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Old 08-26-2015, 11:24 AM
killerpig killerpig is offline
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Originally Posted by stringer View Post
Racial divide is the highest it's been in the last 50 years.
Ferguson,Baltimore,St. Louis just to name a few.
All the polluters just moved from the U.S. to China ,Japan , South Korea , India ,
The worlds pollution problem isn't any better today than 40 years ago.
Building a wall would cost peanuts When compaired to the cost of social programs for illegals.
Illegal immigrants account for 30% of all violent crime and murders in th U.S.
How much does that cost the tax payer
Have you ever heard the saying Peace through Strength .
That's how Reagan ended the Cold War with Russia .
The Middle East is fire because a of week president.
Talk to any bussness owner in Canada or the U.S. That ships goods to China , Japan etc. and ask then how much tariff they pay to get their product into those countries.
It's not about free trade but fair trade.
Liberalism is a mental dissorder and yor talking points prove that.
Trump's rhetoric will certainly not improve race relations.

The problem with your argument is that all those countries are clearly taking steps to reduce polution while Republicans are denying climate change and fight against anything that reduces it.

You are seriously underestimating the cost of a border wall. Just putting up a fence in some areas have already cost the US billions.

Your crime statistic is not accurate and it's clear that immigrants actually commit far less crimes than US born population.

The strength of the military is irrelevant in the middle east. ISIS doesn't care how big it is. Sending ground troops will cost trillions and cost many American lives. Also the middle east has been on fire for a long time this isn't new.

Free trade is currently being pursued with the asian countries. Trump's attitude would no doubt kill any chance at a deal.

You need to think about these things harder. These issues are more complicated than bumper sticker slogans.
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Old 08-26-2015, 11:49 AM
stringer stringer is offline
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Originally Posted by Jalan View Post
People sure forget about the legislative branch. Replacing them would do far more then whoever is president.
The ones that will be up for reelection next year have to be worried.
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Old 08-26-2015, 11:58 AM
killerpig killerpig is offline
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Originally Posted by EZM View Post
To a large extent - your outline, although sarcastic, is pretty much bang on. This embodies the concerns of those conservatives who won't support Trump.

1) We should be politically correct and absolutely not tolerate racism or bigotry - these are things that destroy us and divide us and make us weaker. And - Alternately and Congruently - We should also not tolerate the over sensitive people/groups that "invent" issues where there aren't any.

2) We should take appropriate action on reducing emissions or pollution without disruption to our growth and take a lesson from Europe. It is possible. Germany may be a benchmark example.

3) We need to manage the country like a business (maybe the one area I may see Trump's value). There needs to be someone who is responsible with tax dollars and the allocation of those resources (revenues) to look at controlling long term debt.

4) Protectionism leads to trade isolation and eventual economic collapse - look at all the "closed economies" and see how they are doing. This is a short term strategy that needs some balance with trade deals that make sense over the long run.

I think you hit this one right on the head - your thoughts mirror the thoughts of many conservatives who won't be supporting Trump.
Obama stands for all 4 of these while the other Republican contenders all seem to fail 2 or so of these, yet you don't like Obama. Why is that?
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Old 08-26-2015, 11:58 AM
stringer stringer is offline
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Originally Posted by EZM View Post
To a large extent - your outline, although sarcastic, is pretty much bang on. This embodies the concerns of those conservatives who won't support Trump.

1) We should be politically correct and absolutely not tolerate racism or bigotry - these are things that destroy us and divide us and make us weaker. And - Alternately and Congruently - We should also not tolerate the over sensitive people/groups that "invent" issues where there aren't any.

2) We should take appropriate action on reducing emissions or pollution without disruption to our growth and take a lesson from Europe. It is possible. Germany may be a benchmark example.

3) We need to manage the country like a business (maybe the one area I may see Trump's value). There needs to be someone who is responsible with tax dollars and the allocation of those resources (revenues) to look at controlling long term debt.

4) Protectionism leads to trade isolation and eventual economic collapse - look at all the "closed economies" and see how they are doing. This is a short term strategy that needs some balance with trade deals that make sense over the long run.

