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Old 05-30-2011, 11:56 AM
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Originally Posted by Braun View Post
I think you missed the post where the sarcasm in hals post was explained.

good to see that your still around and as single minded as ever. Why is it you only ever seem to post on threads like these.
The only part of the post that was sarcastic was the "I'm a racist" comment. If you're trying to tell me, the rest of his rant was sarcastic, then his post makes no sense whatsoever.

And if my presence bothers you, please feel free to ignore me. Weren't you the one who tried to be "reasonable" and commented on how unproductive "name calling" can be? I guess it doesn't apply to yourself? Thankfully, I'm single minded and don't know any better.
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Old 05-30-2011, 11:59 AM
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Originally Posted by mszomola View Post
Stereotypes are unfortunate but typically 90% accurate , its the culture thats responsible for the actions and everyone contributes to that big picture.
No, they are not 90% accurate. Lol...
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Old 05-30-2011, 12:02 PM
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Originally Posted by TyreeUM View Post
Research and environmental impact assessments are not cut and dry like your examples of sugar/tooth decay etc. Fertilizing your lawn may impact fisheries in your local watershed - but to what extent? When working around water, it is tough not to have some sort of impact. Depending on who has conducted the research, it can be incredibly bias, particularly around an industry with so many negative attitudes surrounding it already. That being said, without being directly involved, it IS quite difficult to form an "educated opinion".
Yes, my intention wasn't to compare the different bodies of knowledge, but instead to point out that a person doesn't have to work directly in the field to have an educated opinion.
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Old 05-30-2011, 12:50 PM
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Originally Posted by Braun View Post
Why is it you only ever seem to post on threads like these.
Braun, I'm going to answer your question and hopefully you'll answer mine. I respond to ignorant posts, because they deserve an answer. They deserve to be ridiculed and laughed at.

Now let me ask you a question. Over the past month, I've seen comments such as:

"They all look the same."
"Stereotypes are 90% true." Meaning what? 90% of all Asian anglers are poachers?
"They can't understand me at Timmys!"
"They need to assimilate into OUR country."
"I'm sure they don't have licenses..." X-Ray vision here? Or wait... a group of Asians... clearly no licenses.

Not to mention we had a thread where F&W were being called out continuously against Asians, who weren't poaching and were just out trying to have a fun day.

So Braun, that leads me to my question to you. With all these posts on this forum, how is it that you never say anything regarding these idiotic posts? You don't have the balls to stand up and say/do the right thing, but instead ask me why I do?
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Old 05-30-2011, 12:51 PM
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Originally Posted by boot View Post
Braun, I'm going to answer your question and hopefully you'll answer mine. I respond to ignorant posts, because they deserve an answer. They deserve to be ridiculed and laughed at.

Now let me ask you a question. Over the past month, I've seen comments such as:

"They all look the same."
"Stereotypes are 90% true." Meaning what? 90% of all Asian anglers are poachers?
"They can't understand me at Timmys!"
"They need to assimilate into OUR country."
"I'm sure they don't have licenses..." X-Ray vision here? Or wait... a group of Asians... clearly no licenses.

Not to mention we had a thread where F&W were being called out continuously against Asians, who weren't poaching and were just out trying to have a fun day.

So Braun, that leads me to my question to you. With all these posts on this forum, how is it that you never say anything regarding these idiotic posts? You don't have the balls to stand up and say/do the right thing, but instead ask me why I do?
This, this, 100% this!
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Old 05-30-2011, 01:32 PM
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Originally Posted by boot View Post
Braun, I'm going to answer your question and hopefully you'll answer mine. I respond to ignorant posts, because they deserve an answer. They deserve to be ridiculed and laughed at.

Now let me ask you a question. Over the past month, I've seen comments such as:

"They all look the same."
"Stereotypes are 90% true." Meaning what? 90% of all Asian anglers are poachers?
"They can't understand me at Timmys!"
"They need to assimilate into OUR country."
"I'm sure they don't have licenses..." X-Ray vision here? Or wait... a group of Asians... clearly no licenses.

Not to mention we had a thread where F&W were being called out continuously against Asians, who weren't poaching and were just out trying to have a fun day.

