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Old 11-04-2016, 02:07 PM
Joe Black Joe Black is offline
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my first taken by bow animal

Last edited by jungleboy; 01-01-2024 at 09:40 AM.
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Old 11-04-2016, 07:43 PM
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Originally Posted by Joe Black View Post
my first taken by bow animal
Nice, congrats
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Old 11-04-2016, 08:18 PM
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Old 11-06-2016, 08:39 AM
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Any elk with a bow is a bang up job. Thanks for sharing man.
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Old 11-06-2016, 05:03 PM
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It's been a tough season but I am thankful for this cow elk. She was 266 lbs hanging on the hook at the butcher.

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Old 11-06-2016, 05:27 PM
Slicktricker Slicktricker is offline
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Congrats Kyle! And everyone else
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Old 11-07-2016, 09:00 PM
polishprojectile polishprojectile is offline
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So many great pics! Time to get out and practice with the bow!
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Old 11-12-2016, 06:28 PM
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Was hope for something a bit larger to haul in the carrier, nonetheless it was a good day.

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Old 11-12-2016, 07:14 PM
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It's the Monty Python Killer Rabbit....great shooting
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Old 11-13-2016, 09:53 PM
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Default First elk ever!

My first ever elk, a 7x7, grossing 361" taken with my bow on Oct 10, thanksgiving Monday.
This year is the first year there has been an elk season in the prairie zone that I hunt. I've been watching them and waiting for it for years - and finally, was able to hunt them this year. In early September, a huge old bull had control of the cow herd, and while hunting them, had a great opportunity at a beautiful 320 class 6x6. Unfortunately, I hit him in the shoulder at FIFTEEN yards, got only a couple inches of penetration, I never found him (I later learned that another bowhunter shot him the following week).
Later in September, I learned that another hunter had killed the herd bull (a massive 385" bull) and when I next located the herd of cows, this 7x7 was in control, with several smaller satellite Bulls following the group - including one 320" class 6x6 and a couple other shooter bulls. I chased them for two days, and st one point was able to close the distance to 80 yards fro the big boy - but his cows spooked and took him with them. I had to leave for a vacation with my wife and friends for a week (She should know better than plan a week in the carribean during archery season!), and was worried someone else would shoot "my" bull while I was gone.
Well, after a week in Jamaica (and a close call with hurricane Matthew), we returned home to cold temperatures and SNOW. The very next day, I headed out to the hunting grounds in search of the elk. I found the herd at dusk of the first day, I'd made plans to relocate them the following morning. First light found me on a high hill, glassing the prairie for any sign, and while I didn't locate the herd, I did spot a small group of bulls with one decent sized 5x5. When they disappeared behind some hills about 2 miles away, I thought to myself "I'm almost out of time, and I'd rather get a decent 5x5 bull than nothing". So off I went, after these bullls. One thing I learned this fall, is that a walking elk can cover more ground than a running hunter, so I've learned to cover coulees and low spots quickly, and then to slowly ease over the crest of the hill and glass carefully. Anyway, I crested the hill the bulls had disappeared behind, and NO elk! One more hill stood between me and bald prairie, so I figured they must have bedded on the opposite slope. I circled about 500 yards out to avoid spooking any elk, and when I began glassing, the first thing I saw was a cow elk. "Where'd she come from?"
Easing up a little higher, I saw more and more cows, and finally, saw the big 7x7 bull! I had relocated the herd! As I got a better look, I was able to determine that there were approximately 20 cows in the group, with the herd bull bedded in the middle of them, and there were two sattelite bulls bedded about 10" yards to the west of the main herd. Including the 320 class 6x6 from the week before (to this day, I don't know what happened to the small group of bulls with the decent 5x5 I had originally been targeting that morning).
After surveying the situation, I decided to stalk the 6x6. I figured I had a better chance at sneaking up on him than I did at sneaking up on the bigger bull surrounded by his cows. It was a looong and tiring belly crawl across the almost bald prairie, but after a couple hours, I had managed to close the distance to only 70 yards from the target bull - still beyond my comfortable shooting range, but another 10-20 yards, and I was confident I would have an ethical shot.
Instead, that's when the bull got up to feed... and he wasn't up for more than 10 seconds when the big 7x7 saw him, stood up and CHARGED! The big bull chased the 6x6 over the hill and they both disappeared.
I was SO disappointed. I lay there in the grass feeling sorry for myself, certain that my hunt was over for the day.
But. the big one came walking back over the hill, heading back for his cows. I ranged the trail he was on (45 yards), nocked an arrow, and made a great shot. A little high, but definitely double lunged him! He ran 40 yards and stopped - started wobbling and bedded back down.
For insurance, I snuck up and put another insurance arrow into him, and he was MINE!
So then the real work began... I checked my pockets, went back to the truck and found that I had NO knife. What kind of idiot goes hunting and doesn't bring a knife??? I guess I'm that kind of idiot. So I couldn't Field dress him, which might have made it a lot easier to get him in the truck - as it was, all I had was some rope and a few flimsy ratchet straps. Luckily, I was able to get the truck right to him (thanks to the landowner for previous permission to drive to downed game!)
With the rope and straps, I managed to drag my bull to a small embankment, where I wrestled/pushed/pulled/ratcheted him onto the tailgate - and that was as far as I could get him. I strapped him down, and drove to my camper, which was parked in a landowners yard. Luckily, the rancher was home and willing to loan me a knife, and use the tractor to lift the bull to make for easy gutting.
It was an amazing day. One that I'll never forget, and it led to my taking of a beautiful 7x7 bull with amazing mass. He gross scored 361 P&Y
My only regret (other than not bringing a d@mn knife!) was not taking a bunch of good field pictures after dressing him out and reloading him in the back of the truck. If I can figure out how, I'll follow this up with a couple of pictures of him from that day, before getting him home and in the garage.