I think you hit this one right on the head - your thoughts mirror the thoughts of many conservatives who won't be supporting Trump.
Where is the racism and bigotry in Trumps plan ?
Let's take our lesson from Europe and go bankrupt.
He's talking fair trade you obviously don't know what that means.
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Old 08-26-2015, 12:01 PM
stringer stringer is offline
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Originally Posted by killerpig View Post
Trump's rhetoric will certainly not improve race relations.

The problem with your argument is that all those countries are clearly taking steps to reduce polution while Republicans are denying climate change and fight against anything that reduces it.

You are seriously underestimating the cost of a border wall. Just putting up a fence in some areas have already cost the US billions.

Your crime statistic is not accurate and it's clear that immigrants actually commit far less crimes than US born population.

The strength of the military is irrelevant in the middle east. ISIS doesn't care how big it is. Sending ground troops will cost trillions and cost many American lives. Also the middle east has been on fire for a long time this isn't new.

Free trade is currently being pursued with the asian countries. Trump's attitude would no doubt kill any chance at a deal.

You need to think about these things harder. These issues are more complicated than bumper sticker slogans.
Spoken like a true liberal
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Old 08-26-2015, 12:07 PM
stringer stringer is offline
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Illegal crime wave.
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Old 08-26-2015, 12:57 PM
stringer stringer is offline
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Originally Posted by killerpig View Post
Trump's rhetoric will certainly not improve race relations.

The problem with your argument is that all those countries are clearly taking steps to reduce polution while Republicans are denying climate change and fight against anything that reduces it.

You are seriously underestimating the cost of a border wall. Just putting up a fence in some areas have already cost the US billions.

Your crime statistic is not accurate and it's clear that immigrants actually commit far less crimes than US born population.

The strength of the military is irrelevant in the middle east. ISIS doesn't care how big it is. Sending ground troops will cost trillions and cost many American lives. Also the middle east has been on fire for a long time this isn't new.

Free trade is currently being pursued with the asian countries. Trump's attitude would no doubt kill any chance at a deal.

You need to think about these things harder. These issues are more complicated than bumper sticker slogans.

What steps are they taking to reduce pollution ?

The Middle East was smouldering.
Under Obama it's an out off control blaze.

The trade deal with Asian country's is not good for the U.S. And Canada .
That's why Canada refused to sign it.

You should take your on advice and do some research instead of posting liberal talking points.
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Old 08-26-2015, 01:09 PM
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Originally Posted by killerpig View Post
Obama stands for all 4 of these while the other Republican contenders all seem to fail 2 or so of these, yet you don't like Obama. Why is that?
How do you know I don't like Obama? just curious on how you formed that opinion.
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Old 08-26-2015, 01:31 PM
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Originally Posted by stringer View Post
Where is the racism and bigotry in Trumps plan ?
Let's take our lesson from Europe and go bankrupt.
He's talking fair trade you obviously don't know what that means.
I wouldn't suggest Trump is a racist, nor do I think he has a plan for "racism" whatever that might look like. But - He isn't fooling anyone with his disingenuous babbling about "How Mexicans like him" or "I know lot's of Mexicans" and "Many Mexicans work for me" banter. Change the word Mexican to Black, or Women and he has said the same thing.

People who are comfortable with their TRUE feelings/perspectives/perceptions of a group don't need to say things like that. I don't go around telling Asian people that Asians like me, I know lots of Asians or Name one of my other Asian friends. It (Trumps banter on this topic) just gets my guard up - and it smells like the opposite of his desired message to me.

That's my perspective - and that's my honest assessment of him. I could be wrong, but I simply don't think he is genuinely comfortable with race/sex/religion. That's my opinion. Period.

As far as Europe is concerned - Are you suggesting ALL of Europe is going bankrupt? There are many strong (and stable) economies within Europe that are well managed - I would suggest you really look at little closer and compare the EU (and specific countries within) versus the US and see what you find out. If it is beyond your capacity to understand or ascertain the difference between a country like Greece and Germany - I can't be of assistance to you.

