Originally Posted by Zip-in-Z
Think I said this previously .... No Life Like It ....
Surprised the Mrs & kids haven't convinced you to take them out to the range or course, I'm sure that will change.
Kids here are out of school again, rinks & pools closed, more restrictions, Sylvan has 60 active/98 covid cases, R/D has 236 active/580 cases and it's going to get worst before it gets better.
The missus golfs. It’s just been few and far between when there’s nobody around to watch the kids. It was easier before covid when our parents could come over and (visit?) play babysitter for us.
We’ve both still got all of our extended families in central Alberta and Saskatchewan and it sounds pretty bleak. I’m glad we left when we did but we’ve got our ears open to what’s going on there. It’s a stark contrast to the situation here that’s for sure.