive a large portion of the trans Atlantic plane arrivals.

Originally Posted by KegRiver View Post
Saying he denied Covid is a gross exaggeration. What he did was take a more common sense approach.
Was that the best way? I don't know and no one else does, only time will tell.

But to suggest he did nothing or very little is simply not true.
Oh, time has told and the US response stands alone as being the worst in the first world by many measures.

By his own voice he knew in late January the virus was going to do damage but did nothing for almost a month to protect the American people. Can you please list the major steps and measures the Trump admin did in the first 3 weeks of February to get ahead of the outbreak. I'll read them.

The ironic thing is that if he'd tackled the virus head on early (he knew about it) produced the PPE shut things down tighter, sooner it would have brought the infection rate down lower and quicker most likely and the economy may well have been doing better come election time.

It's clear and obvious he swept things under the rug and tried to minimize the effect to make himself look beter and it cost him dearly.

He may well have gotten re-elected if things were doing better but he sewered himself by his own actions and got exactly what he deserved
Old 11-08-2020, 03:04 PM
midgetwaiter midgetwaiter is offline
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Originally Posted by Trochu View Post
I really don't care, not one little bit, about what he says. He could look me in the eye and say hes been to the moon and is a 21 year old NHL star, I don't care. What I do care about are the policies he supports and tries to push through. Kinda like having a boss that says you have to work the weekend but then doesn't make you, gives you a raise, and having people focusing on "he said I had to work the weekend, he lied".
How have you convinced yourself that his lies don’t have consequences? I think if my boss lied about me having to work Saturday so I gave away my tickets to the football game I’d have reason to complain.

Trump’s are a lot more consequential than that though. When he says, go live it your life without fear and if you do get sick we’ll give you this treatment for free that influences people’s decisions. How many people were less cautious and are now stuck fighting this disease without his no cost miracle cure? Some of these people will die.

Furthermore you need to consider just how much what of what you consider his accomplishments are nothing but more BS. He spent the week leading up to the election talking over and over about the five new auto plants that are opening in Michigan and Ohio because of his actions but NOBODY can figure out what companies or factories he’s talking about. It’s nothing but a fantasy.

No politician has clean hands but this guy is covered in crap up to his damn ears.
Old 11-08-2020, 03:06 PM
Mulehahn Mulehahn is offline
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I am confused by all these comments about what Trump did or didn't do for Canada. Last time I checked that wasn't his job. His job was too look after America. If it suited the USA to turn Canada into a barren waste rather than a trading partner land I would hope he would do everything in his power to do it. Just regret we have a PM who doesn't care about Canada.

As far as election tampering/fraud/voter suppression goes...I don't see how any rational person can not have questions. I just wish someone would explain to me how so many thousands of votes for Trump were called for Biden in Michigan by the computer program? The same program that was used in several other key States. How was it not tested before the election? Explain to me how so many dead people voted? I understand how and why they were registered to vote, I want an explanation as to how they actually voted? Explain to me a 90% voter turn out in 2 key states while every other state struggled to get 70%?

none of those are enough to overturn the election. I just want to know how they happened.
Old 11-08-2020, 03:19 PM
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Originally Posted by Mulehahn View Post
I am confused by all these comments about what Trump did or didn't do for Canada. Last time I checked that wasn't his job. His job was too look after America. If it suited the USA to turn Canada into a barren waste rather than a trading partner land I would hope he would do everything in his power to do it. Just regret we have a PM who doesn't care about Canada.

As far as election tampering/fraud/voter suppression goes...I don't see how any rational person can not have questions. I just wish someone would explain to me how so many thousands of votes for Trump were called for Biden in Michigan by the computer program? The same program that was used in several other key States. How was it not tested before the election? Explain to me how so many dead people voted? I understand how and why they were registered to vote, I want an explanation as to how they actually voted? Explain to me a 90% voter turn out in 2 key states while every other state struggled to get 70%?

none of those are enough to overturn the election. I just want to know how they happened.

In the end all of the bluster about improper voting procedures, ballots, eligibility, deceased voters, etc will be reduced down to....nothing to see hear folks. Much ado about nothing. As always.

Just Trumps ego crying out for attention. Been like that for 70+ years. Why would it change now.