Wrong about the "fair trade comment". I can absolutely say I have a firm grasp on the concept, the application of, and the successful execution of the same. I make my living that way. Fair trade only applies to situations where both parties are receiving a benefit, at equal to, or at premium, to other options associated with the trade agreement. Would you disagree?

I think Trump would support a concept of fair trade under this premise, but I would be just as likely to believe he would leverage his power in the short term to benefit America and hurt his partner. The partner, over the long run, will develop a contingency and, eventually, exit this abusive partnership. This could have the effect of long turn pain for short term gain in my opinion. Walmart/Rubbermaid, China/Steel, etc... etc... there are countless examples of this.

My commentary is about my concern that he won't take this into consideration, or, at least, not to the extent he should. Again, if Trump "could" do it the right way - he probably would - but I'm not so sure he would in all cases with all partners to the long term benefit of America.

Last edited by EZM; 08-26-2015 at 01:42 PM.
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Old 08-26-2015, 01:38 PM
killerpig killerpig is offline
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Originally Posted by EZM View Post
How do you know I don't like Obama? just curious on how you formed that opinion.
Oops might have you confused with someone else
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Old 08-26-2015, 01:44 PM
killerpig killerpig is offline
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Originally Posted by stringer View Post
Breitbart is not a reliable source and this article shows clearly why.

They use federal crime statistics to get the 37%. The vast vast majority of violent crime is handled at the state level. Feds are more likely to deal with immigration issues and border crime and thus will be skewed in federal crime statistics.

The violent crime dealt with by the feds represents a small percentage of the overall violent crime.

This is a clear case of using misleading statistics.
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Old 08-26-2015, 01:46 PM
Elixr Elixr is offline
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Originally Posted by killerpig View Post
My vote would be Elon Musk for President, but he has already said he wants nothing to do with politics. Also I don't think he's eligible.

Extremely successful business man who is also very scientifically literate.

Almost all politicians lack a knowledge of science and technology. Would be a nice change to have someone like him. Trump is clearly someone lacking a scientific knowledge as well.
Got any other non candidates you'd like for President?
How about a professional motocross rider because Im sure Trump is lacking in that skill too.

There is absolutely no better person for President at this time than Trump.
And for sure the Democrats need to be punted.
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Old 08-26-2015, 01:54 PM
killerpig killerpig is offline
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Originally Posted by stringer View Post
What steps are they taking to reduce pollution ?

The Middle East was smouldering.
Under Obama it's an out off control blaze.

The trade deal with Asian country's is not good for the U.S. And Canada .
That's why Canada refused to sign it.

You should take your on advice and do some research instead of posting liberal talking points.
China is making climate agreements with US, pushing for renewable energy with large investments and pursuing carbon pricing among other things. Don't really have time to go into more right now.

What decade was there less conflict in the middle east?

Canada hasn't refused to sign yet, it is still under negotiations. You also don't even know what the deal includes yet so how do you even know it's bad?
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Old 08-26-2015, 02:04 PM
Elixr Elixr is offline
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Originally Posted by killerpig View Post
China is making climate agreements with US, pushing for renewable energy with large investments and pursuing carbon pricing among other things. Don't really have time to go into more right now.

What decade was there less conflict in the middle east?

Canada hasn't refused to sign yet, it is still under negotiations. You also don't even know what the deal includes yet so how do you even know it's bad?
There has never been conflict of this magnitude in the Middle East since the Mongol invasion in the 13th century. This new age crisis is nothing like anything in all of its history in reality.
And I believe Trump is the only candidate to handle this global problem

Last edited by Elixr; 08-26-2015 at 02:11 PM.
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Old 08-26-2015, 02:36 PM
Elixr Elixr is offline
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Originally Posted by killerpig View Post
China is making climate agreements with US, pushing for renewable energy with large investments and pursuing carbon pricing among other things. Don't really have time to go into more right now.

What decade was there less conflict in the middle east?

