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Old 03-30-2005, 06:01 PM
Posts: n/a
Default I realize this has been done to death but.........

The horrible tradgedy in Mayerthorpe in the recent past has really stirred up thoughts of the gun registry for me. I really feel the need to make my thoughts known (to somebody, God knows the government won't listen), and this is the best place I know of to do so. Here we go.

It's a pretty well known fact, that the gun registry scandal is at about the two billion doller mark now. I don't know the exact figures, but I'm pretty sure the compliance rate is still fairly low.
Now lets assume that the registry was successful in meeting the liberals agenda, (the one they made public anyway). Every law abiding gun owner registered his guns, all of them. The ones they deem "too dangerous" were all surrendered, cut in 1/2 and burned. Every gun owner had his PAL, and never ever used his gun to break the law.
FOUR INNOCENT HONOURABLE MOUNTIES ARE STILL DEAD.Their families are still left to fend for themselves, and the ***got who shot them still gets off scott free (within our society, in the next phase he will pay dearly for his sins).
The bottom line is, criminals and prospective criminals won't register their guns. They won't buy them from a store, and they won't obtain the appropriate licenses to own/purchase them.

I always keep a low profile about my registration status, but this time I'm gonna let it go. I don't own any registered firearms at all. I refuse. I have never bought a gun from a store in my life. But in the past 2 weeks I have been ooking to add a new 30 cal hunting rifle to my gun cabinet, and have passed up well over a dozen guns, completely unregistered and without papers. Cash and carry, no questions asked. Now what is to stop a criminal from doing the same damn thing? The non-gun owning public seems to think that unregistered guns can only be bought from the back of some hells angels van in Victoria Park. The reality is, unregistered guns are bought and sold from and to normal law abiding citizens every day. And no matter what the government tries to do to stop and/or regulate private gun sales, it will never stop. Those of us that abide by the law otherwise will eventually be dissuaded enough to just give up our sport once they make it difficult enough and the penalties harsh enough. But the reality is, WE DON'T USE OUR GUNS ILLIEGALLY!!! The scumbags that shoot cops, rob stores and invade homes will keep buying guns illiegally (because it will never go away) and keep using them for illiegal purposes. What has been accomplished? The liberals have succeeded in making every hunter and hard headed canadian a criminal. Way to go, the calgary remand centre will have to build a whole new wing to house us all, at a cost of another couple million bucks.

And speaking of the remand centre, lets clarify the definition of the word "criminal" as I have used it n this post. I have a criminal record. As such, I am classified a "criminal". When I got held up for the money in my pocket, I took the a ss holes baseball bat from him and walloped him with it. *poof* aggrevated assault and I'm a criminal. What I mean when I use this word is people that commit real crimes. People that rob liquor stores, and 7 elevens. People that murder other people without just cause. People that hold wmen at gun point and rape them. REAL CRIMINALS. What is this whole registration farce ever going to do to stop these scumbags??

Sorry for the long wind. This has itched at me for a long time, and I finaly snapped this afternoon.
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Old 03-30-2005, 07:50 PM
Posts: n/a

Amen to that!!
The registry is nothing short of a complete and utter waste of yours, mine and every taxpayer's money in this country. Remember to tell 2 friends who to vote for next election and tell them to tell 2 friends, and so on. It's sad when the government of the day wants to make the honest and law respectful taxpayer, who also pays their wage and pays for all their other "programs" CRIMINALS! Doesn't make me feel too proud to be "Canadian".

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Old 04-02-2005, 06:35 PM
Posts: n/a

I just need to point something out guys.

2 BILLION DOLLARS was what it is supposed to cost by 2012. It just went over ONE BILLION at the end of last year I believe.

THIS IS JUST FYI. When we go and aruge to those liberal scum and say two billion they automatically dismiss us because we're not on the facts.

I'm not playing the devils advocate here but if we're going to rant we can't be telling lies because that would make us look no better than those liberal Scum

Did you guys hear about the new legislation?
Prohibited guns other than 12(6) will not be issued Authorization to transport them to ranges. They are now paperweights. While most hunters will shrug their shoulder's because that won't affect them, don't be fooled, it will.