Quite sad actually. He's going to carry right on being the most divisive president in the history of the country until he's literally dragged out of the WH kicking and screaming. The man has no dignity and his legacy goes further down the sewer pipe every passing day.
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Old 11-08-2020, 03:23 PM
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To those having problems with "the orange man is out & Biden has got this" :

They called Al Gore the President Elect for 30 days in 2000, until the courts ruled against him and declared
Bush the winner. Two people that were part of that decision: none other than new Supreme Court Justices,
Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett. Why do you think the Democrats tried so hard to keep them
from being confirmed?

The only way President Trump won’t be President is if he concedes the election, and that will never
happen. Stop watching the fake news, don’t let your heart be troubled and live your life knowing this will
all work out. President Trump will remain President, so hold onto all your bets.
Old 11-08-2020, 03:26 PM
daveyn daveyn is offline
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voter turn out rate...don't see any 90%ers in there


Dead people voting


Hope this helps with your question.
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Old 11-08-2020, 03:59 PM
Kurt505 Kurt505 is offline
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Originally Posted by daveyn View Post
One post is related to preparing for a riot and the 2nd post talks about a riot but does not identify the parties involved as either democrats or republicans and makes reference to a peaceful BLM event and an armed group that appeared to cause the bulk of the trouble and had no discernable agenda. Not sure how to connect that to a democrat vs republican theme.
I've not been asked to acknowledge anything and if your reference is to the fact the Democrats behaved badly over the last 4 years you may be correct, but that has nothing to do with Donald Trump not accepting the results of the election, which is kind of the topic here.
Lol, do you think they were worried the republicans would let loose if Donald won?

Donald not accepting the results of the election because of election fraud looks a whole lot more logical than the democrats saying Putin did it..... Bahahaha.

I’m not going to say there was voter fraud, but I am going to say it sure looks plausible. I’ll wait for proof before I jump on that band wagon. I will say that I believe all hell would have broken loose had the numbers went trumps way and it wouldn’t be republicans who started the war.
Old 11-08-2020, 04:03 PM
Kurt505 Kurt505 is offline
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Originally Posted by Mulehahn View Post
I am confused by all these comments about what Trump did or didn't do for Canada. Last time I checked that wasn't his job. His job was too look after America. If it suited the USA to turn Canada into a barren waste rather than a trading partner land I would hope he would do everything in his power to do it. Just regret we have a PM who doesn't care about Canada.

As far as election tampering/fraud/voter suppression goes...I don't see how any rational person can not have questions. I just wish someone would explain to me how so many thousands of votes for Trump were called for Biden in Michigan by the computer program? The same program that was used in several other key States. How was it not tested before the election? Explain to me how so many dead people voted? I understand how and why they were registered to vote, I want an explanation as to how they actually voted? Explain to me a 90% voter turn out in 2 key states while every other state struggled to get 70%?

none of those are enough to overturn the election. I just want to know how they happened.

This pretty much sums up my take on the situation.
Old 11-08-2020, 04:36 PM
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Originally Posted by Mulehahn View Post
I am confused by all these comments about what Trump did or didn't do for Canada. Last time I checked that wasn't his job. His job was too look after America. If it suited the USA to turn Canada into a barren waste rather than a trading partner land I would hope he would do everything in his power to do it. Just regret we have a PM who doesn't care about Canada.

As far as election tampering/fraud/voter suppression goes...I don't see how any rational person can not have questions. I just wish someone would explain to me how so many thousands of votes for Trump were called for Biden in Michigan by the computer program? The same program that was used in several other key States. How was it not tested before the election? Explain to me how so many dead people voted? I understand how and why they were registered to vote, I want an explanation as to how they actually voted? Explain to me a 90% voter turn out in 2 key states while every other state struggled to get 70%?

none of those are enough to overturn the election. I just want to know how they happened.
Do you have a credible source of info in this ... (not youtube, facebook, Breitbart, etc..) I have not seen this on any major news network other than blanket statements and accusations parakeeting what the POTUS is saying - not data driven info.

Even Fox news today (who are pro Trump) questioned his lawyer and got nothing from her - it was funny. Just a bunch of claims and no substance - a bunch of numbers but no source.

Nothing from the election officials and/or republican party observers and the leadership of those same observers and auditors in those states.

Just curious to see it.
Old 11-08-2020, 04:50 PM
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What happened in Michigan, the "glitch" in Antrim, was not fraud...

They didn't update the software that pulls data for the unofficial reporting. The official vote numbers will not be affected. Nor is it anticipated this problem was seen elsewhere.