Canada hasn't refused to sign yet, it is still under negotiations. You also don't even know what the deal includes yet so how do you even know it's bad?
The Iran deal as we know it without actually reading it is bad for the free world.
So you are either pro Obama or ???
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Old 08-26-2015, 02:54 PM
stringer stringer is offline
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Originally Posted by EZM View Post
I wouldn't suggest Trump is a racist, nor do I think he has a plan for "racism" whatever that might look like. But - He isn't fooling anyone with his disingenuous babbling about "How Mexicans like him" or "I know lot's of Mexicans" and "Many Mexicans work for me" banter. Change the word Mexican to Black, or Women and he has said the same thing.

People who are comfortable with their TRUE feelings/perspectives/perceptions of a group don't need to say things like that. I don't go around telling Asian people that Asians like me, I know lots of Asians or Name one of my other Asian friends. It (Trumps banter on this topic) just gets my guard up - and it smells like the opposite of his desired message to me.

That's my perspective - and that's my honest assessment of him. I could be wrong, but I simply don't think he is genuinely comfortable with race/sex/religion. That's my opinion. Period.

As far as Europe is concerned - Are you suggesting ALL of Europe is going bankrupt? There are many strong (and stable) economies within Europe that are well managed - I would suggest you really look at little closer and compare the EU (and specific countries within) versus the US and see what you find out. If it is beyond your capacity to understand or ascertain the difference between a country like Greece and Germany - I can't be of assistance to you.

Wrong about the "fair trade comment". I can absolutely say I have a firm grasp on the concept, the application of, and the successful execution of the same. I make my living that way. Fair trade only applies to situations where both parties are receiving a benefit, at equal to, or at premium, to other options associated with the trade agreement. Would you disagree?

I think Trump would support a concept of fair trade under this premise, but I would be just as likely to believe he would leverage his power in the short term to benefit America and hurt his partner. The partner, over the long run, will develop a contingency and, eventually, exit this abusive partnership. This could have the effect of long turn pain for short term gain in my opinion. Walmart/Rubbermaid, China/Steel, etc... etc... there are countless examples of this.

My commentary is about my concern that he won't take this into consideration, or, at least, not to the extent he should. Again, if Trump "could" do it the right way - he probably would - but I'm not so sure he would in all cases with all partners to the long term benefit of America.
Would you consider this to be fair trade.
We import more than we export to China
That puts canada in a trade deficit with China.
Same story with the U.S.
What would be wrong with saying we will only import as much as we export to China ?
I think Trump would have the American people's best interest in mind.
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Old 08-26-2015, 02:58 PM
stringer stringer is offline
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Originally Posted by killerpig View Post
Breitbart is not a reliable source and this article shows clearly why.

They use federal crime statistics to get the 37%. The vast vast majority of violent crime is handled at the state level. Feds are more likely to deal with immigration issues and border crime and thus will be skewed in federal crime statistics.

The violent crime dealt with by the feds represents a small percentage of the overall violent crime.

This is a clear case of using misleading statistics.
Here you go
Stick this in you pipe and smoke it
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Old 08-26-2015, 03:03 PM
stringer stringer is offline
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Originally Posted by killerpig View Post
China is making climate agreements with US, pushing for renewable energy with large investments and pursuing carbon pricing among other things. Don't really have time to go into more right now.

What decade was there less conflict in the middle east?

Canada hasn't refused to sign yet, it is still under negotiations. You also don't even know what the deal includes yet so how do you even know it's bad?
Show me the agreement..
China has been doing nothing to try and reduce their pollution.
Have you every been to China.
You should go sometime it might open your eyes.
16 out of 20 of the most https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Envi...ssues_in_China cities in the world are in China .
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Old 08-26-2015, 03:05 PM
elkivory elkivory is offline
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Originally Posted by stringer View Post
Show me the agreement..
China has been doing nothing to try and reduce their pollution.
Have you every been to China.
You should go sometime it might open your eyes.
16 out of 20 of the most https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Envi...ssues_in_China cities in the world are in China .
Thanks to all of the coal they are burning, guess where it comes down???
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Old 08-26-2015, 03:10 PM
stringer stringer is offline
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Originally Posted by killerpig View Post
China is making climate agreements with US, pushing for renewable energy with large investments and pursuing carbon pricing among other things. Don't really have time to go into more right now.