So Braun, that leads me to my question to you. With all these posts on this forum, how is it that you never say anything regarding these idiotic posts? You don't have the balls to stand up and say/do the right thing, but instead ask me why I do?
I have posted on some of these thread. However I must pick and choose because I generally don't have the time to follow 50 posts a day on a single thread. Also there gets a point where some posts become too frustrating to even bother with. I have seen these threads that you are making reference too and I do recall writing a post about them. I am of the opinion that race is an important part of a description. and quite typically is the first thing stated when giving a description. just like if I was describing a car I would name the color first followed by the make, model. However that doesn't mean I am being racist. Just providing an accurate description. I think people jump way to quickly when someone says they witness and asian poaching. Personally, I see that as a statement of fact. If he were to say....."some slanty eye ****er was keeping everything he caught. figures, wouldn't expect anything else." then yes that is racism.

However, to answer your question about why I don't "stand up" when i see someone post something like that.... Several reasons. 1. A waste of my time to engage in a dirt bag like that because there is no way I am going to magically help him change his mind. 2. because I know that it is only ever going to escalate and just **** me off even more. 3. because I have learned through my law classes that people really need to watch what they say and how they say things on the internet, in-person, on the phone. and finally, I make it a point to never directly engage in this type of thing. just like I wouldn't stick my nose in an argument in a bar. Unfortunately, in this day and age you never know what an individual is capable of. So just like I wouldn't interfere with a gang fight on the street because I personally don't have a desire to be stabbed, I don't typically engage in highly con traversal things such as racism because you never really know what is lurking around.

In regards to F&W being called to false reported information about ethnic groups, I really can't comment on that. I have not been reporting ethnic groups poaching or potentially poaching. In fact, thankfully I have never had to use the RAP line yet. There are some instances where I could have but I opted to talk to the people instead and they actually just didn't fully understand the regs. But if other people are reporting just based on ethnic group, I do not support that however, I cannot really help that situation.

By the way, my comment to you wasn't in regards towards you commenting on the race part but more towards the way you write and some of the very bold statements you commit to in combination with the facts and examples you present. If it wasn't for the tense and the way you write, your positions and statements wouldn't rub me the wrong way so much no matter how much I disagree with them. you are entitled to your opinion and i respect that 100%. but you write as if you spent years doing research on (for example) fishing pressure and poaching in Canada and are on the forefront of said research and find that the fishing pressure in Alberta is no different then that in Ontario. Just an example. however, studies actually prove the exact opposite. but the way you posted is as if your "research" suggests otherwise.

My apologies for coming off as asinine as I did in my first post and I guess I should really exercise more caution to not say anything if I dont have anything nice to say. But from recollection of your posts in past threads..... I am not sure why exactly but they just always seem to rub me the wrong way. I consider myself to be a really nice guy and understanding by nature as I am typically able to see anyone's side of an argument and would rather find a common ground with everyone. As much as I would like to believe everyone could get along, I just think some people just don't. if you have any questions on fishing ever I would be more than helpful to give you any information that will benifit you because i bear no ill will towards you. But when it comes to these kind of "political" or "social" debates, i think we are like oil and water.

Last edited by Braun; 05-30-2011 at 01:39 PM.
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Old 05-30-2011, 01:47 PM
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I dono. maybe I am wrong and the only one that sees that about your posts. Which is possible and maybe your posts just rub me the wrong way for who knows why.
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Old 05-30-2011, 02:05 PM
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Originally Posted by Braun View Post
I dono. maybe I am wrong and the only one that sees that about your posts. Which is possible and maybe your posts just rub me the wrong way for who knows why.
I'm sure my posts rub alot of people the wrong way (some intentional... some not so intentional).

One of the main issues I have with using the "Asian description" excuse on this forum is that it provides no real benefit, except to stereotype. As an example, what if I owned a beige toyota sienna? I would honestly feel threatened, due to the attitudes on this forum. Imagine me and a couple of buddies coming out of a beige toyota sienna. Could I expect my tires to be deflated or slashed? Windows smashed? Maybe a physical altercation? How many ignorant yahoos does it take to cause some serious harm? Let me answer that... only 1. Lucky for me, I don't own a beige sienna, but I pity any Asian angler that does, because the only description we have is Asian.

Anyhow, the stories go on and on. Lucky for me, I don't typically fish the areas that have so far been "Asian poached", but I would be seriously uncomfortable fishing those lakes with some of the attitudes that get expressed on this forum.

Am I an expert in racism, poaching or fishing pressure? No, absolutely not, but that won't stop me from expressing my opinion and maybe helping to change things little by little.
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Old 05-30-2011, 02:32 PM
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So if someone describes another as "Asian" he's a racist? what a bunch of horse hockey.

If someone is described as white, id that racism?