There is also no proof of dead people voting, just smoke and mirror claims... In fact if you read the articles on the subject the mention how well the system works that people that died AFTER voting had their votes rejected because that is the law.

The systems in place for counting these votes are not nearly as stupid and useless as you guys believe they are...
Old 11-08-2020, 05:22 PM
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I bet Trump is negotiating his demise.

He likely wants protection from prosecution as his actions may of been criminal at times...taxes for instance. Looking for Republican protections and them discussing with Democrats. Democrats will be looking for something back.

Likely also negotiating for Ivanka to run as President in 2024 which would mean guaranteed backing her over others by key Republications.

Also wants unlimited McDonalds.
It is not the most intellectual of the species that survives; it is not the strongest that survives; but the species that survives is the one that is able best to adapt and adjust to the changing environment in which it finds itself. Charles Darwin
Old 11-08-2020, 05:42 PM
Mulehahn Mulehahn is offline
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I don't understand the confusion. The National and State average for voter turn out is close to 70%. Out of 3,684,726 registered voters apparently approximately 3.3 ballots cast. These are the official numbers on any news source. That is damn close to 90%. Michigan was similar.

Michigan also has put out an official statement that in at Antrim County a clerk hit a button to "update" the electronically counted ballots and approximately 6000 votes were attributed to Biden that were cast Trump. The only reason it was flagged us because Antrim has never voted Republican ever so a manual count was ordered and the discrepancy was discovered. This same counting program was used in several countries in several States. Whether or not it was fraud does not make it ok. Incompetence and negligence are just as dangerous. What if that had happened in a larger county, or a traditionally Democratic voting one? That is 6000 people votes who would not of mattered. How is anyone ok with that?;

As for the dead voting, it is being talked about in the news. Has been for the last month or more. Several dead registered Republicans are known to have voted as well so this is not an attack on one side or the other. Did enough dead people vote to change the election? Probably not, but there is irrefutable evidence it occurred. It has occured in every election since at least "Dubya"

I do honestly believe Biden won. But it will never, nor should it be, ever considered a clean election.

Last edited by Mulehahn; 11-08-2020 at 05:58 PM.
Old 11-08-2020, 06:03 PM
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Originally Posted by Mulehahn View Post
I don't understand the confusion. The National and State average for voter turn out is close to 70%. Out of 3,684,726 registered voters apparently approximately 3.3 million voted. These are the official numbers on any news source. That is damn close to 90%. Michigan was similar.

Michigan also has put out an official statement that in at Antrim County a clerk hit a button to "update" the electronically counted ballots and approximately 6000 votes were attributed to Biden that were cast Trump. The only reason it was flagged us because Antrim has never voted Republican ever so a manual count was ordered and the discrepancy was discovered. This same counting program was used in several countries in several States. Whether or not it was fraud does not make it ok. Incompetence and negligence are just as dangerous.

As for the dead voting, it is being talked about in the news. Has been for the last month or more. Several dead registered Republicans are known to have voted as well so this is not an attack on one side or the other. Did enough dead people vote to change the election? Probably not, but there is irrefutable evidence it occurred. It has occured in every election since at least "Dubya"

I do honestly believe Biden won. But it will never, nor should it be, ever considered a clean election.
So if there is human or computer error it is not a clean election?

I would think a dirty election is rife with fraud, vote manipulation, illegal ballot destruction, illegal voter influence.

All of which needs to be widespread and easily documented and proved.

It can’t be the false ramblings of a sore loser. It can’t be simple things blown falsely out of control and context. Can’t make stuff and then see it suddenly be real.

There has been no documented facts presented. Many Republicans have said the same thing.

It is not the most intellectual of the species that survives; it is not the strongest that survives; but the species that survives is the one that is able best to adapt and adjust to the changing environment in which it finds itself. Charles Darwin
Old 11-08-2020, 06:07 PM
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If you read details on Antrim you would know that even if other counties had the same issue that the issue does not effect the official vote count... Even if they hadn't of noticed it would not have changed the outcome of the election...

Also as soon as that issue was reported I am sure every county running the same software was told to check the numbers and update software as necessary...

Just smoke and mirrors like the other claims being made. No concrete evidence provided thus far, that will have to change significantly and in like 3-4 states in order for Trump to win...