If you think you shouldn't care because black guns are being attacked and you have no use for them, please think Otherwise.

We are in this fight together. It won't be until they come for your hunting guns that you scream so get ahead of the game. They'll start banning the smallest groups and move on.

"who needs a semi auto gun anyways"

Please consider this.


Gun ownership, for what It’s worth

Gun ownership has become one of the most controversial subjects surrounding modern North American culture. The United States has remained slightly more lax with their gun laws as they are blessed with the second amendment. I do not believe in some liberties surrounding guns but I would side with liberty any day over the restraints that have been forced upon us in Canada.

To give a quick background on Canadian gun history handguns were required to be registered since 1934, fully automatic guns were no longer aloud to be owned and transferred by anyone else but those who owned them prior to when they came prohibited in 1978. So you see both fully automatic weapons and easily concealable weapons have been controlled for a very long time. So why are they still in the wrong hands?

Before 1980 most anyone could walk into a store and buy a rifle or a shotgun. The government introduced the F.A.C system where people who wished to acquire long guns and handguns alike had to complete a course to prove they were worthy of the basics of gun ownership. This system was completely rational. I would guess the majority of gun owners support licensing. It’s perfectly rational that a person simply must pass a test to demonstrate safe handling and ownership procedures. I believe licensing is essential. It is simply proving that you are worthy of the basics.

The Canadian long gun registry is one of the biggest mistakes that Canada has ever made. Every single argument that has been put up to why we should have to register guns can be easily reasoned against.

I can never get why people just don’t understand why serial numbers on paper will not prevent crime. Let’s take a look at Mark Lepine. He was a legal gun owner. Had there been a gun registry back then do you really think that would have prevented him from going and killing those women? He was using a common hunting rifle. It was a Ruger mini 14 semi automatic rifle. I highly doubt it would have mattered in the least whether if it was fully automatic, semi automatic or ever a single shot. He would have killed those poor souls anyways no matter what kind of gun it is. You can ban guns but you’ll only disarm the honest law abiding. So because of that incident, ironically it pushed for tougher guns laws such as the registration and other limits. I will say this much. If you believe that because Mark Lepine had his guns registered those people would be living today, you are not worthy or taking on anymore rational movements than your bodily functions.

The Gun registry imposed that all guns had to be registered. A gun defined is any object that propels a projectile faster than 500 FPS. That means there were even airguns that had to be registered because of their velocity. Magazines of semi automatic rifles had to be reduced so they could only fire five rounds. That means magazines that can hold more than five rounds had to have a dinky little rivet put in the side that anyone with half a brain can drill out with a common hand drill in a surprising two-second time span. Of course that’s just silly, criminals will only be restricted to use five round magazines when they go on their killing sprees.

So they registration is implemented. There has been a lot of controversy surrounding the costs. It is undoubtedly true that some conservatives have inflated the costs but the fact still remains that no matter what it costs, it was a lot more than they innitially said it would..

So to bring us up to date the government now knows where a couple million legal gun owners live. They know what long guns those people own. Here’s something to think about. The registry which was solely meant for long guns was supposed to let the police know where legal gun owners guns are and what they own, how many etc. Not only is this a clear indication that legal gun owners can’t be trusted there is a vital flaw. You don’t need to indicate where your guns are. That means while the computer comes up with nine guns on the screen at the house they’re visiting, those guns could very well be at another residence, a cottage, a friend’s who holds a license and where ever else you can think of. On the flip side the police may put the name on the system and see that the person whom they are investigating has a license but has no guns at the time but could very well have borrowed guns from a friend. We are assuming of course that all guns are registered in Canada and that there would never be any illegal imports.

The fact remains that criminals don’t register guns. Criminals do not give a hoot if the gun they have stolen is registered. The only difference would be that if the gun were recovered after a crime the real owner would be notified that his gun was going to be destroyed. There is no moral behind the registry. There is no logic. There is a false sense of security handed down to the liberal minded to know that the evil, villainous hunters, shooters and collectors have the numbers of their guns on file. I also believe that gun registration leads to nothing but confiscation. It has already occurred and will continue to occur as long as the liberals are in power. They’ve banned short-barreled handguns, assorted “evil” looking rifles and certain caliber handguns in which there is no presentable logic. There is no reason that a handgun will a barrel an inch shorter that any other presents more danger. There is no reason .25 and .32 handgun calibers present such a grave threat to society. They’ll succeed in disarming the honest law abiding but the criminals don’t care if they’re prohibited.

