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MtnGiant 03-26-2013 10:08 PM

Beautiful places in Canada???
What are some of the best places to visit in Canada?

bentley 03-26-2013 10:18 PM

I vote for the Queen Charlotte Islands

fordtruckin 03-26-2013 10:21 PM

Northern Saskatchewan around Dore lake or The park in PA!

GeoTrekr 03-26-2013 10:46 PM

Anywhere in the Canadian Rockies. Ditto for the west coast.

Some might disagree, but I enjoy everything from the prairies, through the Rockies, into the East Kootenays, to the desert climes of interior British Columbia, to the coast. I've never been further east than Winnipeg nor further north than Edmonton (which I hope to make good on some day), but in the little piece of Canada I've seen so far (all of which I have travelled by road), I'm proud of the country, proud of the people who inhabit it, and feel fortunate to be able to experience such a variety of landscapes and natural wonders within the country I call home.

Beautiful places in Canada? Yes. :)

TreeGuy 03-26-2013 10:53 PM

Any Canadian who doesn't take the opportunity to visit the Maritimes at least once really is doing themselves a great disservice. :)

sns2 03-26-2013 10:56 PM

I've been from one end to the other. Rockies goes without saying. West coast of Vancouver Island. However, the hidden gem in my mind that equals all of them for sheer rugged beauty is Gros Morne National Park in Newfoundland. It's stunningly beautiful.

pickrel pat 03-26-2013 10:57 PM

Red earth Alberta or the vinyards of British Columbia.

Iron Brew 03-26-2013 11:01 PM

Been across most of the country, and love what I've seen. From the Eastern tip of Newfoundland (don't forget Gros Morne - unreal - on the must go back to list..., to NS, NB and PEI... Good places. Quebec I really want to see Quebec City, I've heard it's spectacular...

Ontario... well, the Rideau Canal system, the shield country, home of Big Joe Mufferaw, the great lakes (helps I get off the beaten tracks)... Can't say I've seen much of Manitoba or Saskatchewan, but Alberta and BC I love.

If I were a young and single man though, I'd probably be up north of Lliard and into the Territories or Northern BC (Atilin maybe?). I did a canoe trip from Marsh Lake (south of Whitehorse) to Circle City, Alaska. I really want to take Dad on the stretch from Whitehorse to Dawson. Spectacular...

BeeGuy 03-26-2013 11:08 PM

Too many to list really.

Here goes a few I've been too.

West coast of NFLD.
Cabot Trail.
Cavendish Beach.
Peggy's Cove
Bay of Fundy- multiple spots, cape chignecto
Headwater creeks of the miramichi
"The bush" in NB

The western townships of habitant Que.

White River
The three cities, New liskeard, haileybury, cobalt, Temiskaming
Home, the headwaters of the Credit and Nottawasaga
Home #2 Nipigon and north superior
Geogian Bay, Tobermory, Lions Head

Kenora and the lake region


Southern Okanagan
Kruger Mntn,
Mt. Kobau
Mckinney Camp Rd.
OK Falls
Vaseau Lake
Ripley, Madden, and Sawmill/Burnell Lakes
Garnet Lake
Pennask Country
The Little Nicola
Juniper Beach
Big Bar
Blue Lake
Lac Du Bois
James Mtn FSR

Chilco Country
bella bella
Cape Scott
Anywhere in SE BC
Anywhere in NW BC

As mentioned, Haida Gwaii is a special place. Like no other.
gotta stop somewhere I guess

het4human 03-26-2013 11:13 PM

I have pretty much covered the country and lived in every province but the one place I will always love is Abamasagi Lake in N Ont. I guess in the grander scheme there are probably other places that are more spectacular but that place, with the high rock cliffs and water black from the sheer depth - and the only sound is peace, solitary perfection, was like what I imagine heaven to be like. I put in my Will years ago that when I die that is where I want my ashes to be spread.

FallAirFever 03-26-2013 11:13 PM


Originally Posted by sns2 (Post 1905426)
I've been from one end to the other. Rockies goes without saying. West coast of Vancouver Island. However, the hidden gem in my mind that equals all of them for sheer rugged beauty is Gros Morne National Park in Newfoundland. It's stunningly beautiful.

I was lucky enough to spend a week for work on the west coast of NFLD, 2 days at the rig, the rest touring around. Gros Morne was awesome and that trip certainly changed my preconceived notion of what "the rock" was.

Took my family to Vancouver Island last year and would love to go back for longer.

Of course being an Alberta boy I love the Rockies.

moosemad 03-26-2013 11:36 PM

Cabot Trail.

blackpheasant 03-26-2013 11:38 PM

Drove out to the marrytimes a couple times, like Tree said a must go see destination, Canada is such a big/diverse country with so many great places/people to see it really is endless

outcampn 03-26-2013 11:55 PM

Been thru' most of the provinces except for NFLD, PEI, Nunavut, and NWT. NFLD and PEI are in my bucket list.

My favorite place is the Yukon, excluding Whitehorse, the Dempster Highway is the only road in Canada to cross the Arctic Circle. Top of the World highway from Dawson to Boundry AK is beautiful, watch for cariboo and grizz.

