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Old 04-15-2005, 02:44 PM
buying /selling unregistered guns.
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Default buying /selling unregistered guns.

There is a post in the classifieds, where some one is looking for an unpapered rifle. I asked for some clarification of "unpapered" and the thread no longer was about buying a rifle, so I came here to address some of the concerns I had.

"Lighten up a little Redfrog.There are bigger fish to fry than this.I'm not saying owning a unregistered gun is right but there does come a time when government goes too far and you have to make a stand.Your only fooling yourself if you think the gunregistry is here to help law enforcement agencies and help in the fight against crime.It's a way to track all the firearms in the homes of law abiding people and some day confiscate them and every one knows this unless your really niaeve."

DJ, I have no idea where you got the idea that I thought or said the gun registry served any useful purpose to anyone. Please do not put words in my mouth.

I agree that it is a way to track firearms and their owners. I think it is the single biggest screw up and fraud that the federal gov't has ever tried to perpetrate against the citizens of this country in my lifetime, and I've seen plenty.

I don't care if someone has an unregistered firearm. I don't care if they sell that firearm. I don't care if someone buys the thing. But when it is advertised on the internet, supported on the internet and promoted on an outdoor message board as a normal transaction, I do have a problem with it.

These sales have NOTHING to do with telling the gov't "Enough is enough" If that is the intent of the transaction, then join Edward Hudson and his crew and head to Ottawa and do it on the steps of Parliament. Get yourself arrested and your property seized. Get charged and pursue relief for your beliefs in the courts.
These guys are trying to do something positive and I support them.

Otherwise all this does is expose the buyer/seller to scrutiny,search and seizure by anyone with a gun registry agenda, who reads this board.

It reinforces the antis views, however flawed, of a gun owner. It gives ammunition to their argument, whether it is factual or simply fodder to be twisted to suit their purpose.

The anti gun people do not need our help to further their cause. Why any gun owner would help them escapes me.
We should be putting our efforts into helping get this piece of trash law where it belongs and the people that brought it into effect should be thrown out of office.

So DJ, in your view, has the gov't "gone too far"? Is it time to "make a stand"? If so, how would you suggest we go about it. Sounds like you and I are on the same side of this issue.

And would you help me out here. I don't know of any bigger fish to fry than the registry. Tell me what you think is more important than wasting 2 billion dollars to turn law abiding citizens into criminals, make laws that the law enforcement have no stomach to enforce, put in place laws to confiscate private property without compensation, all the while doing absolutely NOTHING to make our country or citizens safer.

I hope this has cleared up where I stand on the registry. I think there are better ways to deal with it than standing up , thumbing my nose and saying" Take your best shot".
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Old 04-15-2005, 03:12 PM
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Default Re: osterb

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Old 04-15-2005, 03:49 PM
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Default osterb

If you don't want to talk to me, why keep posting on my comments?
BTW. Nice recovery, but I have copies of the first post.
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Old 04-15-2005, 03:50 PM
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Default Re: osterb

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Old 04-15-2005, 03:53 PM
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Default DJ

There's no easy way to fight the problem. If it was a simple as letting the gov't know our displeasure, the registry would never have seen the light of day.

We must support the gun groups that continue to fight on our behalf and we must use our heads. It takes afocus and funds to fight the gov't. If you are not willing to give up your freedom or your guns to prove your point then support those that are.
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Old 04-15-2005, 03:54 PM
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Default Re: osterb

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Old 04-15-2005, 04:33 PM
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Default Re: osterb

Hey Redfrog,I'm not trying to put words in your mouth but the message I got from your first post in the classified section is that you were all for gun registration and all for critisizing the people that don't obide by it.Sorry,I misunderstood what you said.Reading your first post on this thread clears it up and realize what you meant.However,you are concerned about people going onto the internet and advertising thier intent on owning unregistered firearms.Maybey the Government needs to know just how exactly people feel about this and how far they are willing to go to defy them.This gun registry is totally ludicrous and maybey as gun owners we have to take ludicrous measures to let them know how we feel.
In case your wondering,yes I have wrote letters to my MP as well as the priemers office to try and get them to use the not withstanding clause here in Alberta.But these types of message conveying do not seem to be working.The liberal government we a have in power(hopefully not much longer) are not willing to even consider throwing this legislation out even after confessing it is not working.What is there left to do?It is very frustrating no matter how you look at it.
Maybey advertising on the internet is not such a good idea,I don't know.It is not personally something I would do but I guess the point I'm making is that because someone else has done it I don't think any of us here should be jumping all over him.
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Old 04-15-2005, 08:14 PM
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Default Re: DJ

Yup, I'm licensed to own a firearm allright. But registration is too much for me. Throw me in jail, swallow the key, whatever.

I should probably shut up now, I'm sure Adolf RedFrog is on the phone with the Feds as we speak
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Old 04-15-2005, 11:34 PM
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Default re

I'm sorry I got caught up in this mess.I'm 100% against gun registration and am all for the fight against it.After your comments Redfrog you have made it quite clear that you are also in the same boat.Sorry once again.
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Old 04-17-2005, 02:15 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: DJ

Since I started this, I might as well throw my 2 bits in too. Some of you agree with advertising an unregistered gun, some of you don't....whatever, what I post is up to me.

By advertising an unregistered gun, I am not trying to make any statement, for registration or against it, I'm just advertising something I have for sale. If you want to turn it into an episode of Jerry Springer, have at 'er, it's little more than amusement for me.

If you really want to get philisophical about the "underlying message" in my For Sale post. Here it is:

I am thumbing my nose at gun registration. I won't do it, and I don't care who knows. It's a non issue for me, and always will be.

If more of us just simply refused (not bashing anybody that registers) it would make the whole farce look even worse than it already does. We all have our different ways of protesting.
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