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Old 03-26-2004, 05:44 PM
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Default A Very Impressive Record

Liberal Boondoggles,Fiascos & Fraud

*Broken 1993 Campaign Pomise, Remove GST
*Tainted Blood Secret
*Firearms Boondoggle: $2 billion and growing
*Jane Stewart HRDC scandal: $1 billion
*Jean Chretien Shawinigate: $780 thousand +
*Employment Insurance Ripoff: $40 billion +
*7 year failure to report GST fraud: $1 billion +
*Helicopter Cancellation: $500 million
*Under funded Armed Forces: $Billions
*The Election Gag Law
*Un-tendered contract Bombardier: $100 million
*Rock misrepresentation 1993 RCMP statistics
*Radwanski: Under police investigation
*Somalia inquiry
*Paul Martin's CSL contracts: $161 Million
*Gov.Gen. Adrianne Clarkson: $41 million
*Quebec Sponsorship Fraud: $250 million +
*Administration of Abuse Claims: $200 million
*Department of Defense Fraud: $159 million
*Secret Unity Fund: $40 million
*$$$ Billions and counting...

Do we have enough reasons why one shouldn't vote Liberal, or should we let them continue this Impressive Record?

If you'd like to read up on any of these topics got to:

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Old 03-26-2004, 09:57 PM
Posts: n/a

Geez, that info just boggles my mind. What a bunch of inept clowns, and they've been running the country for 10 years and counting? They've been running it alright, right into the ground. These incompetent jerks have got to go! And they can take Queen Adrienne with them.
Good web site Tuc. Thanks for the heads up.
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Old 03-27-2004, 04:25 AM
Re: A Very Impressiv
Posts: n/a

The WORST part of all of this is that these clowns will STILL probably form the next government. How anyone could vote Liberal is beyond me (hello Ontario?).
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Old 03-27-2004, 09:45 AM
Posts: n/a

Hey Scott,
I think its "Hello Quebec" I believe the Conservatives will do ok in Ontario, looking at the support Harper got in Ontario last week.
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Old 03-27-2004, 02:01 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: A Very Impressive Record (NOT)

Chretien made some terrible decisions in his time but two of the worst were allowing Allan Rock(head) to have his way with gun registration that has cost taxpayers 2 BILLION dollars so far with no end in sight, and selecting Adrienne Clarkson as Governor General. Oh I know, the PM nominates someone for the position and Queen E. is asked to approve it.
She merely rubber stamps the nomination. Queen E. has never blocked a nominee to the position. The decision was Chretien's from the get-go. Queen Adrienne has not cost us anything approaching Rock's debacle but it's her condescending and arrogant attitude that really ticks me off, and she typifies the arrogant, ignorant Liberal government.
The budget for her office has doubled since her time began. She used government aircraft to travel to her summer cottage, squandered 5 MIL to drag her entourage around on her last gig, and the list goes on. As far as I'm concerned she is just another Liberal-pig-at-the-trough. Calamity Jane Stewart 'lost' a billion dollars but there was no big investigation into it like the adscam investigation now underway that was only about one fifth of the bucks that Jane was responsible for squandering. How come?
I really haven't formed an opinion about Paul Martin yet, it's a little early for that. One thing I do like about him is that he can speak the language unlike Chretien who was a national embarrassment on international TV.
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Old 03-30-2004, 01:41 AM
Posts: n/a
Default de-registration

I went to the LUFA website and found some very interesting stuff. Has anybody ever tried "de-registering" their guns like they suggest? I plan to call and enquire about this. Anybody else ever attempted it?:lol
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Old 04-09-2004, 06:42 PM
Posts: n/a
Default A little more Shame

Here's a little more shame to add to the growing list of corruption. Any Canadian that votes for the liberal party needs to have their head examined!

Gun registry ad deal shoots up to $2.1
OTTAWA (Sun Media) — The federal Liberals quadrupled a 2000 ad contract to a whopping $2.1-million in an effort to sell the embattled gun registry to Cana-dians, according to newly released documents.
The lucrative contract, given to Montreal ad firm Groupaction Marketing, was repeatedly amend-ed upwards over 10 months, from $515,740 to $2.1 million.
Some amendments were to
pay for creating TV ads meant to entice Aboriginals into register-ing their firearms.
Groupaction is under RCMP investigation for allegedly billing taxpayers three times — or $1.6 million — for the same report.
Sun Media has reported Groupaction was handed a $330,000 contract under the sponsorship program in 1996 to produce a strategy to sell the gun registry.
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