I saw a white guy beating his wife. Is that racist?

I saw an Asian guy getting beat by his wife. How about that is that racist?

There's a bunch of people who need to get over themselves and realize that people and dogs and cats come in different colors.

I have black lab, wanna call the animal rights people?

Noun: The belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, esp. so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.

This is not the same as reporting poachers who happen to be green , yellow, black or Asian.

I will condemn racists at any time, but I will also argue for those who use some common sense, instead of turning everything into 'race '

Get over it. There are different races. hopefully there always will be.
I'm not lying!!! You are just experiencing it differently.

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Old 05-30-2011, 02:33 PM
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Old 05-30-2011, 02:37 PM
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Originally Posted by boot View Post
I'm sure my posts rub alot of people the wrong way (some intentional... some not so intentional).

One of the main issues I have with using the "Asian description" excuse on this forum is that it provides no real benefit, except to stereotype. As an example, what if I owned a beige toyota sienna? I would honestly feel threatened, due to the attitudes on this forum. Imagine me and a couple of buddies coming out of a beige toyota sienna. Could I expect my tires to be deflated or slashed? Windows smashed? Maybe a physical altercation? How many ignorant yahoos does it take to cause some serious harm? Let me answer that... only 1. Lucky for me, I don't own a beige sienna, but I pity any Asian angler that does, because the only description we have is Asian.

Anyhow, the stories go on and on. Lucky for me, I don't typically fish the areas that have so far been "Asian poached", but I would be seriously uncomfortable fishing those lakes with some of the attitudes that get expressed on this forum.

Am I an expert in racism, poaching or fishing pressure? No, absolutely not, but that won't stop me from expressing my opinion and maybe helping to change things little by little.
if you felt threatened just because you own the same vehicle as a poacher.... then you have insecurity issues. 999,999 of 1,000,000 can understand that one case or in your example one beige sienna driver doesn't imply that all other beige sienna drivers are going to be the same person. And 99% of that 1 in 1,000,000 dont have the balls to actually confront someone anyways. Just run to the internet to act tough. Step out from your shelter my friend. If you paint the world with such a coarse brush as you do the racists then you are really no different. Seriously, if your that paranoid that mankind is so terrible that you are afraid that because you share a the color of skin/ vehicle as one reported poacher, that they will lash out against you then you are no better. If you want to truely benefit and help change the way society thinks then I suggest you take your own advice and "stand up" but not on the internet but where your hidden. thats what the racists do. drive that beige sienna with pride, fish legally, and when someone says oh theres a beige mini van and sees you releasing your fish they will go... "oh, i guess thats not them, maybe toyota made more than one...." and from then on they probably wont even notice when a beige minivan pulls up.

I take it from the tone of your post that you are of an eastern ancestral decent. Given your paranoia of backlash against something that people post online, I think you are a little sensitive to the word "asian". and honestly do not take it the wrong way but I seriously think that you need to get some thicker skin (no racial pun intended). I have several asian friends. and I know that several on this forum of that decent do not find the word at all to be negative. It definitely can be used negatively...... but in terms of identifying an individual, a very functional tool. and someone laid it out very well earlier in this thread but I will try to put it a different way. If I was a sketch artist and I was sketching a culprit..... Ethnicity is a crucial starting point. Blacks, Whites, Browns, and asians have very very very different facial features. and yes, I am sure that Chinese and Japanese and whoever else do too. However, socially they are typically grouped together. Not because we are being racist whites. but because in our culture, we have never had to distinguish between the two like one would if they were livign in china or japan. Also, the physical characterises between the two cultures are very similar. In some individuals it is easier to distinguish between the two cultures but in several it is not. Especially when they are "westernised". Eye shape, nose, facial shape, facial structure. These would all be crucial to a sketch artist for an ACCURATE depiction of a culprit. All these features are different across blacks, whites, browns and asians. If i was sketching someone and the witness at the last minute said oh and hes black. I would smack him upside the head because i would need to start my drawing all over again. As stated above. It is not and should not be a negative word. unfortunately it some times is used in a negative tense. and I know several that agree with me. And seriously, if you have a problem with that, then you damn well better learn how to distinguish between a Canadian and an american because i know lots of people that would want to punch the person in the face for grouping the two in the same category...... good luck with that.
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Old 05-30-2011, 02:38 PM
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Originally Posted by Redfrog View Post

Noun: The belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, esp. so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.