Last edited by jungleboy; 01-01-2024 at 09:40 AM.
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Old 11-13-2016, 10:01 PM
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Default First ever elk cont.

Here he is on the back of the truck. This was as far as I could get him on my own.

Last edited by jungleboy; 01-01-2024 at 09:40 AM.
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Old 11-13-2016, 10:07 PM
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Default First elk cont

I'm just learning how to post pictures etc... didn't realize I could have done multiple pictures in one post... these show my buddy holding the rack, and how he looked on the tractor - if you look close, you can see the huge entry holes made by the 2-blade rage.
Before a Mechanical vs fixed blade debate opens up, let me just say that they performed perfectly. I'm normally a montec kind of guy, but a friend suggested them and I'm happy with the way they worked.
The last photo is with my son and his first ever whitetail. Shot on day 2 of rifle season, just north of Airdrie. Scored 139 B&C. I'll post that in the hunting section too

Last edited by jungleboy; 01-01-2024 at 09:40 AM.
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Old 11-14-2016, 07:46 AM
JonBoy JonBoy is offline
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Awesome bull and great story!
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Old 11-17-2016, 09:30 PM
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Originally Posted by Lefty-Canuck View Post
Just after first light, called in six cows....and guess what was following them. 27-30 yard shot and he went another 50-60 before he went down.


Shop at Cabela's in Calgary? I swear I recognise you!
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Old 11-17-2016, 09:37 PM
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Originally Posted by DukesArcher View Post
Shop at Cabela's in Calgary? I swear I recognise you!
No never been to that store actually usually go to the Efmonton stores.

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Old 11-17-2016, 09:58 PM
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Originally Posted by Lefty-Canuck View Post
No never been to that store actually usually go to the Efmonton stores.

Well, I certainly recognise you! Maybe from when I used to live in Edmonton
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Old 11-23-2016, 07:46 AM
jcrayford jcrayford is offline
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Tuesday November 22, shot at 4:05pm. Hunting buddy put me in the right spot at the right time. This guy trailed a doe right past me (extended yardage), one shot through the boiler room, 150 yard recovery. 4x5 Muley. Biggest buck to date with either bow or rifle. The arrow in the photo is 29.5" nock throat to insert to give you an idea.

Sorry for the un-political correctness of the photo (I was in shock and didn't prepare him). And the photo doesn't do him justice (photos never do)


My $0.02.... Please feel free to take my comments with a grain of salt
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Old 11-23-2016, 07:49 AM
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Congrats nice buck! My largest mule deer are archery kills as well.

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Old 11-25-2016, 07:04 AM
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Default Wideguy first Official Meeting

Well on Nov.19th I finally had a face to face meeting with a buck who for the past 3 years had managed to evade my eyes and only grace me with trailcam photos of himself.