What decade was there less conflict in the middle east?

Canada hasn't refused to sign yet, it is still under negotiations. You also don't even know what the deal includes yet so how do you even know it's bad?
Do some research before you post.
They might not have to sign the deal if the U.S. Gets their way.
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Old 08-26-2015, 03:16 PM
elkivory elkivory is offline
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Originally Posted by stringer View Post
Do some research before you post.
They might not have to sign the deal if the U.S. Gets their way.
Isn't that a perfect example of how our wonderful Canadian government rips off us consumers on milk, pork, chicken and beef etc. etc. etc..................!!!
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Old 08-26-2015, 03:21 PM
stringer stringer is offline
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Originally Posted by elkivory View Post
Isn't that a perfect example of how our wonderful Canadian government rips off us consumers on milk, pork, chicken and beef etc. etc. etc..................!!!
As trump would say
We have stupid ,incompetent people negotiating our trade deals.
They don't have the people's best interests in mind.
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Old 08-26-2015, 03:22 PM
stringer stringer is offline
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Now back to the latest trump smack down

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Old 08-26-2015, 03:33 PM
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Originally Posted by stringer View Post
Would you consider this to be fair trade.
We import more than we export to China
That puts canada in a trade deficit with China.
Same story with the U.S.
What would be wrong with saying we will only import as much as we export to China ?
I think Trump would have the American people's best interest in mind.
There is a big problem with gross contribution stats as they don't always show you the entire picture.

How have Chinese goods we buy in stores like Walmart effected our buying power as consumers? Are we better off paying 6 bucks for item made in China OR should we pay 25 bucks for a made in the USA version of the same product?

How do Canadian Manufacturers who receive Chinese components (which may be subject to Tariffs) benefit from being able to compete with other global competition as they use these components in the manufacture of a product they sell? If they don't have access to these components maybe they would be out of business as they would be unable to compete. This would lead to less jobs here domestically and a overall drop in our countries GDP - but, of course, that is very hard to measure.

The data you are showing may be accurate - but it may not be complete. It is likely gross, but not likely net.

Trade and Economics within the Supply Chain is complex issue to deal with and can cut both ways.

I don't doubt Trump has what "he" feels is the best interests of America - but is his ego too big to not be an expert on every topic and make radical absolute statements that any person with any knowledge sees is a load of babble?

He's full of it. He's even more full of himself. That's a problem for me. That's my point.

One time ...... just one time ..... I want to hear a politician say "you know, I am not an expert in this area, and I don't know", "I will commit to you that I will get back to you with an answer and we can have a discussion"."At that point I can explain my policy, why I chose that path, and why I think it's the best strategy"...

If I ever heard that - I'd faint with shock ........ but he would get my vote.

Donald's full of it. He is even more full of himself and blinded by his own mega-ego narcissistic view of himself. He is not a good choice for us in North America as far as I'm concerned.

That's my point. No big deal ..... let's move on.
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Old 08-26-2015, 03:48 PM
stringer stringer is offline
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Originally Posted by EZM View Post
There is a big problem with gross contribution stats as they don't always show you the entire picture.

How have Chinese goods we buy in stores like Walmart effected our buying power as consumers? Are we better off paying 6 bucks for item made in China OR should we pay 25 bucks for a made in the USA version of the same product?

How do Canadian Manufacturers who receive Chinese components (which may be subject to Tariffs) benefit from being able to compete with other global competition as they use these components in the manufacture of a product they sell? If they don't have access to these components maybe they would be out of business as they would be unable to compete. This would lead to less jobs here domestically and a overall drop in our countries GDP - but, of course, that is very hard to measure.

The data you are showing may be accurate - but it may not be complete. It is likely gross, but not likely net.

Trade and Economics within the Supply Chain is complex issue to deal with and can cut both ways.

I don't doubt Trump has what "he" feels is the best interests of America - but is his ego too big to not be an expert on every topic and make radical absolute statements that any person with any knowledge sees is a load of babble?