Think about this. Put yourself into the mind of a criminal. You are committing a crime. If you are already in the act of committing a felony do you really care what weapon you’re using? Do you care about gun laws? The argument is that if we register guns it will keep them out of the hands of criminals. The only implication found within that statement is that legal gun owners cannot be trusted to do things right and must be constantly supervised in case they decide to sell their guns to unlicensed folk with mal intent.

It is not the law abiding you must punish and I am sad to say if you believe for one moment that the gun registry along with most of these bogus laws will do a damn thing to help crime you are sadly mistaken. The government needs to focus on criminals and not the gun owners. Put money into front line policing. While crime labs are being shut down due to lack of funding we’re pumping millions more into the gun registry which has since existence not proven to save a single life. We now also have four of our finest RCMP officers to back this point. God bless their soles for Canadian Parliament sure did a fine job making sure they were safe from a villainous creature that committed several crimes and was simply given a slap on the wrist.

It’s undoubtedly true that society would be a better place without guns, just as it would be if we didn’t kill each other. If it wasn’t guns, it would be knives. If it wasn’t knifes it would be sticks and stones. People need to stop putting the blame on objects and face reality. When a drunk driver collides with a pedestrian and kills her do we blame the car? Do we push the blame on alcohol? No we focus on the individual just as we should with any other criminal. Inanimate objects are not to be blamed. You don’t sit screaming at a wall when you stub your toe, why should we scream at guns when someone gets shot? Wake up smell the coffee, take off your helmet. The fact remains GUN CONTROL DOES NOT WORK. I don’t care how many soccer moms you can get to sign petitions praising the new legislation and how good the registry is. It’s not the guns you must control it’s the people.

I assure you that if the registration saved lives, gun owners wouldn't be so quick to object. It's the when fact reality comes into play, and if everyone see's the big picture we could control guns without the mass spendings and without incriminating the responsible folk who have had guns forever that never intended any wrong.

Gun registration was an experiment on canadian society. Rather than an Immunization, it has become more of a cancerous limb that needs to be cut off.
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Old 04-07-2005, 05:11 PM
Posts: n/a

thank you..well said.
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Old 04-07-2005, 08:49 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Wow

Wow man, good job. Now why can't all of us that agree with all these points organize and change this crap? OsterB, as informative and in depth as his post was, has only barley scratched the surface of how wrong this fiasco is. Those of us that really want to change things are very limited as to what we can do! Writing letters to MPs and contributing to firearms organizations is a great start, but it dosn't seem to be doing a hell of a lot of good in a timeline. The letters probably find their way into the circular file even faster than we think, and I'd wager a guess that not every dollar of what we send to the organizations finds its way to what we want it to go towards. Canada, (and when I say Canada, I mean Sask. Alberta, B.C and probably NFLD.) needs to gather it's law abiding gun owners who see the truth, and make a solid stand against WHAT IS PAINFULLY OBVIOUSLY WRONG.

Apparently democracy works, thats what they tell us. If we all stand up and say NO! addimently, we are going to draw attention. I talk to gun owners every day that have registered their guns, because "it's just easier than fighting the system". Well, when the system is wrong, we have to have the balls to stand up and call a spade a f-uckin shovel! Legitimate legal gun owners have been entirley too polite (as is the Canadian way) through this entire ordeal. It's about time we make a statement they can't sweep under the rug.

More and more every day, I wonder about making the effort to unite those uf us that say "NO!". I am talking about an honest legitimate organization, that really strives hard to put an end to all of this. Demonstrations on Paul Martins front yard, letter floods to Ottawa. If we absolutley insist every day, that this is wrong, LOUDLY will they be able to hide us like they have in the past??

email me at fishtheplanet@hotmail.com if this struck a nerve with anybody.
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