Nocturnal Buck problems
Hey everyone, this is my first year bow hunting and have a couple questions for some of the more experienced guys and galls. I have a quarter section property (160 or so acres) that I’ve been planning to bow hunt, I have 2 cameras up at the moment and have a couple bucks, one shooter consistently on camera but always between midnight and 5am, well before or after hunting light. Unfortunately the property is all crown land to the south so we see a lot of tresspassers on quads and dirt bikes that ignore the private property signs and I’m afraid that’s what’s causing this nocturnal habit. I’m just wondering if anyone had any tips to try and break the habit or how to hunt the property and hoepfully catch a deer walking. It’s almost entirely treed with a few small cut lines sectioning it off and some agricultural fields bordering the property on the north if that helps. I’ll try attaching a picture of the buck in question and see what your opinions are about wether it’s a shooter or wait and pray he survives haha