He's full of it. He's even more full of himself. That's a problem for me. That's my point.

One time ...... just one time ..... I want to hear a politician say "you know, I am not an expert in this area, and I don't know", "I will commit to you that I will get back to you with an answer and we can have a discussion"."At that point I can explain my policy, why I chose that path, and why I think it's the best strategy"...

If I ever heard that - I'd faint with shock ........ but he would get my vote.

Donald's full of it. He is even more full of himself and blinded by his own mega-ego narcissistic view of himself. He is not a good choice for us in North America as far as I'm concerned.

That's my point. No big deal ..... let's move on.
Your not listing to what Trump is saying or you don't want to hear.
So I'll lay it out for you.
He's going to have the best negotiators doing the trade deals.
The best generals running the military.
The best lawyers taking care of the illegal alien crisis
The best contractors building the wall.
Etc. etc.etc.etc.
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Old 08-26-2015, 04:02 PM
Elixr Elixr is offline
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Originally Posted by EZM View Post
There is a big problem with gross contribution stats as they don't always show you the entire picture.

How have Chinese goods we buy in stores like Walmart effected our buying power as consumers? Are we better off paying 6 bucks for item made in China OR should we pay 25 bucks for a made in the USA version of the same product?

How do Canadian Manufacturers who receive Chinese components (which may be subject to Tariffs) benefit from being able to compete with other global competition as they use these components in the manufacture of a product they sell? If they don't have access to these components maybe they would be out of business as they would be unable to compete. This would lead to less jobs here domestically and a overall drop in our countries GDP - but, of course, that is very hard to measure.

The data you are showing may be accurate - but it may not be complete. It is likely gross, but not likely net.

Trade and Economics within the Supply Chain is complex issue to deal with and can cut both ways.

I don't doubt Trump has what "he" feels is the best interests of America - but is his ego too big to not be an expert on every topic and make radical absolute statements that any person with any knowledge sees is a load of babble?

He's full of it. He's even more full of himself. That's a problem for me. That's my point.

One time ...... just one time ..... I want to hear a politician say "you know, I am not an expert in this area, and I don't know", "I will commit to you that I will get back to you with an answer and we can have a discussion"."At that point I can explain my policy, why I chose that path, and why I think it's the best strategy"...

If I ever heard that - I'd faint with shock ........ but he would get my vote.

Donald's full of it. He is even more full of himself and blinded by his own mega-ego narcissistic view of himself. He is not a good choice for us in North America as far as I'm concerned.

That's my point. No big deal ..... let's move on.
Thanks for making it crystal clear that you would prefer someone less quick witted and intelligent and doesn't have an immediate answer other than "I'll get back to you with an answer". I see a man like Trump is just too much for you. Thats too bad. But for the rest of us we want a strong and confident leader who is well versed and very well spoken.
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Old 08-26-2015, 04:10 PM
stringer stringer is offline
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Originally Posted by Elixr View Post
Thanks for making it crystal clear that you would prefer someone less quick witted and intelligent and doesn't have an immediate answer other than "I'll get back to you with an answer". I see a man like Trump is just too much for you. Thats too bad. But for the rest of us we want a strong and confident leader who is well versed and very well spoken.
I agree.
Trump is an alpha male.
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Old 08-26-2015, 04:15 PM
stringer stringer is offline
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Here what's wrong with the rest of the nominees in both parties.
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Old 08-26-2015, 04:15 PM
killerpig killerpig is offline
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Originally Posted by Elixr View Post
There has never been conflict of this magnitude in the Middle East since the Mongol invasion in the 13th century. This new age crisis is nothing like anything in all of its history in reality.
And I believe Trump is the only candidate to handle this global problem
In which way is it the biggest since the 13th century? In just the previous century alone the iran-iraq war and the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan clearly had far more deaths.
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Old 08-26-2015, 04:16 PM
elkivory elkivory is offline
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Originally Posted by stringer View Post
Proud to say am I an Alpha Male. Takes one to know which is why I predicted that Trump would win the presidency over a month ago.

Being smart gives us insight most don't enjoy! hehe
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