I will condemn racists at any time, but I will also argue for those who use some common sense, instead of turning everything into 'race '
Just a few posts back, mszomola stated that 90% of the stereotypes are true (referring to Asians being poachers). Please start the condemning... or is 90% not high enough?
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Old 05-30-2011, 02:44 PM
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Think you boys have fed the Troll enough....he's right the world is wrong...and tomorrow the sun will come up in the West and he'll be happy....
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Old 05-30-2011, 02:46 PM
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Originally Posted by boot View Post
Just a few posts back, mszomola stated that 90% of the stereotypes are true (referring to Asians being poachers). Please start the condemning... or is 90% not high enough?
Thats just his opinion. yes he is guilty of sterotyping and when I read that I was like, "whoh, ok. Do not sell white sheets to this guy" JK. but that is one person. you are doing no better by saying that everyone in society is going to come after you if you were to drive a beige sienna. I'm just calling it as I see it.
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Old 05-30-2011, 02:50 PM
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Originally Posted by chubbdarter View Post
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Old 05-30-2011, 02:51 PM
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Originally Posted by chubbdarter View Post
Thanks chubbs. You always know how to take a thread back a notch
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Old 05-30-2011, 02:52 PM
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Originally Posted by Braun View Post
if you felt threatened just because you own the same vehicle as a poacher.... then you have insecurity issues. 999,999 of 1,000,000 can understand that one case or in your example one beige sienna driver doesn't imply that all other beige sienna drivers are going to be the same person. And 99% of that 1 in 1,000,000 dont have the balls to actually confront someone anyways. Just run to the internet to act tough. Step out from your shelter my friend. If you paint the world with such a coarse brush as you do the racists then you are really no different. Seriously, if your that paranoid that mankind is so terrible that you are afraid that because you share a the color of skin/ vehicle as one reported poacher, that they will lash out against you then you are no better. If you want to truely benefit and help change the way society thinks then I suggest you take your own advice and "stand up" but not on the internet but where your hidden. thats what the racists do. drive that beige sienna with pride, fish legally, and when someone says oh theres a beige mini van and sees you releasing your fish they will go... "oh, i guess thats not them, maybe toyota made more than one...." and from then on they probably wont even notice when a beige minivan pulls up.

I take it from the tone of your post that you are of an eastern ancestral decent. Given your paranoia of backlash against something that people post online, I think you are a little sensitive to the word "asian". and honestly do not take it the wrong way but I seriously think that you need to get some thicker skin (no racial pun intended). I have several asian friends. and I know that several on this forum of that decent do not find the word at all to be negative. It definitely can be used negatively...... but in terms of identifying an individual, a very functional tool. and someone laid it out very well earlier in this thread but I will try to put it a different way. If I was a sketch artist and I was sketching a culprit..... Ethnicity is a crucial starting point. Blacks, Whites, Browns, and asians have very very very different facial features. and yes, I am sure that Chinese and Japanese and whoever else do too. However, socially they are typically grouped together. Not because we are being racist whites. but because in our culture, we have never had to distinguish between the two like one would if they were livign in china or japan. Also, the physical characterises between the two cultures are very similar. In some individuals it is easier to distinguish between the two cultures but in several it is not. Especially when they are "westernised". Eye shape, nose, facial shape, facial structure. These would all be crucial to a sketch artist for an ACCURATE depiction of a culprit. All these features are different across blacks, whites, browns and asians. If i was sketching someone and the witness at the last minute said oh and hes black. I would smack him upside the head because i would need to start my drawing all over again. As stated above. It is not and should not be a negative word. unfortunately it some times is used in a negative tense. and I know several that agree with me. And seriously, if you have a problem with that, then you damn well better learn how to distinguish between a Canadian and an american because i know lots of people that would want to punch the person in the face for grouping the two in the same category...... good luck with that.
This is where we'll have to disagree. We are not F&W. We are not sketch artists. We're a fishing community and quite frankly, we don't need need a race description for every poaching activity. I'm sorry that you cannot see how irrelevant a race description is on a fishing forum. It serves zero purpose on this forum, except to spread stereotypes. If you can describe just 1 purpose a race description has on this forum, I'd be happy to eat my words.

Also, I've said this many times, but I do not find the word Asian to be offensive and I embrace what I am. If you can't feel the hostility and ignorance by some members of this forum, then there's nothing else I can say. You choose to ignore the words/actions of the idiots out there and ask me to grow thicker skin... interesting.
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Old 05-30-2011, 02:54 PM
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Originally Posted by boot View Post
Just a few posts back, mszomola stated that 90% of the stereotypes are true (referring to Asians being poachers). Please start the condemning... or is 90% not high enough?
Thanks so much for emphasizing my point.