Wideguy as I happened to call him for the past 3 years would come by once and only once in early August to let me know " Hey I'm still alive you should probably continue dreaming about me" then disappear until Nov.
But this was the year I told myself Wideguy or bust because I had already taken a moose and didn't absolutely need to put a Whitetail in the freezer.

5:30am I sat in my treestand reviewing the past 2 days of trailcam photos I couldn't help but think " this is the perfect day to be in the stand". We had just finished getting 2 days of snow and wind and this morning was fresh, calm and silent. I knew he walked by last night and that there was a good chance he'd come back my way just before 9am on his way to bed since he had done it a few times previously that week.

8:45am- Hearing nothing I see movement through the aspen and willow on the ridge to the left of my treestand. Even at 60 yards through the brush I know it's him. As his head passes behind the thick aspens I ready my bow. As his head ducks behind the last tree before my shooting lane I come to full draw. He walks into the lane slightly quartering away and I stop him with a "meh" standing still and not looking in my direction I let the arrow fly.

Now I've taken at least 1 Big Game animal with my bow each year since 2009 but whitetail deer have a knack for ducking the string sometimes* this was one of those times.
Wideguy ducked and I immediately knew it was gonna be high and my 495gr arrow and Slick Trick smashed through his spine leaving him paralyzed from just behind the shoulders back. I knocked another arrow quickly hoping that he would struggle broad side and I could get another shot in him to end it quickly but after being at full draw for a few seconds I decided I should go to him instead of extending his pain any longer. I finished him off with my knife and the classic wave of emotions filled my body but also some new ones from being so close to an animal I respected so much as it took its last breath literally in my hands.

It has been a journey with twists until the very end but thank you Wideguy for giving me so many experiences over the past 3 years on my journey to you.
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Last edited by jungleboy; 01-01-2024 at 09:40 AM.
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Old 11-25-2016, 07:59 AM
livinthedream livinthedream is offline
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Very nice deer! Thanks for sharing.
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Old 11-25-2016, 12:51 PM
DerekOlson DerekOlson is offline
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Default Got em!

Well I finally arrow'd one of these bad boys

Last edited by jungleboy; 01-01-2024 at 09:40 AM.
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Old 11-25-2016, 05:45 PM
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Congrats on the archery Ram that's amazing!
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Old 11-25-2016, 05:47 PM
JonBoy JonBoy is offline
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Wow - amazing feat! Congrats. I can't imagine the work and effort it takes to get that close to those animals, especially in winter conditions.
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Old 11-25-2016, 05:56 PM
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Nice work!

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Old 11-25-2016, 08:41 PM
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Originally Posted by DerekOlson View Post
Well I finally arrow'd one of these bad boys
WOW!! 410 or 408?
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Old 11-25-2016, 09:18 PM
DerekOlson DerekOlson is offline
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Default Finally

Thanks guys! Ya 410 draw. Crazy terrain for sure. The only easy thing about the hunt was they were in rut! They could care less about my presence. I actually got to 20 yards of 3 rams which 2 were legal. And had them butting heads and pushing around as one of the 4 ewes with them was in heat. Super cool. Then this guy had his own ewe to himself a few hundred yards away. When I recoup my body and mind I will do a write up. Approx amount of hiking was collectively 50km worth ish. The right horn is 43" beam left horn is 38" !! Carries mass really well through out! Rough score is 185" ish. Will see what pope and young gets him at. I'm thinking around 181" hopefully. Either or to have that beam at 40" is what dreams are made of!!!!!
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Old 11-25-2016, 09:49 PM
pikeslayer22 pikeslayer22 is offline
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Awesome!!! Big Congrats
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Old 11-26-2016, 03:46 AM
Ultimate Predator Ultimate Predator is offline
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BEAUTY ANIMALS for sure congrats!
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Old 11-27-2016, 07:29 PM
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Here's my big kill of the year.... I just thought I would shoot it for the meat it's not a big trophy


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Old 11-28-2016, 08:44 PM
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Bownsaw, congrats on am awesome buck. You've posted some great trail cam pics in the past.
Derek Olson, well done on the ram with a bow!
Backyard, I'm sure he makes book! Might be cook book instead of p&y but it's all the same right?
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