TreeGuy 03-27-2013 12:02 AM

I took my family to NS last summer. Heading back again this year too. :)

Anyway, for those that may be interested, here's a link with a ton of pics I posted.

Mekanik 03-27-2013 05:24 AM

For bee

Hiked that trail a few time when I was in university. It's on the NS side of the bay of fundy. I don't know if they've developed it or not since I was last there but the terrain was pretty challenging.

I've been in every province between Alberta and NS. Found something to love about them all. Haven't made it all the way to the left and to the right yet and then there's still the territories that are calling to me as well.


FishingMOM 03-27-2013 06:40 AM


Originally Posted by mtngiant (Post 1905360)
What are some of the best places to visit in Canada?

Pelee Island
Algonquin Park
The Kawartha's
If your a history buff...... Amherstburg Ontario

4thredneck 03-27-2013 06:55 AM

If you look at the map of Alberta, where the North Saskatchewan River "peaks" the second time, that is where I live. Probably one of the most beutiful place's in all of the Alberta plains. I have driven most of the country in a semi and I admit there are some spectacular things to see. Hwy 17 in Ontario along the great lakes, east from North Bay to Ottawa, the Niagra Falls to name a few in Ontario. Quebec City the little bit that I saw, we took a wrong turn and ended up where we weren't supposed to be. The furthest East I went was Oromocto N.B. so I never saw much of the Maririmes. I've been north of Yellowknife on the Ice road and really want to go back to YK in the summer. Travelled lots of BC, but the furthest north i went was Fort Nelson, really cool seeing wolves on the roadkill. Been to Prince Rupert quite a few times. Lived on the island for almost a year in Nanoose Bay. Hauled road oil into Castlegar out of Calgary one summer, what a beutiful drive that is. HiHium lake east of Clinton and North of Savona is really beutiful, spent a summer there in my youth at a remote fishing camp. Lots more but I have to go to work now.

35 whelen 03-27-2013 06:58 AM

Canadian sheild lakes in Northern Manitoba,

Gillfisher 03-27-2013 07:29 AM

Beautifiul places in Canada
The Badlands around Drumheller are pretty amazing


chadyaz 03-27-2013 07:32 AM

Sitting on the rocky shore by the lighthouse in Ucluelet with nothing but the Pacific Ocean to look at.

Staring at a full moon on a clear night sitting beside the fire at Idleback Lake in the south Okanagan

rhuntley12 03-27-2013 08:01 AM

Haven't been to many places outside of Alberta since moving here. Been enjoying the rockies too much.

Lots of places I'd love to see and visit, but if you gave me a week off and paid for everything I'd probably be loading up the trailer and horses.

omega50 03-27-2013 08:09 AM

Old Pinawa Dam in Manitoba
Grand Beach Manitoba- actually made Playboy's list of Top 10 North American Beaches.
Bay of Fundy for the tides-
Annapolis Royal
The Look Off
Fort at Louisbourg

Sushi 03-27-2013 09:35 AM

All of the above. I would add in the old section of Quebec City, Kingston, ON, anywhere along the rugged shores of Lake Superior, and the amazing waterfalls of NWT between Enterprise (near Hay River) and Yellowknife.

recce43 03-27-2013 09:37 AM

this whole damn country is Beautiful

greylynx 03-27-2013 10:01 AM

The high Arctic, west to east including Alert.

silverdoctor 03-27-2013 10:16 AM

Yep, lots of beauty in Canada, but the Rockies are still tops in my books... Took my breath away the first time I seen them, and some of the mountain lakes - incredible doesn't describe them.

Newfoundland has some beauty to it for sure, Gros Morne being one of the best. Been all over the rock, just about every little town - anything on the coast is nice. Some of my favorite spots are my own little slice of heaven, won't share them ;)

I love Nova Scotia, so many pretty little towns. Love driving the Cabot trail. Lived in Annapolis Valley for a couple of years, it's amazing in the summer and fall with all the agriculture around, the smell when everything is in bloom is something i'll never forget. Witnessing the extreme tides stemming from the Bay of Fundy from anywhere in the south west of NS.

Ontario isn't without it's charm, spent alot of time in Muskoka and Orillia camping and fishing. There's plenty to do and see.

Spent some time in southern BC during the winter, must go back and do some touring during the summer.

fish gunner 03-27-2013 10:37 AM

The kootaneys would be top of my list then the west coast ,pretty much all BC. Northern Sask. The Niagara escarpment and most of the Collingwood area. The east coast is right up there . The west is epic the east is just as beautiful on a smaller scale.imo.

Dacotensis 03-27-2013 10:44 AM

Writing on Stone.

cranky 03-27-2013 10:47 AM

My old stompin grounds where i had a clear view of the foothills and the Rockies. Black Diamond,Turner Valley, Longview area. All the years i lived there never got tired of that view.

Seconds would be the Cypress Hills and the Wilmore wilderness and parts of the Qu'Appelle Valley, Sask.

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