You take a passing comment from this fishing forum as the guy being racist.

You need to GET OVER yourself. Use some common sense. Do you think he did research or a lifelong study to come up with 90%? Besides 90 % of the studies are wrong 18 times out of 20 mostly, sometimes.

You really are hyper sensitive if you think that was a racist remark.

Some Asians are poachers, get over it. Lately a lot of the people who have been reported and posted on this board are Asians.
Does not mean all, 90%, 80% or 10% oF Asians are poachers.

I hunt and fish with friends of different ethnic backgrounds and race, including Asians. THEY DON'T POACH.

Have you ever seen a poacher? Was he Asian? Did you report him? How did you describe him. If you haven't done these things, then pretend it happened and answer the questions.
I'm not lying!!! You are just experiencing it differently.

It isn't a question of who will allow me, but who will stop me.. Ayn Rand
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Old 05-30-2011, 02:55 PM
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Originally Posted by Braun View Post
Thats just his opinion. yes he is guilty of sterotyping and when I read that I was like, "whoh, ok. Do not sell white sheets to this guy" JK. but that is one person. you are doing no better by saying that everyone in society is going to come after you if you were to drive a beige sienna. I'm just calling it as I see it.
I never said that either. I said it takes just one person to decide to be a hero and ruin my day.... but lucky for me, I don't have a beige sienna.
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Old 05-30-2011, 02:55 PM
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Originally Posted by harryones View Post
admit it...you tapped your toes and sung along?
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Old 05-30-2011, 02:57 PM
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Originally Posted by hal53 View Post
Think you boys have fed the Troll enough....he's right the world is wrong...and tomorrow the sun will come up in the West and he'll be happy....
WTF!! The sun comes up on in the west, dammit I didn't know! I have sooo much work to do now before the dawn.
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Old 05-30-2011, 02:58 PM
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all i can say is thank Gawd we are Canadians
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Old 05-30-2011, 03:01 PM
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Originally Posted by Redfrog View Post
Have you ever seen a poacher? Was he Asian? Did you report him? How did you describe him. If you haven't done these things, then pretend it happened and answer the questions.
Sure, I'll answer your questions. I've never had to call RAP, but if I did, I would provide the full description. I would guess ethnicity/age/build and vehicle (if I was sure which vehicle). I'd have no problems calling it in and providing any and all details.

Would I then come to this forum and scream, "I caught Asians poaching!"? No, I wouldn't. What purpose does that serve? I'll tell you what it does. It causes all the ignorant yahoos to call in RAP everytime they see 3 or more Asians fishing together. It forces F&W to go out on a wild goose chase all day long.

Why am I arguing? LOL
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Old 05-30-2011, 03:02 PM
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What a waste of band width this has become....anybody at all remember what the OP's opinion was???? SHEESH!!!!!!!......
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Old 05-30-2011, 03:15 PM
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Originally Posted by boot View Post
This is where we'll have to disagree. We are not F&W. We are not sketch artists. We're a fishing community and quite frankly, we don't need need a race description for every poaching activity. I'm sorry that you cannot see how irrelevant a race description is on a fishing forum. It serves zero purpose on this forum, except to spread stereotypes. If you can describe just 1 purpose a race description has on this forum, I'd be happy to eat my words.

Also, I've said this many times, but I do not find the word Asian to be offensive and I embrace what I am. If you can't feel the hostility and ignorance by some members of this forum, then there's nothing else I can say. You choose to ignore the words/actions of the idiots out there and ask me to grow thicker skin... interesting.
Oh im not disagreeing with you that strictly based upon a report of a fishing forum that it does not service any purpose to provide a ethnicity in a poacher report. heck. it is does not service any purpose to post a poacher report when you use that logic. its not going to help my fishing nor is to going to help me make a decision on tactics I will use to fish. Just like someone posting on facebook that they are eating mcdonalds or "feeling blaH" or my favorite "Mmmmm". but yet people post them. People post on this site to rant, to talk to others, to fill a social void that they do not get to fill other wise because of location, schedule or whatever ever. And true some use it to stir the pot and be a bonehead.