He lost by 4.2 million votes... If they didn't have their ridiculously outdated electoral college system (designed as such because back in the 18th century it was hard to communicate...) Trump would have never gotten into power in 2016 and we wouldn't be talking about this even being close right now.
Old 11-08-2020, 06:08 PM
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I tend to take it all with a grain of salt, good and bad on both sides, and I have to laugh at some of the stuff that goes on. Business will continue, those who can make money will, those who can't won't. Times and outlooks change pretty fast these days. If nothing else, Trump has pointed out the flaws in the electoral system, maybe it will help, maybe it won't, probably not. Nobody in Canada made a big stink when the Libs made the changes that helped keep them in for a second term, we didn't pay attention to it, still aren't. Media does run a false narrative whenever possible, and they have reached the point where they can't earn back any credibility.
Not sure what the heck is really going on down there, we'll see how it pans out and then just learn to live with it. It is entertaining though.
I am fairly sure of one thing though, Biden didn't kill himself, yet, Harris will have to wait a bit longer.
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Old 11-08-2020, 06:13 PM
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George Bush Jr says it was fair and Biden won.

It is not the most intellectual of the species that survives; it is not the strongest that survives; but the species that survives is the one that is able best to adapt and adjust to the changing environment in which it finds itself. Charles Darwin
Old 11-08-2020, 06:15 PM
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Hey..... I get that a lot of Trump supporters were mad about supposed dead people voting....

I wanna know if it’s true Republicans voted in a Senate guy that died of Covid.

They should get a re-do!!! They prolly figured faked virus... faked death!!!

Let them re-vote I say! Let’s have justice!!!
"How vain it is to sit down to write when you have not stood up to live.”
"A vote is like a rifle; its usefulness depends on the character of the user." T. Roosevelt
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Old 11-08-2020, 06:24 PM
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Originally Posted by Sundancefisher View Post
George Bush Jr says it was fair and Biden won.

Big surprise as he endorsed Biden in June also..
Old 11-08-2020, 06:40 PM
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Originally Posted by tri777 View Post
Big surprise as he endorsed Biden in June also..
Just shows how poor a leader Trump was and is.

Media and everyone should just not ask for nor care about a response. He has no further control over anything after Jan 20. I am sure there is nothing in his mind worth passing on to Biden. Admin issues will be tracked via normal channels.
It is not the most intellectual of the species that survives; it is not the strongest that survives; but the species that survives is the one that is able best to adapt and adjust to the changing environment in which it finds itself. Charles Darwin
Old 11-08-2020, 06:43 PM
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The transition meeting they have in the Oval Office, when the POTUS chats to the incoming POTUS should be SOLID GOLD
Old 11-08-2020, 06:46 PM
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Originally Posted by Kurt505 View Post
What planet are you on?
It’s just that you equate rioters with democrats.

Rioters are opportunistic thugs who care nothing about politics.

This them against us drives me nuts. I suspect 99% of world stuff you and I can agree on. Disagreeing on one thing makes neither you or me bad nor should it lump everyone else with a similar opinion to be the same group.

Many factors go into voting.
It is not the most intellectual of the species that survives; it is not the strongest that survives; but the species that survives is the one that is able best to adapt and adjust to the changing environment in which it finds itself. Charles Darwin
Old 11-08-2020, 06:50 PM
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Originally Posted by elkhunter11 View Post
Antifa , BLM and the other groups that start the riots are not paid by Trump, so they aren't rioting over him losing.
In any crowd you get a criminal element looking to stir up trouble. BLM is against rioting.

Antifa is different. They believe in violence and should be persecuted. They would start violence as a matter of principle, planning and strategy.

Your average person walking in a protest over stupid and preventable police brutality is NOT a rioter.
It is not the most intellectual of the species that survives; it is not the strongest that survives; but the species that survives is the one that is able best to adapt and adjust to the changing environment in which it finds itself. Charles Darwin
Old 11-08-2020, 06:54 PM
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Originally Posted by Sundancefisher View Post
".. He has no further control over anything after Jan 20..
I would be willing to put up (another) $100 that Trump gets this, you game sun?
Old 11-08-2020, 07:31 PM
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Originally Posted by Sundancefisher View Post
Just shows how poor a leader Trump was and is.

Media and everyone should just not ask for nor care about a response. He has no further control over anything after Jan 20. I am sure there is nothing in his mind worth passing on to Biden. Admin issues will be tracked via normal channels.
I think a lot of liberals misunderstand Trumps appeal.

The people I know who support him don't think he is a good leader, they think he will weaken the ruling structure because they can't buy him off like they do all the other politicians.

I don't know if they are right or if that is even possible but I sure understand the logic.

If we look at Canadian politics it is undeniable that there are powers at play other then the candidates in any election.

In all honesty, if Trudeau had only his merits to run on he couldn't win a seat on the village counsel.

It took a lot of power broker support to win him the job he has now.

That is the one thing he has accomplished, he has proven beyond a shadow of doubt, it's not smarts or experience that wins the vote, it's having the right connections.

Biden is no different. He is just a puppet like all the others. They do what they are told. They have to if they want to win anything.

Trump is the exception. He answers only to himself. That may not be good but if it exposes the real behind the scene players it may be worth it.

At least that's the hope. What other choices are there, ignore the problem and hope it goes away?

Again we can look at Canada and see where that take us. Banning guns, funneling money to family members, the list is endless.

Some times having a Skunk in the neighborhood is not all bad.
Democracy substitutes election by the incompetent many for appointment by the corrupt few.

George Bernard Shaw

Last edited by KegRiver; 11-08-2020 at 07:45 PM.
Old 11-08-2020, 08:01 PM
amosfella amosfella is offline
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Originally Posted by KegRiver View Post
I think a lot of liberals misunderstand Trumps appeal.

The people I know who support him don't think he is a good leader, they think he will weaken the ruling structure because they can't buy him off like the do all the other politicians.

I don't know if they are right or if that is even possible but I sure understand the logic.

If we look at Canadian politics it is undeniable that there are powers at play other then the candidates in any election.

In all honesty, if Trudeau had only his merits to run on he couldn't win a seat on the village counsel.

It took a lot of power broker support to win him the job he has now.

That is the one thing he has accomplished, he has proven beyond a shadow of doubt, it's not smarts or experience that wins the vote, it's having the right connections.

Biden is no different. He is just a puppet like all the others. They do what they are told. They have to if they want to win anything.

Trump is the exception. He answers only to himself. That may not be good but if it exposes the real behind the scene players it may be worth it.

At least that's the hope. What other choices are there, ignore the problem and hope it goes away?

Again we can look at Canada and see where that take us. Banning guns, funneling money to family members, the list is endless.

Some times having a Skunk in the neighborhood is not all bad.
This. Also, if you look at what Trump did, he was fairly Libertarian as compared to the establishment.

If you look into Trumps personal life, it's pretty clear that he actually cares about people. His actions show that.

Then there's this:


Trump has rescued the most US hostages in recent memory, and as I hear greeted each one personally when they go back to US soil.

Trump has started operations that found and 'freed' the most trafficked people inside the US.

Most of what people hate Trump for are things of form over substance. Trump is substance over form. So, it seems that his form is ragged, and coarse. Doesn't matter what he does, people hate him for it because they like the smooth talking political marionette doll that acts against their interests. But does it matter if the politician's edges are rough? It's not like you're ever going to have them at your kitchen table.

Trump didn't have strings that were being pulled. That's what made him interesting, and perhaps a good president.

And a question for all of you who think Biden should have won. Hypothetically, will you still support a Biden election and presidency if a video came out that showed Biden diddling a kid? Or would that change your mind about support?
Old 11-08-2020, 08:30 PM
RandyBoBandy RandyBoBandy is offline
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Originally Posted by amosfella View Post
This. Also, if you look at what Trump did, he was fairly Libertarian as compared to the establishment.

If you look into Trumps personal life, it's pretty clear that he actually cares about people. His actions show that.

Then there's this:


Trump has rescued the most US hostages in recent memory, and as I hear greeted each one personally when they go back to US soil.

Trump has started operations that found and 'freed' the most trafficked people inside the US.

Most of what people hate Trump for are things of form over substance. Trump is substance over form. So, it seems that his form is ragged, and coarse. Doesn't matter what he does, people hate him for it because they like the smooth talking political marionette doll that acts against their interests. But does it matter if the politician's edges are rough? It's not like you're ever going to have them at your kitchen table.

Trump didn't have strings that were being pulled. That's what made him interesting, and perhaps a good president.

And a question for all of you who think Biden should have won. Hypothetically, will you still support a Biden election and presidency if a video came out that showed Biden diddling a kid? Or would that change your mind about support?
Thank you
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