My point is that alot of things are irrelevant and technically serve no purpose. One of those things is like you say, reporting ethnicity in a poaching report. However reporting a poacher on this thread serves no purpose either. We are not CO's or fish and wildlife (as you had stated) so we are not going to investigate a poacher account. so therefore why do people even post them? I dono, Why do people think I care what they ate, how they feel or what they are doing? (if you cant tell I am definitely not a facebook user. I'm on there but I never Check my profile or others for that matter) This forum is a blogging tool. People write here as I mentioned, To serve some social purpose regardless of relevancy to how the fishing is, what I caught X fish on, and how do I rig a worm. Just like facebook, If you feel it is irrelevent that certain information is disclosed on here, you have the option to 1. not reply. 2. not use this forum

as you stated. Everyone has the right to write what they wish. If they want to make a poaching report, thats their right. If they want to include a description of the individual they saw poaching, thats their right. Do they have the right to be racist about that description no but some people choose to do so anyways. and you know what 90% of people on this forum don't do that. but to say that they should not be allowed to include that detail if they so choose to give a poaching report is censorship. unfortunately I believe the world does need more censorship in alot of ways. but this is not one of them. If you don't like hearing people including it regardless of their tone, you may choose one of the above mentioned options. Otherwise you must await under your bridge to attack those who actually make racist comments rather than fight the use of the word itself
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Old 05-30-2011, 03:18 PM
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Originally Posted by hal53 View Post
What a waste of band width this has become....anybody at all remember what the OP's opinion was???? SHEESH!!!!!!!......
Im not sure but it may or may not been regarding fishing
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Old 05-30-2011, 03:19 PM
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Originally Posted by chubbdarter View Post
admit it...you tapped your toes and sung along?
hell yes i did
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Old 05-30-2011, 03:19 PM
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Originally Posted by Redfrog View Post
Thanks so much for emphasizing my point.

You take a passing comment from this fishing forum as the guy being racist.
It's just a passing comment? Based on your definition, his words fit exactly the definition... well 90% as opposed to 100%. It doesn't matter how accurate his statement is. He believes that 90% of the stereotypes are true.

Anyhow, any set of words can be shrugged off a passing comments. I guess if they don't wear white hoods over their face, it's all good your books.
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Old 05-30-2011, 03:29 PM
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Originally Posted by Braun View Post
Oh im not disagreeing with you that strictly based upon a report of a fishing forum that it does not service any purpose to provide a ethnicity in a poacher report. heck. it is does not service any purpose to post a poacher report when you use that logic. its not going to help my fishing nor is to going to help me make a decision on tactics I will use to fish. Just like someone posting on facebook that they are eating mcdonalds or "feeling blaH" or my favorite "Mmmmm". but yet people post them. People post on this site to rant, to talk to others, to fill a social void that they do not get to fill other wise because of location, schedule or whatever ever. And true some use it to stir the pot and be a bonehead.

My point is that alot of things are irrelevant and technically serve no purpose. One of those things is like you say, reporting ethnicity in a poaching report. However reporting a poacher on this thread serves no purpose either. We are not CO's or fish and wildlife (as you had stated) so we are not going to investigate a poacher account. so therefore why do people even post them? I dono, Why do people think I care what they ate, how they feel or what they are doing? (if you cant tell I am definitely not a facebook user. I'm on there but I never Check my profile or others for that matter) This forum is a blogging tool. People write here as I mentioned, To serve some social purpose regardless of relevancy to how the fishing is, what I caught X fish on, and how do I rig a worm. Just like facebook, If you feel it is irrelevent that certain information is disclosed on here, you have the option to 1. not reply. 2. not use this forum

as you stated. Everyone has the right to write what they wish. If they want to make a poaching report, thats their right. If they want to include a description of the individual they saw poaching, thats their right. Do they have the right to be racist about that description no but some people choose to do so anyways. and you know what 90% of people on this forum don't do that. but to say that they should not be allowed to include that detail if they so choose to give a poaching report is censorship. unfortunately I believe the world does need more censorship in alot of ways. but this is not one of them. If you don't like hearing people including it regardless of their tone, you may choose one of the above mentioned options. Otherwise you must await under your bridge to attack those who actually make racist comments rather than fight the use of the word itself
This is excellent. This is what I've been trying to get at. Yes, this forum allows individuals to express their opinions and "semi-blog" their activities. Now if we dig deeper and ask, what relevance does a race description have on a poaching thread? What positive benefits does adding a race description to do your post? I can't think of a single benefit. What negative side effects will a race description have? It encourages stereotypes, wastes F&W resources, etc etc.
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Old 05-30-2011, 03:32 PM
NSRfishing NSRfishing is offline
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give up allready
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